Chapter Thirty

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Harry stared at her in shock for a few minutes before responding. How could his best friend be pregnant? Just a day ago she was telling him and Louis that she was infertile and now this miracle? Harry was absolutely stunned.

"But how? I thought you couldn't get pregnant." Harry asked and Ali sighed, nervously playing with her fingers.

"I don't know but according to the doctor I'm about a month and a half along." Ali said softly and Harry smiled softly, hugging the girl in front of him tightly.

"That's great!" Harry said excitedly and Ali laughed softly, hugging him back as she nodded into his chest.

"Zayn and I have already told our families and they're excited. My mom and grandma cried." Ali said with a soft smile as they pulled away from the hug. "We were actually planning on telling everyone at dinner since our families already know." She mentioned and Harry's eyes lit up.

"Everyone's gonna be so excited for you!" Harry said excitedly, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. They started to walk back to everyone with giant smiles on their faces. They sat back down at the other girls raised their eyebrows.

"What's with the creepy smiles guys?" Emma asked, popping a grape into her mouth. Harry just shrugged and leaned back, focusing his attention on the field where his other half and their daughter were fighting Liam and Niall for the control of the soccer ball.

"Harry?" A soft voice called and Harry looked over to see Breana sitting there with a small smile on her face. "Are you okay? We've been trying to get your attention for the last ten minutes." She said and Harry chuckled softly.

"Sorry. I was focused on Lou and Ada." Harry said and turned to face the girls around him. The small group sat on the bleachers continued to talk for what felt like minutes when Harry glanced down at his watch, noticing that nearly two hours had passed since his talk with Ali. He gasped at the time and he stood up, getting ready to call the group on the field back to the stands.

"What's up Harry?" Tayler asked with a frown and Harry spared a quick glance to the girl.

"It's almost six. I made a reservation for dinner at seven since there's a lot of us." Harry explained and brought his hands up to his mouth, creating a megaphone with them. "HEY." He called and everyone stopped where they were, turning to look at Harry. He made a motion for the people on the field to come over. Louis picked up the soccer ball under his right foot and jogged over with everyone else jogging after him. When each boy had arrived their girlfriends all handed them waters, Ali handing Zayn and Liam one with a kind smile.

"What's up handsome?" Louis asked, wiping his face with his jersey. Harry's cheeks turned a soft pink from Louis' words.

"It's nearly six and I made a dinner reservation for seven. I wanted to give the restaurant a little warning since there'll be sixteen of us there." Harry said and everyone nodded. "I stopped you guys because everyone that was on the field has to get a shower. In the black bag is all the stuff you'll need for your showers." He said, tossing the bag to Louis who caught it and smiled thankfully to Harry. The group of boys jogged off and Adaley and Emery were left, looking up at Harry as they waited for instructions. Harry frowned when he realized that he'd forgotten shower stuff for the little girls. "I'm sorry. I forgot stuff for you girls." He said sheepishly and turned when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Tayler was standing there with a smile on her face and a small purple duffle bag in her hands.

"Don't worry about it. I brought enough stuff for both girls. I even have another set of clothes for Adaley if you didn't remember to grab some." Tayler said and Ali stood up, smiling at Harry. "And Ali's going to the locker room with me to make Adaley feel more comfortable." She explained and Harry nodded, watching as Ali grabbed the backpack that was by Harry's feet. Harry watched them walk off before he helped Emma and Breana pack everything up and put it into the respective cars. When they walked back over Tayler and Ali were both walking out of the girls locker room with each little girl on their hip. Ali put Adaley down when the little girl started to fidget. As soon as her feet hit the ground she was running over, tackling Harry's legs with a giggle.

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