Chapter 9

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"You win!" flashed on the screen. The warrior-slash-gamer stretched his arms. His phone rang.

"Hey, Bunny!"

"Kyu, are you going to Siwon's party?"

"That man-whore is throwing a party, again?"

"Yup. Donghae and Hyukjae are going."

"I prefer living in a North Korean concentration camp and socializing with prisoners over attending Siwon's scandalous and stupid parties."

"Yeah, and I want to socialize with penguins and live in an igloo in Antarctica."

"I'm tired of all of this, Bunny. It's great that Hyukjae finally confessed to Donghae. I don't know what's going to happen at the party. I don't care anymore."

"Yeah, let's just make out or something."


Choi Siwon had finally returned from Taiwan. The man who was as religious as a priest by day, and party animal by night, threw a party to commemorate his return. The hopeless romantic (too hopeless) was happy to reunite with Donghae. Little did he know, that the brunette was already dating Lee Hyukjae.

The priest-slash-party animal ran to the brunette, who was busy with Hyukjae. And, of course, he was furious, when he spotted them together. He remembered what happened in the last party. He remembered how much he hated Hyukjae for throwing himself all over Donghae in the party. Of course, Donghae wouldn't like having a tongue shoved down his throat forcefully. He regretted inviting Hyukjae, but he had to invite him as they were neighbors.

"Lee Hyukjae! Keep your hands off my boyfriend!"

Hyukjae ignored him and continued. The furious party animal raised his hand and was about hit the black-haired teen, when the brunette grabbed his forearm and grasped it tightly as if he was trying to crush his bone. Siwon was shocked at how strong the brunette could be, because no matter how muscular the brunette looked, he was pretty submissive.

"You have no right to touch my Hyukkie!"

"Your Hyukkie? What is this supposed to mean?"

Hyukjae entered the scene, "Yes, you heard it, dickhead!"

"Choi Siwon! You cheated on me with that Ariel, didn't you? So, I hooked up with Hyukkie. I guess, it's fair, now."

Ariel Lin was a model and actress who appeared with Siwon on few variety shows and a drama and Taiwan. She was beautiful and talented. No doubt guys were head-over-heels for her. There was news circulating all around that Siwon had been dating her. At first, it was just a rumour. But, soon, it was confirmed by Siwon's agency.

"It's all a foul rumour." Siwon said with tears.

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