Chapter 2

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It was Monday morning. Hyukjae was asleep like a small child. He was in deep sleep. In his dreams, was that same brunette boy, Donghae. He looked gorgeous than ever. He must be very popular amongst girls.

Both of them were in a nice villa, in place that looked like Gangwon.

Donghae took a sweet rice cake. The rice cake was placed near Hyukjae's lips, "Hyukkie say 'aahh'."

All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door. This knock was followed by a few loud bangs. Hyukjae's eyes fluttered open. Who was this troubled soul banging at his door at quarter to seven in the morning?

Hyukjae rubbed his eyes and dragged himself. He opened the door.

It was none other than, Cho Kyuhyun.

"Hey asshat! Why weren't you opening the door?!"

"I was sleeping."

Hyukjae looked at the dark circles painted under his best friend's eyes, "Unlike you, my sleep is precious to me than any video game."

Kyuhyun punched Hyukjae's arm, "Hey! I am the God of video games! Kneel down before me, slave!"

The pesky friend fished out some snacks from Hyukjae's kitchen and settled on his couch, as if he owned the apartment. Well, what was Hyukjae's was his as well (girlfriends not included).

Hyukjae folded his arms, annoyed at his friend's antics, "Okay, dude. So, why the fuck are you here at quarter to seven? You should be drooling on your pillow in your bedroom."

Kyuhyun said, with his thinking pose, acting like a wise sage, "I have some useful news for you, dipshit."

Hyukjae replied with a wide and long yawn.

Kyuhyun widened his eyes, as if he was going to say something very interesting, "The previous resident of this apartment was a woman, who died under suspicious circumstances. Apparently, she died right after eating octopus balls!" He, then, smiled to himself proudly.

Hyukjae was still half-asleep, "What? She dyed her octopus balls?"

Kyuhyun face-palmed himself.

Hyukjae continued, "Dude, how can a woman have balls? And that too octopus balls? Even a man can't have octopus balls!"

Kyuhyun tried his best to explain, "Hyuk, she ate octopus balls, and then, died." He emphasized the words, "ate" and "octopus."

But, Hyukjae was in his own world, "What? What the fuck are you saying, man?"

The evil friend sighed, "Nothing, Hyuk. Get ready for school." He slapped his best friend right across his left cheek and dragged him to the bathroom, "Oh, friggety frak!"

Kyuhyun waited for the black-haired monkey man to get ready for school, as he stuffed his mouth with potato crisps. Yes, that was his breakfast.

It was his first day at Nadam, but Hyukjae had no interest in walking to school on a Monday morning. He wanted changes, and he had them. But, school was always the same. He walked with a drooping soul, with his best friend. Within a few minutes, they were in front of a large gate. On the right wall, supporting the right gate was a blue nameplate with the gold-plated words, "Nadam High School."

Hyukjae thought of all the filthy rich students who must be attending this school. He looked at his schedule. Math, Chemistry, Physics. Great! A typical Monday schedule!

He thought everything will change. But, school, which was the most important place to go at that point of his life, never changed. What changed were only the name, address and uniform of the school he was attending. "This is the irony of life." Hyukjae sighed.

He dumped his things into his locker and walked to Class 2-A. He was disappointed that his best friend was in Class 2-C. He hated first days. He hated how his new classmates would stare at him in awe (or maybe disgust), as if he was some kind of extraterrestrial animal.

The homeroom teacher, Mr. Han seemed to be a bleak, middle-aged man, who had lost his interest in living. All the homeroom teachers were same. That's right. Even the teachers were the same. Only, their names were different.

Mr. Han looked like he was visiting a funeral, "So, kids. This is the new student, Lee Hyukjae. Hyukjae, please introduce yourself."

Hyukjae tried his best to look interested, "Hello, friends! My name is Lee Hyukjae!"

He spotted Sungmin and Donghae waving at him with wide smiles plastered on their faces. He settled down at a desk near the window behind, which was besides Donghae's desk.

Donghae grinned like a Chester shire cat, "Hi, Hyukjae!"

Hyukjae flashed his gums, "Hi, Donghae! I'm so glad to be in this class with you!" Okay, he actually meant that.

The Math period flew by, as Hyukjae seriously took notes and Donghae fell asleep on his desk. Hyukjae found it adorable how Donghae slept peacefully like a child. As he observed the latter, he felt that, after he reached his teenage, his sleeping pattern was disturbed. And, every time he slept, he looked like a corpse.

Soon, it was time for lunch. Hyukjae spotted girls squealing altogether with pictures of some good-looking guy. Donghae said matter-of-factly, "They're fangirling over Choi Siwon. He is a model and debutante actor. He's going to return from China very soon. He's very popular, here."

Hyukjae sighed at the helpless sight of the girls.

He went to the cafeteria and sat with Kyuhyun. Opposite to them, were Donghae and Sungmin.

Kyuhyun smirked at Sungmin, "Are you library book? 'Cause I wanna check you out?"

Sungmin blushed.

Hyukjae raised his eyebrows, "Dude, that's one stupid dialogue!"

"It's okay, unless and until the bunny likes it." Kyuhyun retorted.

Donghae started a conversation with Hyukjae, "So, are you gay, Hyukjae?"

Hyukjae replied, "Nuh-uh. Are you?"

"Yup.", he smiled.

'Food is life' Hyukjae thought, as he stuffed his mouth with Jjajjangmyeon and drank his strawberry milk.

Sungmin squealed as he got more subscribers for his fanfiction. He wanted to get featured like last week. He stayed glued to his phone.

Kyuhyun did nothing, but stare at Sungmin. Probably, the bunny was his next target.

Donghae just looked at his friends with satisfaction. He was happy, when his friends were happy. Well, inside, he was elated to know more about Hyukjae.

Author's Note-

So, that is one shitty update. What do you think Donghae really feels about Hyukjae? How will their relationship turn out in the future chapters? Kkekeke^^

Look forward to the next chapter^^

-Eternal Maknae

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