Chapter Twenty-Three

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It had been a week since their meeting with Melody and Lexi and it had be a week of hell for everyone. Adaley had been taken away to live with her temporary family and everyone was walking around like the sun had left their lives. The group was waiting anxiously for their time in front of the judge and soon the doors opened, letting them in. Harry and Louis took their place behind the defendants table while Belle and Tomas sat behind the prosecutors table. The entire court room stood as the judge walked in. After he took his seat everyone else sat.

"Case 723. Cane versus Styles-Tomlinson." The security guard announced and the judge nodded, taking the case file. He read through it quickly before looking up at Belle.

"State the basis of your argument, Mrs. Cane." The judge said in a bored tone. Belle nodded and stood up, smirking at Harry and Louis.

"Adaley, my beautiful granddaughter, needs to be with her blood. Tomas and I loved Katie, her mother, very dearly until she thought she was too good for us. She and her brother, Terrance, took off and left her poor boyfriend Ryan behind." Belle said, wiping away a fake tear. The judge frowned and turned to Harry.

"State your argument, Mr. Styles." He said and Harry nodded, standing up.

"Katie entrusted her daughter's upbringing to me only a few months before she died. She said that she wanted Adaley to live with a family that was full of love. I actually have a note from her, in her handwriting, saying that she was of sound mind and body and wanted Adaley to be given to me in case something happened to her." Harry said, voice shaking slightly. The judge nodded and sighed.

"First witness?" The judge asked and Philip, Belle and Tomas' lawyer, called someone up. After a few hours and a lunch break the court was back in session. The judge couldn't help but feel very annoyed at Belle but he suppressed the urge to hit her and looked at Melody. "Marks, please call up a witness." He asked, patience wearing thin. Philip nodded and called up Adaley. When Adaley sat down Philip smiled sweetly as she was sworn in.

"So, Adaley. What was it like living with your mother and Terrance?" He asked and Adaley got a happy smile on her face.

"I loved living with Mommy and Uncle Terrance. I was always happy and safe and warm." Adaley said with a sigh and Philip cocked an eyebrow.

"Was? Why the past tense?" Philip pushed and Adaley sniffled softly.

"Since Mommy died I've been sad but Daddy and Papa have been helping me and when I'm with them or one of their friends I'm always happy. They love me very dearly." She said happily and Philip nodded, studying Adaley's face closely.

"Has Louis or Harry ever laid a hand on you or touched you somewhere that you didn't want to be touched?" Philip asked, putting it gently. Adaley scoffed and shook her head.

"No. Daddy and Papa never physically, emotionally, or sexually abused me, Mr. Marks." Adaley simply said and everyone stared at the six year old girl in shock.

"H-how do you know those words?" Philip asked after he regained his composure. Adaley shrugged and smiled innocently at the lawyer.

"I do my homework too, Mr. Marks. Now, are you done? This chair is very uncomfortable." Adaley sassed respectfully and Philip nodded silently. The judge looked at Melody and she nodded, making her way in front of Adaley.

"Hello Miss Adaley. How are you today?" Melody asked with a warm smile and Adaley giggled softly.

"I'm very well, Miss Larson. What are your questions?" Adaley said politely and Melody nodded slowly.

"Can you please tell me what happened at your fourth birthday party?" Melody asked and a flash of pain crossed Adaley's face.

"Mommy and Terrance threw the party at our house and Ryan, my real dad, showed up. Mommy and Terrance wouldn't let him see me because of what he had done to my mommy in the past. Ryan got really mad and hit Uncle Terrance. Mommy tried to block my view but I could still see everything. Ryan ended up breaking Uncle Terrance's nose and Mommy called the police. Ryan was taken to jail once again." Adaley recalled and let out a shaky breath. Melody nodded and smiled warmly at the little girl.

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