Chapter 6

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"So, what happened last night?" Hyukjae scratched his head.

"Well, you..."

"Yes? You can tell me everything no matter how embarrassing it is."

"Okay, well, when you were drunk. You confessed to me and kissed me."

Hyukjae couldn't believe the words coming out of Donghae's mouth.

The brunette continued, "Siwon was extremely angry. He was about to tear you into pieces. So, I secretly carried you into my apartment somehow."

Hyukjae smiled awkwardly, "I can do unbelievable things when I'm drunk. Thanks for saving me from Choi Siwon's wrath, by the way."

Both of them ate silently.

The brunette interrupted the peaceful silence, "By the way, was that confession true?"

Hyukjae bit his lips, "Uh, no."

"But, you're so evil! How can you make me fall for you? I'm straight. I'm supposed to like boobs and vaginas. I'm supposed to like Sojin. She's got big boobs and a big butt. She's good in bed. But, she's nothing like you."

The brunette remembered the whole scene.

Hyukjae continued, "I can do unbelievable things when I'm drunk. I blurt out shit sometimes. You shouldn't believe me when I'm drunk."

Hyukjae lied, and his conscience kept reminding him how he was going to regret his actions later.

Tears started welling up in the brunette's eyes.

"Lee Hyukjae! You are a bad liar! I know that you like me. So, why don't you accept it? What's wrong in being gay?"

Hyukjae was going to regret this so bad.

"I want you to leave before Heechullie Hyung returns. I want you to leave, now."

Hyukjae picked up his jacket and walked towards the door.

Hangeng woke up and found that Heechul wasn't there. Heechul came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.

"Woah, your skin is as white as ever."

"I'm pretty, ain't I?"

"Heechul, you suffer from a terrible bout of Prince Disease."

"Come on, you absolutely love my milky skin."

"Oh, yes! I'm dying to know how maintain it , milky prince!"

A few minutes later, the old friends found themselves engaged in a stupid conversation over breakfast until it was time to leave.

"Hannie, I'm getting anxious about Hae. I think it's time for me to leave."

"Take care! I hope you're successful in protecting your dear little cousin."

"Bye! Visit us sometimes!"

And, with that Heechul walked out of the house.

Heechul entered his apartment. He looked for his cousin.

He found the brunette hugging his knees and crying. His blood boiled, "Fishy! What happened? Did someone break your heart? Imma make numerous holes in that jerk's body."

This was one of those moments, when Heechul and his cousin, Donghae bonded over two large bowls of ice-cream. Donghae pured his heart out.

"Did something happen at the party?"

The brunette nodded in response.

Donghae told his cousin everything from Siwon asking him out to Hyukjae's weird confession.

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