Chapter 11

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Weeks had passed. The last day before the summer vacations had arrived. A lot had happened since Hyukjae had moved into his new apartment. Two months were over. It was surprising how easily he got attracted to his neighbor, Donghae and that now he was already dating him. What was more surprising was the amount of time Donghae took to fall for Hyukjae. The brunette had already revealed to Sungmin how he fell for the new neighbor next door who brought him and Heechul a box of candies. "It was instant attraction." He said.

Also, Heechul had reunited with Hangeng. They had bonded again as close friends, ended up in bed, and already had their first argument as a couple.

The brunette woke up in the morning. He walked out off his room. Surprisingly, Heechul was already awake. Unfortunately, he found Hangeng in the kitchen.

The China man smiled at him, "Good morning, Hae! I've made special Beijing Fried Rice for you for breakfast."

Hangeng's main aim behind preparing his "Special Beijing Fried Rice" was to impress Donghae.

The brunette scoffed, "Thank you, but no thank you."

The blonde man gave him a back-hug, "Come on, Baby Hae! Try some of Hannie's Fried Rice. It's delicious!"

The brunette glared at the blonde. Heechul did one of his infamous aegyos. For some reason, his aegyo could only affect Donghae. And, of course, the brunette's heart melted. His angry expression softened.

"Okay, I'll try."

Everybody sat at the small dining table. The fried rice was served. Donghae had to admit that it smelled delicious and it looked delicious too. Heechul clicked a picture of his plate of fried rice for his Instagram and food porn collection.

The brunette took a mouthful of the Beijing Fried Rice. The couple waited for Donghae's reaction.

The brunette swallowed his mouthful.

"Well, how is it?" Hangeng asked.

"This is awesome. I don't like you. But, you cook well, Hyung!" the brunette's eyes sparkled as complimented Hangeng.

After clearing up everything, it was time for Donghae to leave for school.

Before leaving, he turned around and looked straight into his cousin's boyfriend's eyes, "I think you're a good cook, and a good boyfriend. Appreciate that."

The blonde couldn't help but blankly stare at the back of the brunette who was leaving.


The atmosphere at Nadam was exciting and cheerful. The students were happy about the vacations especially, the students going for the Korean-Chinese Students' Exchange Program. They were going to spend three weeks in China. The girls were the happiest, as they would get to meet the male ulzzangs in the program. Siwon was about to go too, but he had backed out, because he "undescribably busy", when actually he wanted to spend his vacations with Donghae. He didn't seem to have any other aim in his life.

Hyukjae had some exciting news for his friends. He had planned to invite all of them to his parents' vacation house which faced a pleasant beach in Busan.

The morning passed painfully with double periods of Math, a period of Chemistry and another of Physics. Hyukjae decided to reveal this pleasant news during lunch.

The clique sat at their favorite spot at the cafeteria. Hyukjae treated his friends this time.

As he sipped his strawberry milk, he announced, "Guys, this summer, I invite all of you to my parents' vacation house at Busan."

"Hope, your parents aren't chaperoning us." Kyuhyun joked.

"Of course, not. This vacation house faces the beach and it's beautiful. You'll love it."

Choi Swine, or Choi Siwon entered the cafeteria with his "swag" on. That's what he called it, because he thought it was "rad".

Sungmin and Donghae shared earphones. They shuffled their favorite girl group songs.

"You think you're cool"

Siwon swaggered to the clique's table. Nadam's deadliest bullies were sitting at a table in his way. Siwon continued swaggering on his way. One of the bullies had a certain urge to pick on "the dude in that ice-cream CF".

"You're not!"

The bully stuck his foot out. Lo and behold! Choi Swine had tripped over the dude's leg. He landed on his face. Chili paste and kimchi was smeared on his face. He couldn't walk anymore. It wasn't some random kid. It popular hottie, Choi Siwon.

"Boy, you ain't cool to me!"

Siwon tried to get up on his feet. The kids looked at the wondrous spectacle. The embarrassed kid looked at the kids staring at him. Then, he looked at Donghae. The brunette didn't notice anything until his eyes met Siwon's eyes. Sungmin paused the latest Girls' Generation song.

"He deserved it!" the bunny exclaimed.

Siwon made his way out of the cafeteria. The brunette gazed at his back in sympathy as he left.


The kids had expected to Siwon to throw a huge, dirty party on the night before he vacations started like he used to every year. But, he didn't. Many kids thought that the incident served him right. Well, Hyukjae and his clique had decided to go on a food trip to Hongdae. Kyuhyun wanted to get drunk and wasted.

The quartet went to their favorite place to Hongdae. The restaurant specialized in pork trotters.

Donghae and Sungmin relished their respective plates of pork trotters with cold vegetables, while Hyukjae and Kyuhyun enjoyed their pork trotters with chili paste.

By the time they had finished, they decided to try some of Donghae's favorite Kalguksu.

They had finished eating at 10 pm. After that, they decided to get drunk at a bar. Donghae and Hyukjae decided to drink within their limits. Kyuhyun and Sungmin hadn't forgotten the night they had to carry the brunette and the black-haired teen all the way to their apartments, but gave up because they were so heavy. Donghae and Hyukjae hadn't forgotten how they had ended up at some random motel, and how it had given rise to misunderstandings So, Kyuhyun and Sungmin were given the freedom to get drunk and wasted. It was time to be fair.

They did get drunk and wasted. Sungmin had passed out. Kyuhyun was singing some weird song by this indie singer named "Rose Motel". The brunette and the black-haired teen had realized how heavy their friends were. Now, came the real shit.

On their way, they decided to drop the couple at the same motel they had ended up at.

"Hmm... I expect them to have sex." Hyukjae said.

"Nuh-uh... Minnie, won't give his v-card before he gets married.

"I know that Sungmin is pretty wise and stuff. But, wisdom doesn't come into play when one is drunk."


Author's Note-

Here's Chapter 11! I have totally destroyed Siwon's reputation in this whole fic. But, that's how it is. Eunhae is meant to be and Sihae is not. It's interesting how the two men play with this innocent, walking ball of fluff.

Another thing that I realized is that I used too many swearwords in this fic till now.

Happy Belated Birthday to Donghae!!!!!!

May this guy live a fulfilling life with....Hyukjae!

Remember, comment=love and votes=power, or vice versa!

-Eternal Maknae^_^


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