Chapter Five

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When Harry woke up the next morning he stretched and winced slightly when he felt the familiar sting on his bum. He smiled when he felt Louis' breath hitting the spot between his shoulder blades and looked down to see one of Louis' small arms draped over his waist. He gently pulled away from Louis, causing the older boy to whine, and walked into the bathroom to take a hot shower. As he stood under the burning hot stream he felt the tension leave his body. He couldn't believe how amazing their night last night was. He loved the way it felt to have Louis tracing his fingers slowly over his spine and the way Louis' lips would hover over his most sensitive spots. Even though that was the first time they'd done anything in a long time it felt as amazing as the first time. Louis still remembered all his sensitive spots and the ways to bring him close to the edge but not push him over. He loved how Louis knew his body, mind, and heart so well. He shut off the shower when he finished his shower and wrapped his towel around his waist. He decided to French braid his own hair and as he struggled with the task Louis walked into the bathroom, giving his lover a sleepy smile.

"Morning Hazza." Louis mumbled tiredly and kissed his boyfriend's neck, making him shiver. As Louis was taking care of his morning business he could hear Harry moaning and groaning in front of the mirror. Louis stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around his waist, eyeing his boyfriend with amusement. "What's wrong?" he asked and Harry threw his hands up in the air.

"I'm trying to French braid my hair to keep it out of my face and it's just not working!" Harry whined and Louis laughed softly, kissing his cheek. He stood behind Harry and started to slowly braid Harry's hair, humming softly to himself. Harry's eyelids started to drift shut as Louis gently worked on his love's hair.

"I love your hair. It's always so soft." Louis said, voice barely above a whisper. Harry smiled sleepily and Louis smiled fondly at the young man. "I forgot how sleepy you get when someone plays with your hair." He murmured and Harry blushed slightly and shrugged.

"I love when you do it. It makes me feel calm and happy. I remember when I was homesick at X-Factor you used to climb into bed with me and play with my hair until I fell asleep. You were always in my best with me, weren't you?" Harry asked and Louis laughed loudly, nodding his head.

"Yeah. You were always a nervous wreck during X-Factor. Especially before performances. I'm not complaining though. Cuddling with you every night was amazing." Louis murmured and tied Harry's hair, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. "C'mon. Terrance said he was going to bring Ada back before he takes care of more business." He told Harry as he walked out of the bathroom. Harry looked at himself in the mirror and sighed deeply. He wanted so bad to cry but he couldn't. Of course he felt sad but not as sad as he thought he would. He quickly threw on some clothes before making his way out to the kitchen. As he cooked breakfast he heard a familiar voice coming from the entry way.

"Daddy!" Adaley yelled and Harry chuckled, shaking his head fondly.

"In the kitchen babygirl!" Harry called and he could hear her shoes slapping against the floor as she ran in and straight into his legs. He laughed and picked her up, hugging her tightly.

"Hi! Uncle Terr said he had to run but he said hi." She said, repeating her uncle's words. Harry nodded and kissed her cheek before setting her back down gently. "Where's Papa?" she asked and Harry shrugged.

"He might be doing laundry. So what did you and Terrance do?" He asked as he sat the table. Adaley's eyes lost their normal shine.

"Nothing really. We watched movies." She mumbled and Harry frowned. He could easily tell that his little girl was lying. He turned around and furrowed his eyebrows at her.

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