Chapter 10

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The past week had been really hectic with extra classes and all sorts of study sessions. Hangeng would always visit the brunette's apartment with the excuse of studying with Heechul. But, of course, Donghae knew what happened behind those close doors. He would often visit Hyukjae for study sessions. Kyuhyun and Sungmin would join in. They were pretty serious about their education. Hyukjae would seem hornier if he were compared with Donghae, but Hyukjae knew what his responsibilities were.

Kyuhyun stretched his arms. Dark circles were painted below his eyes. Hyukjae had suspected that he had spent the previous weeknights having sex with Sungmin or playing Starcraft. He was wrong. The evil best friend, who he expected to be a dunce, was actually a high school mathematician. Kyuhyun was at the top of his class in Math, but he never actually "boasted of his stupendously high IQ level". Sungmin came into believing that Kyuhyun was a model student in the disguise of a gamer. Later, it was revealed that Cho Kyuhyun was good only at Math. He had failed a trillion times in History.

Surprisingly, even Kyuhyun had been pouring over books for the past weeknights. The students at Nadam were suffering from an "extra class attack" and pop quizzes and tests. They had to prove themselves in order to be free from this ordeal.

"Sungmin, baby, what do you want to do tonight?" Kyuhyun looked miserable with his eyes wide open and thick dark circles.

The bunny smiled weakly, "Nothing. Kyu, I think you need a rest."

"We should partying, why are we studying so much? In a few weeks we'll have summer vacations!" Hyukjae said.

The brunette sighed, "We still have to study."

"Oh, screw the Korean education system!" Kyuhyun looked possessed.


Hangeng walked to the cafeteria. He was stopped by Zhoumi, who looked creepy and possessed.

"Woah, dude, what's wrong?"

"Luo Qian..."


Luo Qian was Hangeng's ex-girlfriend. She was overly sensitive and emotional. She tried to commit suicide once because she suddenly, without evidence, suspected that her parents weren't her birth parents. Hangeng had tried hard to stop her from jumping of the terrace of her obscure apartment building.

"Luo Qian has returned from China. She is studying at Yonsei. She bit my head off trying to get your contact. She wants to meet you tonight."

Luo Qian was the last person Hangeng expected to arrange a meeting with. Actually, it was totally unexpected.

"I don't want to see her she was a nightmare!"

"Hangeng, you have to meet her. It is a one-time thing. You can break up with her. If you don't meet her, she'll kill me!"

And so, the plan was made. Hangeng and Luo Qian decided to watch a movie.

The two sat in the dark. The movie started. Thirty minutes later, the scary scene started. Luo Qian clutched the flustered man's arm. She tried to hide behind him. Hangeng felt uncomfortable with all that skinship with an ex. Soon, the movie was over.

They walked out, and Luo Qian was clearly in the misunderstamding that that was a proper date.

Hangeng paused and held Luo Qian's hands, "Qian, we aren't in a relationship, you know."

The said woman started crying, "Hannie... Are we breaking up?"

"We aren't in a relationship."

"What?! I hate you, Hannie! You are dead to me!"

Luo Qian walked off. Hangeng, as usual, crashed at the blonde's apartment. As soon as he entered, he found the brunette pouring over books. Donghae looked up. The China man greeted him.

The brunette scoffed, "Yeah, whatever."

Heechul came out of his bedroom. A smile was plastered on his face. He hugged the man and then kissed him full on the lips.

The brunette walked off in digust with his books, "I'm going to study in my room."

Heechul served himself and Hangeng some coffee.

"So, Zhoumi told me you were hanging out with Luo Qian, today."

Hangeng braced himself, "Yeah, it was really nothing."

The blonde looked at him with suspicion, "Nothing? Did you two cuddle?"

The China man did not answer. He was a great liar, but he could not lie to Heechul.

What followed was a series of arguments and fights, which seemed like music to Donghae's ears who could hear everything from his room. After all, walls have ears too. The shouts and "thuds" seemed better than the sexual moans and the creaking of the bed he had been hearing for the past week.


It was Saturday morning. Donghae had woken up at nine. He could not find Heechul or Hangeng anywhere in the apartment. He had found a note on the kitchen table.

"Hae, baby, Hannie and I have gone to Zhoumi's. Take care, and have some breakfast. You look pretty thin lately.

-Your Heechulie Hyung~"

The brunette was confused. What had just happened? A long argument between his cousin and his boyfriend had turned into a breakfast date at a guy named Zhoumi's house. The brunette sighed.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. It was Siwon.

The brunette frowned, "What are you doing here?"

The man smiled, "Do you wanna grab some coffee with me?"

Donghae stroke a fake thinking pose, "Uh... no."

Siwon sighed, "Donghae, give me a second chance to prove myself, please!"

"Okay, only coffee."

The man was thrilled, "Okay, only coffee. Nothing more than that."

A pleasant coffee date followed.

"Anyway, how was your time in Taiwan?"

"It was great. Our drama cast was awesome."

Two of them talked like friends, as if they had forgotten all about what had happened at the party. Even the coffee tasted great. The lonely Starbucks lovers were also enjoying the atmosphere. Saturday morning was known to be a morning wherein a guy might wake up trying to recover from the hangover of last night's party. But, that Saturday seemed different.

Suddenly, this peace was interrupted by none other than the concerned boyfriend, Lee Hyukjae.

"Lee Donghae! What are you doing here with this jerk?"

The brunette pouted, "We were just having coffee."

Siwon stood up, "Hyukjae, I invited Donghae to have coffee with me. It was nothing much but coffee."

Hyukjae walked closer to Siwon and looked straight into his eyes, "Choi Siwon! I don't give a fuck about no competition. I want you to stay away from my boyfriend!"

Hyukjae grabbed the brunette's arm and left like the ideal possessive boyfriend.

It seemed evident that Hyukjae was going to win. But, of course, Choi Siwon wasn't going to give up so easily.


Author's Note-

Chapter 10 is here! Phew! Donghae and Hyukjae have left for their military deployment! Thank God, they have been posted at the same place. I cried so much when Donghae left. He left on his birthday!

Oh, that reminds me; today is my birthday, so double update for all of you!

Remember, comments=Love and votes=power, or vice versa!

-Eternal Maknae^_^

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