Chapter Forty-Eight

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Harry awoke early the next morning and he decided to have his morning coffee on his and Louis' bedroom balcony. He sat down in one of the plush deck chairs and sipped at his coffee as he started to write in his battered old journal. He was so deeply engrossed in the lyrics that he was writing that he didn't hear Louis come up behind him. He felt petite hands on his shoulders and he jumped slightly, looking back to see his beautiful fiancé bathed in the warm glow from the arising sun,

"Morning. How long have you been up?" Louis asked, pressing a kiss to Harry's cheek and Harry shrugged. Louis took a seat in the chair next to Harry's and glanced down at the journal that he hadn't seen Harry use in a long time. "Got a lot on your mind?" he asked and Harry cocked an eyebrow as he closed his journal and sat it on the table next to his now empty mug.

"No. Why do you ask?" Harry asked, running a hand through his hair.

"You only write in that journal when something is wrong or you've got a lot on your mind. Last time you wrote in that was when we weren't together." Louis mentioned and Harry nodded slowly, looking over at the brown book.

"I guess I wanted to pick up writing again. I missed it." Harry said softly, running his fingers over the binding.

"What did you write this morning?" Louis asked softly, gently laying his hand over Harry's free one. Harry smiled down at their hands and picked up the journal, flipping to the page to which he was just writing on.

"You can read it if you'd like." Harry murmured and Louis nodded, shifting closer to his love.

"I'd love that. You've always had a way with words." Louis complimented and Harry blushed slightly as he ran his fingers over his messy writing. He handed the brown book over to Louis and the smaller man pushed his glasses farther up on his nose before he started to read.

Life has been beautiful recently. Not only am I living in the house of my dreams but I'm engaged to one of the most beautiful men I've ever met and we've already started the family we talked about during those late nights in the X-Factor house. I'm still young but I know that this is where I'm supposed to be. Our daughter, Adaley, is more wonderful than I could've ever dreamed of. Not only is she incredibly intelligent but she has a heart as big as her mother's was. I miss Katie every time I see Adaley but I know that she's watching over Louis and I and I couldn't be happier knowing that. And Louis. He's been absolutely wonderful and I'm so ecstatic that he asked me to marry him those few months ago. While planning our wedding is stressful I know it's worth it because I'm marrying the man that stole my heart all those years ago.

A little while ago Louis and I almost lost our daughter to Katie and Terrance's very evil parents. They took us to court and tried to have Adaley removed from our care even though I had adopted her right before Katie passed. The court battle was ugly and there was a lot of heartache because of it but our small family was saved by Adaley's birth father Ryan. He came clean at the trial and told the judge of the threats that Belle had made upon his life and my life. Because of his confession and the evidence against them, Belle and Tomas were put away for a very long time.

Speaking of Ryan, he's found someone. After the trial we met on the steps of the courthouse and he and Eleanor revealed their relationship and Adaley exposed Eleanor's unknown pregnancy. Ryan and I had a recent phone conversation and it turns out that he proposed to Eleanor a few weeks ago and she said yes. He unofficially invited Louis, Adaley, and I to the wedding. The invitation should be arriving soon.

Recently Ali informed me that she was pregnant with Zayn's child and I couldn't be happier for the two of them. Ali is such a wonderful girl and I'm proud to not only call her my best friend but also my sister and I'm beyond happy that she's with Zayn. Zayn used to tell me how he couldn't wait to meet the perfect woman and start a family with her. When he left Perrie I thought he wouldn't get over the heartache of it but he surprisingly did. He said that things didn't feel right with Perrie anymore and that's why he had to end it. He hated to hurt her but it's what he had to do. He informed me that they're still friends but it's weird. When he had that short fling with Gigi I thought he wasn't going to find another girl until I introduced him to Ali. Those two fell so deeply in love that anyone within a hundred feet of them could feel it. I can't wait for the day that Ali and Zayn's little one finally comes into the world.

Emery, Adaley's best friend, is Ali's best friend's daughter. Tayler is such a sweet girl but she seems shy. I love talking to her about music and listening to her go off about how people don't appreciate each member of every band. I've seen she and Michael interact and I can tell how much he loves her but she seems oblivious to this. I've seen him watch her as she talked and he had nothing but love in his eyes. I believe that she could talk about the importance of cheese and he'd be intensely listening to her. I'm so happy that he finally found someone who seems to complete him so wonderfully and that he finally has the family he dreamed about for a while. Tayler and Michael make such a lovely couple and when Emery is put into the mix, everything becomes beautiful. Tayler is the perfect mother and I know that when I send my daughter to her house that I don't have to worry because she's as safe there as she would be with me.

Niall finally found himself a wonderful girl and I have to say it's about time. That man was single since we became a band and while he enjoyed it, I think he's finally happy to have someone to call his own and write his wonderful songs for. Emma is such a beautiful young woman and I know that she's going to go far in her life.

Josh found himself a beautiful girlfriend and she's so shy. Breana, her girlfriend, is a complete opposite from him. Josh is muscular and outgoing but Breana is so shy and quiet. She keeps to herself unless I speak to her first and then she turns into this lovely and hysterical young woman that I am proud to call my friend.

After Sophia left Liam, he was shattered. He didn't eat or sleep right for weeks and he seemed to only be interested in sleeping with unknown people. Since he's met Alice he's turned back into the old Liam that I knew. He has that sparkle back in his puppy like eyes and a spring in his step. I'm so happy that he's finally found someone who will push him and his buttons but who will also love him unconditionally.

Louis. God. I love that man more than anything besides our wonderful daughter. He's so understanding and I can tell by the gentle touches that he loves me. I proudly wear my engagement ring and I'm so happy that everyone finally knows about us. It's wonderful that we can finally be free and open about us. I can post pictures of him on Instagram or tweet him without fear of our management taking over and punishing us.

To sum things up life has gone from unpredictable and scary to unpredictable and wonderful. I know that life will throw me a lot of hardships but I know I'll be able to conquer them because I'm no longer alone. I will face every problem ahead of me with my best friend's hand in mine and our daughter on my hip.

Everything is right. Everything is perfect. Mum was right. Everything will work out, I just had to trust in myself and in God. Unfortunately this is all I have time to write this morning because I have to awaken not only my lovely sleeping beast but also our daughter. Today is her first day of school and I don't want her to be late.

Until next time, old friend.

Adieu confiance l'un

Louis looked up from the journal with tear filled eyes and gave Harry a watery smile.

"That was beautiful, Harry. I think this is the first happy entry this journal has seen in a long time." Louis said softly and Harry nodded, taking the journal from Louis and tying it closed. He leaned forward and gently kissed Louis' lips.

"What do you say we go wake up our little girl, yeah? It's time to get her ready for her first day of school." Harry said and stood up, Louis following his actions.

"Do you think she'll be nervous?" Louis asked and Harry chuckled, looking down at his fiancé.

"Probably but nowhere near as nervous as us."

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