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(I'm sorry if this sucks. I tried. I really did. I love you guys and I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. I unfortunately have to work Christmas Eve (Only to 5 though). Anywhore. ENJOY)

The next morning, Christmas morning to be exact, Adaley awoke before the sun had even made an appearance over the horizon. She sat up and yawned softly as she glanced around her still dark room. She flicked on her bedside table lamp and looked around at her overflowing toy box and her closet that seemed to be bursting at the seams. She silently slid out of her bed and carefully made her way down their spare room. She grabbed a large plastic tub and carefully dragged it back to her room. She opened her toy box and started to go through her toys, putting ones she didn't want or play with in the tub. She softly sang Torn to herself as she worked. Her Rudolph onesie kept her warm as she went through her toys in the dim light from her table lamp. When that tub was full of her toys, she went back to the spare room to grab another. When she came back into her room she started to go through her clothes and before she got through even half of them, the new tub was full. She continued to put her unworn clothes and her old toys into tubs until there were five tubs filled until they were overflowing. She jumped when she heard a knock on her door.

"Princess? Are you up?" Louis called softly through the door and Adaley smiled.

"I'm up Papa. You can come in." Adaley said and looked up from the toy box when Louis walked into her room.

"Sweetie, why are your toys and clothes in tubs?" Louis asked, a small frown on his lips. Adaley smiled and looked around at the multitude of tubs that were scattered around her floor.

"I have a lot of stuff and I don't need all this. There's a lot of boys and girls out there who don't have anything and I want to help them have a good Christmas. I heard Aunt Ali talking about Toys for Tots last night. It's a program that's run by the United States Marine Corps. They take unwrapped toys for kids whose parents can't afford to buy them presents. I think that everyone should have as great of a Christmas as I'm having." Adaley explained and Louis felt himself tear up. He wiped his eyes with his green elf onesie and took a shaky breath.

"Let's call Daddy in here to help us carry these out, okay? Then you can help Daddy and I do the same before we eat breakfast." Louis asked and Adaley nodded. Louis poked his head out of the door and called for Harry. Moments later Harry appeared in the doorway and frowned when he saw the multitude of tubs around his daughter and boyfriend.

"What's this?" He asked and Louis gestured to Adaley. The little girl explained what she had just told Louis and Harry's heart swelled with pride. "Well, let's get this stuff into the entry way and then we can work on mine and Papa's stuff." He said and the family moved the tubs out into their entry way. They went to Louis and Harry's room and went to work. Three hours and seven tubs later they finally sat down at the table. Louis leaned back and glanced at Harry.

"So are we having breakfast first or presents?" he asked and Harry thought for a moment.

"Let's do brunch first and then we can open presents." Harry said and Louis nodded, watching as Harry started to make their food. Adaley pulled her knees up to her chest as she thought deeply about what she and her fathers had been doing earlier.

"Hey Daddy?" Adaley called and Harry glanced at her.

"Yeah princess?" Harry asked as he flipped the chocolate chip pancake in front of him.

"Do you think Santa delivers to the less fortunate as well?" she asked timidly and Harry nodded, smiling at his daughter.

"I know he does. No matter what a person's condition is he will always visit them on Christmas." Harry said confidently and Adaley nodded slightly.

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