Chapter Twenty

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It had been a week since Harry had received the call from the unknown man and he had yet to tell Louis about it. The couple had spent the entire past week packing and getting ready for her stay at Niall and Emma's place. Today was the day their plane was leaving and Niall and Emma had accompanied them to the airport to bid them a farewell. As Harry and Louis were getting ready to board the plane Adaley ran up to them and wrapped her arms around Harry's leg, sniffling softly.

"I'm gonna miss you so much Daddy. And you too Papa." Adaley cried and Harry dropped to a knee, hugging her tightly.

"We'll only be gone for a week, princess. And you can call us every night before bed." Harry told her and kissed her head gently. Adaley nodded slowly, seemingly more at ease after Harry had spoken. The couple hugged their daughter tightly until the stewardess announced the last boarding call. Harry and Louis both gave Adaley a gentle kiss on each cheek before disappearing on the plane. Adaley sniffled softly and buried her face into Niall's neck when he picked her up. Niall wrapped an arm around Emma's waist and gently kissed her temple. As the trio watched the plane take off Adaley let out one last cry, waving her hand at the disappearing plane.

"Bye Daddy. Bye Papa. I love you." She whispered and as soon as the plane was out of sight Niall and Emma took her out to their car before driving off to their apartment.


Hours later Louis and Harry's plane was landing at the airport on Long Island. When Harry stepped outside of the airport he took a deep breath, a huge smile on his face.

"Just smell that beautiful salt air." Harry breathed and Louis chuckled, gently poking Harry's hip.

"We have plenty of time to sniff the air later. Why don't you help me with this luggage?" Louis groaned and Harry gave him a sheepish smile before picking up one of the heaviest bags. "So, what are we driving while we're out here?" he asked as he leaned against the wall outside of the airport. Harry studied the cars in the rental lot and hit the button, making the lights flash. He smiled happily when he saw the small black SUV. He pointed at the vehicle and Louis cocked an eyebrow.

"What?" Harry asked as they walked over to the awaiting black Ford. As they packed the things into the back of the vehicle Louis checked out the sleek looking SUV. It was small but it was still big enough to hold not only him and Harry but Adaley as well. Louis' heart ached when he thought of the little girl they had left back in LA. He brushed off the thought and looked over at Harry who had just climbed into the passenger's seat.

"You went with an SUV? Why?" Louis asked as he buckled his seat belt. Harry shrugged and smiled sheepishly.

"I guess to get used to the feeling?" He answered but it sounded like more of a question to Louis.

"What do you mean?" Louis asked and Harry shrugged again, pulling out into the calm traffic.

"If we move out here I would want to get a vehicle like this." Harry mumbled as he reached over, setting his large hand on Louis' thigh. Louis laid his hand over Harry's and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Why's that?" Louis asked as he watched the quaint landscape rush past the vehicle.

"Because if we move out here I plan on getting involved and with a bigger car we can fit more car seats and kids." Harry said nonchalantly and Louis nodded slightly before he froze, looking over at Harry with wide eyes.

"What are you saying, Harry?" Louis asked, licking his lips profusely. When Harry didn't answer Louis tried again. "Are you saying you want more kids?" he asked softly.

"Look! We're at the hotel!" Harry rushed out and threw the car in park, climbing out of the vehicle quickly. Louis looked at where Harry was just sitting in shock. Sure he had thought about the idea about possibly adopting more kids with Harry but it wasn't something they had discussed yet. They were both too busy trying to adjust to a more normal life with their small family. Images flashed through Louis' mind of family holidays filled with the laughter of their children and the happy squeals over their presents. Louis smiled to himself. He'd grown up with a large family and that's what he wanted but he was unsure of what Harry wanted. Would Harry want a small family like the one he grew up? Would he want a large family like Louis'? He was snapped out of his thoughts when Harry knocked on the window. He flashed an apologetic smile and climbed out, grabbing the few bags Harry had left by the door. They walked in and signed in, getting the keys to their room. When they got into the room they dropped their bags and collapsed onto the bed, letting out a mutual heavy sigh.

"God. This bed feels like heaven." Louis mumbled into the mattress and Harry chuckled, nodding in agreement.

"Damn right." Harry murmured and yawned softly, smiling lovingly at his fiancé. He glanced at the time and poked Louis' cheek. "Do you wanna go to bed? We've got an early day tomorrow." He asked softly and Louis nodded. Both boys stood up and stripped down to their boxers. Louis pulled on Harry's favourite Green Bay Packers jersey with 'STYLES' written on the back. Harry smiled lovingly at him and slipped beneath the covers, patting the spot beside him. Louis smiled and shut the overhead lights off, climbing into the bed next to his fiancé. Louis laid his head on Harry's chest and Harry wrapped his arms around Louis, kissing the top of his head.

"Hazza?" Louis whispered, gently tracing the outlines of Harry's abs.

"Hm?" Harry hummed in response and Louis swallowed nervously.

"Can I ask you something?" he asked shyly and he felt Harry nod. "Have you thought about adopting anymore kids?" he asked shyly and he anxiously awaited Harry's answer. He looked up to see Harry staring intently at the ceiling. "Harry?" he called and Harry let out a soft breath.

"Honestly? I'd love to but I don't know if we're ready. I mean you're only twenty-four and I'm only twenty-two. We already have a six year old and we're not even married. Don't get me wrong. I don't regret adopting her but right now I don't think we should talk about adopting anymore kids until we figure out what we're doing after our break is over. If we go back to performing then it's going to be hard to be away from Adaley let alone another child." Harry said and Louis frowned.

"Why would we be away from Adaley if we go back to touring?" Louis asked, nervously chewing on his lip. Harry sighed heavily.

"If we move here and she gets enrolled in school I don't want to pull her out in a year just to go around the world. She's going to have stability and I don't want her to lose that." Harry murmured and Louis nodded slowly, understanding what Harry was saying.

"Do you want to?" Louis asked. "Want to go back to touring, I mean." He clarified and Harry shrugged slightly, lightly grazing his fingers over Louis' spine.

"I don't know honestly. We toured for almost five years straight and honestly I want to have some stability. Some normality. Don't get me wrong. I love performing and I love our fans but I don't know. I'm just ready to go back to somewhat of a normal life. I just want to come home and spend time with you and our daughter without having to worry about packing for our next stop on tour and making sure that we have someone to take care of Adaley. It's killing me to just be away from her for a week. I can't imagine being away from her for months with only Skype to keep us connected." Harry ranted and Louis nodded, seeing his point of view.

"Eventually we're going to have to sit down and talk to the rest of the guys about what we want to do." Louis said quietly and Harry nodded, letting out a soft groan.

"I love you but can we go to sleep? It's been a hell of a day and all this sleeping is giving me a headache." Harry grumbled and Louis nodded, letting out a soft laugh.

"Yeah. Bedtime for the old men." He joked and Harry let out a loud groan before gently pecking Louis' lips.

"I love you BooBear." Harry mumbled sleepily and Louis smiled.

"And I love you, Hazza."

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