Chapter 13

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The sun rose. The city of cinema, Busan glowed under the magical and warm sunlight. The summer in Seoul would consist of scorching heat. Seoul seemed nothing but a concrete jungle, if compared with the beautiful beaches of Busan.

Donghae woke up. He was surprised to find the other side of the bed empty. He walked out of the bedroom. He climbed down the stairs. He saw Hyukjae and Kyuhyun in the kitchen with Sungmin and Kibum. Surprisingly, Siwon was also there. Did Siwon and Hyukjae become friends?

"Oh, good morning, baby!" Hyukjae pecked the brunette's lips.

"'Morning, Hyukkie..." Donghae said, still feeling a bit groggy.

"We're cooking ramyeon with sausages!" Sungmin exclaimed, his eyes twinkling with excitement.

"I woke up so late! Why didn't you wake me up on time?"

"Hyukjae says that you're quite an expert at cooking ramyeon. He says that you're pretty skilled at pouring the right amount of water." Kibum smiled, his eyes shaped like crescent moons.

"Well, the amount of water makes all the difference." The brunette said, feeling proud. Not everyone possessed this skill.

"But, since the expert was looking so cute still asleep, we didn't want to wake him up." Siwon winked flirtatiously at Donghae.

The brunette blushed. Hyukjae snorted, "Seems like my boyfriend isn't comfortable, Mr. Choi Dipshit."

Kibum smiled, "I've never seen you be this possessive in any of your relationships, Hyukjae."

Hyukjae smirked, he grabbed the brunette by the waist, "Well, we share something special."

"Man, you're lucky! I'm still looking for someone who can return my feelings."


Siwon held a grudge against Hyukjae. But, seeing Donghae happy with him made him change his mind on certain occasions. Maybe, he and Donghae weren't meant to be together. Maybe, Hyukjae and Donghae were always the perfect couple. There times, though, were he had his fight-or-die mode on.

There he was, roaming the streets of Busan with a guy he met the night before. A guy he wasn't really interested in, but was hanging out with just for formalities' sake. It was a formality, because the guy wanted to be friends with him, and Jesus said that one must love their neighbor. So, it would rude to ditch the guy.

Kibum grabbed Siwon's hand, "Hey, let's have Haagen-Dazs ice-cream! Then, we'll order some Kyuchon chicken!"

"I think, we should have the chicken first."

"Aw, come on!"

"Hyukjae's had a bad influence on you." Siwon muttered to himself.


"Nothing, let's have ice-cream."

Kibum smiled as he passed the large cone of chocolate chip ice-cream to Siwon. His eyes formed crescent moons. He looked innocent, yet mischievous as the sun shone on him.

"He is cute." Siwon thought.


Kyuhyun and Sungmin cuddled on their bed, but were interrupted by muffled moans coming from the nearby room.

Kyuhyun frowned, "What the hell is going on?"

"I guess Donghae is having his first time!" the bunny clapped and squealed like a fangirl.

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