Chapter 7

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Donghae and Siwon were out on a date. Everything seemed pleasant. They were having dinner at a fancy restaurant. The brunette wasn't used to fancy restaurants. He preferred going to Subway or Starbucks. Siwon, being the rich and elite guy he was, preferred taking his dates to fancy restaurants. He was a man who liked fine dining.

The masculine teen looked into the brunette's eyes, "Hae, baby..."

Donghae was uncomfortable, because he didn't really like Siwon. Apparently, he thought that getting into a relationship with Siwon was the biggest mistake he had ever made.

"What is it, Siwon?"

"I'm going to Taiwan for ten days. I have some schedule."

That was the greatest news that reached Donghae's ears. He would get rid of Siwon for ten days. But, what would he do when he saw Hyukjae and Sojin around together? He would be left alone.

The brunette tried to act like he was desperate for Siwon's love.

"I'm going to miss you so much, Siwon!"

The masculine teen caressed the brunette's cheek, "I'm going to miss you too, cutie pie!"


Sojin and Hyukjae saw Heechul approaching them. Hyukjae felt like he was inches away from death. Did Kim Heechul get to know about the whole matter with him and Donghae?

Sojin somehow got the signal that she had to leave to avoid any danger, "Uh...I have to go. Goodbye, Hyukkie!"

The blonde man seemed hurt and pissed off big time, "We need to talk in a good place."

A few minutes had passed, and the two men were at Starbucks. They seemed to talk about something very serious. Heechul had banged the table in anger gazillion times. The lonely Starbucks lovers were forced to turn their heads and see who that dumbass blonde Asian was, who was experiencing a mental breakdown.

"You have to break up with Sojin. You can't hurt Donghae like that." The blonde man looked at the younger with big, fierce eyes.

"I keep on denying my feelings. I can't help it. I was straight. And, then, I suddenly fell for Donghae. That's a big jump for me."

"That's not big jump. That's being bisexual. I know. I'm bisexual, too. Seriously, why do teenagers have to complicate everything?"

"My life is a Taylor Swift song."

"And it's your entire fault, Lee Hyukjae."


"If he can't return your feelings, he doesn't deserve you, Hae."Sungmin patted his best friend's back in order to console him.

The wise bunny believed that it was time for the brunette to give up on Hyukjae and break up with Siwon as he was hurting both of them. Donghae was just using Siwon to make Hyukjae jealous. And, of course, seeing Donghae with some other guy was a big torture for Hyukjae.

"It's hard. I really want him to return my feelings! If likes me, why doesn't he accept it?" The brunette poured out.

Sungmin was stressed out. He didn't expect the brunette to be such an emotional fool.

"Also, I saw that Sojin making out with some other guy the other day." Donghae ranted his heart out.

"What? Does Hyukjae know about this?"

"No, I don't think so. That annoys me even more. That bitch is hurting my crush so much!"

Donghae even thought of informing Hyukjae about this. But, the consequences p like would be bad. Hyukjae would definitely not believe Donghae. Also, they weren't really in good terms with each other. If Donghae took a risky step like that, it would only worsen the situation.

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