Chapter Seventeen

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Even though Harry tried his hardest to focus on just having fun with his family, he couldn't. His mind kept replaying Louis' words over and over again. He wondered what exactly Belle meant by 'anything'? He was shaken out of his thoughts when Ali plopped down beside him.

"Keep frowning like that and you'll get wrinkles." She teased and Harry shrugged, not really in the mood for jokes. Ali frowned and gently squeezed his shoulder. "What's wrong?" She asked softly and Harry let out a heavy sigh.

"Louis said that not long after I left Belle called. She told him that she wanted Adaley and that she'd do anything to get her. That's why everyone is here. Louis said that he didn't really want to be at the house alone and he didn't want Adaley there until I got home so he decided to have Zayn meet him here. He said that he wanted to keep Ada safe and he couldn't think of a safer place than with her uncles." Harry rambled and Ali nodded along, frowning slightly at what Belle said. She took a deep breath and gently squeezed Harry's knee.

"If I was you I'd save her number and anytime she calls or texts don't answer. Let her leave a voicemail and if there's anything even remotely troublesome in the messages then you can use that against her in court." Ali advised and Harry nodded, smiling thankfully at her.

"I'll make sure to do that and I'll tell Lou too." Harry mentioned and Ali nodded, squeezing his knee again. He gently laid his hand over his and let out a sigh of relief. His eyes lit up slightly as he remembered his upcoming trip to Long Island with Louis. "By the way, you mentioned going back to Long Island for a visit. When are you planning on going? Louis and I are planning on going next weekend but we need someone to watch Adaley so we were planning on asking you." He mentioned and Ali gave him a sorrowful smile.

"Sorry. Zayn and I are going next weekend too. There's a festival that I promised my mom that I'd sing at. I'm sorry but Zayn and I can't watch her. Maybe you could ask Emma and Niall? I know that Niall would love to have Adaley while you guys are gone." Ali said with a smile and Harry nodded in agreement, calling out for Niall. The blond boy jogged over to them and smiled widely.

"Yeah?" Niall asked as he leaned against the fence. Harry chuckled softly at his grass stained clothes.

"Louis and I are going to Long Island next weekend and we were wondering if you and Emma would be willing to take Adaley while we're gone." Harry explained and Niall nodded slightly.

"We'd love to but why aren't you taking her with you?" Niall asked in confusion. Harry chuckled and looked past Niall just in time to see Adaley tackling Louis, both of them erupting into a fit of giggles.

"Louis and I are going there to look at houses. We're more than likely moving there if we find the right house." Harry said softly and Niall nodded.

"But why not take Adaley with you and have her experience Long Island too?" Niall wondered and Harry chuckled softly.

"We want a small vacation on our own. We never really got to celebrate our engagement." Harry murmured and Niall's eyebrows furrowed.

"I thought you did. I mean you guys had that big party." Niall said, crossing his arms. Harry laughed loudly and poked Niall's nose.

"I never got to properly thank Louis for the party or for the engagement." Harry said with a smirk and Niall scratched his head in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Niall asked and Harry groaned, dropping his head in his hands. Niall looked at him in confusion. "What? I honestly don't know what he means!" he said in defense and Ali laughed softly, shaking her head.

"Means that Harry wants to take this trip with Louis alone so they can fuck." Zayn said simply and Harry's head shot up, cheeks turning a dark red. Ali let out a loud laugh before leaning down to gently peck Zayn's cheek. Zayn's cheeks turned a light pink and he smiled up at his loving girlfriend. Harry rolled his eyes at the young couple and looked down at Niall.

"So? What do you think? You two up for it?" Harry asked and Niall shrugged.

"I don't see why not. Emma and I would love to have her." Niall said with a smile and Harry nodded, signaling for Louis to come over. As Louis ran to them Harry watched Adaley kicked the ball around between her and Liam and Josh.

"What's up?" Louis asked and plopped himself down next to Harry on the bleachers. Harry's nose turned up slightly at Louis' sweat.

"I talked to Niall. He said he'd take Adaley while we're in Bayville." Harry said as he scooted away from Louis' sweaty body. Louis playfully rolled his eyes before looking at Ali in confusion.

"Why aren't you guys taking her?" Louis asked, running a hand through his wet fringe. Ali laughed softly and leaned into Zayn who had come to sit next to her.

"We're actually going to Long Island the same time you two are." Ali explained and Zayn nodded in agreement, gently wrapping his arms around his girlfriend's waist.

"Speaking of our trip we should get packing. We're leaving Wednesday." Zayn murmured and gently kissed Ali's ear, standing up and lifting her up with him. By this time the rest of the group had gathered around them. Ali and Zayn bid their friends a farewell and walked away hand in hand. Liam looked after them sadly and Louis gently squeezed his shoulder.

"How you holding up?" Louis asked softly and Liam shrugged, running a hand through his hair.

"I'm holding up fine, I guess. It's hard as hell to go home to an empty house but I'll live." Liam muttered and Louis gave him a side hug.

"I know you can get through this. You've always been a tough motherfucker." Louis said with a chuckle and Liam flashed a small smile before it quickly disappeared.

"I'm gonna head home." Liam mumbled and walked off without saying goodbye. Harry, Niall, and Louis looked after him sadly.

"Poor guy is completely shattered. He was so excited to marry Sophia and settle down with her but then she turned around and ended it all." Niall said softly and sighed. Harry and Louis nodded slowly. Adaley frowned and watched as Liam trudged to the parking lot with his head down.

"Isn't there something we could do to help him, Daddy?" Adaley asked Harry and looked up at him with innocent eyes. Harry kneeled down and gently stroked her cheek.

"I don't think there's anything we really can do, baby. He just needs time to heal from this." Harry said gently but Adaley wasn't satisfied. She looked after her uncle with furrowed eyebrows. Louis noticed her face and cocked his head to the side.

"What's in your head?" Louis asked his daughter as Harry picked her up and they started for the parking lot. Adaley didn't answer for she was too deep in thought. Harry and Louis looked at each other in confusion as Harry buckled the little girl in. Adaley remained quiet the entire drive as her fathers talked softly about what they needed to pack for their trip. When they arrived home Adaley silently walked into the house and disappeared into her room, locking the door behind her. Harry frowned as he looked after her.

"What do you think she's got on her mind?" Harry asked as he pulled food out for dinner. Louis sat at the island and shrugged, running a hand through his still damp hair. Harry grimaced when he saw sweat particulates fall onto the counter. Louis looked at his face and cocked an eyebrow.

"What's up with the face?" He asked as he pushed his fringe to the side. Harry quickly grabbed a wet cloth and wiped down the counter where the sweat fell.

"Go shower. You're gross from the field." Harry grumbled and Louis chuckled but made his way out of the kitchen. Harry nodded in approval as he watched Louis leaving the room. He started to hum softly as he put a pot of water on the stove to boil. His phone started to ring from his pocket and he fished it out, putting it to his ear without looking at the caller ID. "Hello?" he answered and fear coursed through his body when he heard the man on the other end.

"Be careful. Belle with stop at nothing to get Adaley and I mean nothing." the deep voice warned before the line went dead. Harry stared at his phone in horror until the screen went black. Something about the voice struck a familiar chord in Harry.

"Where have I heard that voice before?"

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