Chapter Nine

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After Harry had served his full sentence and apologized to Louis they made their way to McDonald's. After they had finished all their food Adaley went to play in the play place as Harry and Louis sat on the bench to watch her, Harry's arm laid across the bench behind his lover's shoulders. Louis laid his head gently on Harry's shoulder before sighing happily.

"Hey, Harry?" Louis asked softly and Harry hummed softly in response.

"Yeah baby?" Harry mumbled, stifling a yawn with his free hand. Louis smiled lovingly at the way Harry's nose scrunched up and how his eyes crinkled at the edges.

"What do you think about taking a small family vacation back home? Just you, me, and Adaley? I know Anne misses both of you and my mum is buzzing to meet her. I think it'd be a good distraction from everything that's happened lately." Louis asked softly and Harry thought for a moment before shrugging.

"Adaley! C'mere." Harry called and the little girl appeared in front of them within a matter of seconds.

"Yeah?" She asked, eyes repeatedly flickering back to the playground before focusing on her parents. Harry eyed her curiously but shook it off, smiling at the girl.

"Would you want to go to the UK and see Nonna and meet Gamma Jo?" Harry asked and Adaley gasped, nodding furiously.

"Yes yes yes!" She shouted and lunged forward, hugging her fathers tightly. "When would we be going?" she asked curiously as she pulled on her shoes. Harry shrugged and looked over at Louis who was giving him a sheepish smile. Harry cocked an eyebrow.

"Louis. Why do you have that look on your face?" Harry asked curiously and Louis let out an awkward laugh, a light blush covering his cheeks.

"We're leaving tomorrow morning." Louis said sheepishly and Harry gave him a funny look.

"Tomorrow? But how? We have to get the tickets and pack." Harry mumbled and scratched his head, causing Louis to giggle softly.

"I already have the tickets. We just need to pack and we'll be set." Louis informed them and Adaley squealed, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you Papa! I miss Nonna and Pada!" She said happily and jumped off Louis' lap, tugging harshly at their hands. "Let's go! I wanna get all packed and get to bed." She said as she pulled at them. Harry laughed and stood up, lifting the little girl up and holding a hand out for Louis. As they walked outside Harry was silently thankful that the paparazzi had died down and that they could enjoy their time together as a family in peace. The ride home was filled with Adaley's rambles of what she wanted to pack when she got home and the toys she had to take. Harry laughed silently and playfully rolled his eyes.

When they got home Adaley raced to her room and Louis and Harry laughed as they watched her take off and walked into their own room, Harry flopping down on their bed.

"I can't believe we're going back home to see everyone." Harry said happily and Louis chuckled, putting their suitcases down on the bed next to Harry. "I can't wait to see Mum and Robin. It feels like forever since I've been able to hug her and my sister." He murmured sadly and closed his eyes, sighing heavily. Louis leaned over and gently kissed his lover's forehead, making Harry smile.

"C'mon babe. The sooner we get packed the sooner we can go to sleep and then before we know it tomorrow will be here and we'll be on our way." Louis reminded him and Harry nodded, groaning as he got up. Louis snickered and shook his head. "C'mon old man." He joked and Harry stuck his tongue out at him.

"You're older than me. Remember that." Harry reminded him and Louis groaned, flipping Harry off and his action caused Harry to laugh loudly. Louis rolled his eyes and started to go through his clothes, humming softly as he packed. Harry smiled fondly as he mirrored Louis' actions, packing his clothes tightly. "How long are we staying?" he asked and Louis smiled, looking back at Harry with a twinkle in his eye.

"About two weeks." Louis said nonchalantly and Harry grinned, hugging his boyfriend tightly. "Also, pack some nice clothes. I figure we can treat our parents to dinner at a nice restaurant while we're there too." He murmured after hugging Harry back. Harry nodded and did as he was told. Louis silently thanked Harry for not questioning anything. As they packed Adaley walked in with a perplexed look on her face. Harry looked over at her and raised an eyebrow.

"What's wrong?" He asked, turning to look at her. Adaley pouted slightly before looking up at her fathers.

"I can't fit my stuff into my suitcase." Adaley muttered in a frustrated tone and Harry nodded, looking over at Louis.

"We'll help you. The sooner you get packed the sooner you can get to bed." Louis said and Harry nodded in agreement, following Adaley to her room and letting out a laugh when he saw all her clothes piled on top of her suitcase. Louis groaned and sat on her bed, looking at her pointedly. "Why are all your clothes piled on your suitcase?" he asked and Adaley smiled sheepishly.

"Well I don't know what I'll want to wear when I get there." She defended and Harry chuckled, looking over at Louis.

"She's definitely your daughter." Harry mumbled before dodging the shoe that his boyfriend threw at him. Harry laughed at the glare Louis was shooting at him.

"Go pack your suitcase, Harold. I'll help Ada." Louis ordered and Harry saluted him before marching out. Louis rolled his eyes and started to help the little girl pack. Helping her packing turned into Louis packing for her while she played with her Barbies on the floor. After Adaley was packed, showered, and tucked in, Louis walked into his room to see the suitcases missing. He frowned and looked at Harry who smiled at him.

"You were taking forever so I went ahead and packed your suitcase. I packed some of your favourite Adidas merchandise and some other clothes." Harry informed him and Louis smiled thankfully at him, rubbing his neck and groaning. Harry smiled sympathetically and sat up slightly. "I also ran you a hot bath if you're interested." He murmured and Louis smiled again, grabbing the pajamas that Harry had laid out for him. He walked into the bathroom and gasped softly at the sight. Harry had ran him a bath filled with bubbles and around the room Harry had lit some of his favourite candles. Louis jumped slightly when he felt arms wrapping around his waist. He looked over his shoulder and sighed happily.

"Thank you Haz." Louis murmured and Harry hummed softly, nuzzling his face into Louis' neck. Louis' eyes flickered to the bath before glancing back at Harry. "Would you like to join me?" he asked in a voice that was barely above a whisper. Harry glanced at him before shutting the door and nodding. He slipped out of his boxers before slipping into the hot water. Louis smiled slightly and slowly shrugged out of his clothes. Harry watched him with intense eyes and Louis blushed under his stare. He slipped into the bath in between Harry's legs and laid his back against Harry's chest. He sighed happily and rested his head against Harry's shoulder as Harry wrapped his arms around his small lover's waist. They sat there in blissful silence as they enjoyed just holding each other without distractions or worry of Adaley walking in on them. They were both feeling the strain of family life, both noticing the fact that their sex lives were almost non-existent. They hated it but they knew it was just one of the many things that was bound to change since they adopted Adaley. They stayed in the bath until the water turned cold. They both decided to take a shower together which turned out to more passionate actions than actual showering. Eventually they made it to bed, both drifting into a peaceful and blissful sleep.

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