Chapter 15

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A whole month had passed by since Donghae, Hyukjae, Kyuhyun and Sungmin had returned to their apartments. The brunette was, now, used to the disturbing sight of his cousin making out with his girlfriend. Kyuhyun and Sungmin's relationship was going smoothly. They had decided to take a step further, and Sungmin had lost his virginity. Donghae and Hyukjae were fine, too. Hyukjae wanted to take a step further, but waited until Donghae was ready.

Siwon was still in contact with Kibum. There was a possibility that hae would move to Seoul, and Siwon was looking forward to that.

The midterms were approaching, and so the days of hard labor for the students of Nadam had started. Exams didn't really measure a student's intelligence, but tested how well they could write a test. Now, that was a disadvantage. Hyukjae would curse the education system, because according to him, he was quite an intelligent guy, and so far, his grades had proved him wrong. Sungmin thought that his IQ is made up of a box of crayons, because of Math. Kyuhyun was best at Math, and sucked at other subjects. Every time he helped the bunny, the bunny felt like he was sinking, because every tutorial session revealed that Kyuhyun was too intelligent for him. Hyukjae would remind him that Kyuhyun had flunked other subjects before.

At the cafeteria, the brunette gaped at his phone's screen. His puppy eyes were sparkling. He looked depressed.

"Oh, this is terrible!"

Hyukjae, who was sipping his favorite strawberry milk, looked at Donghae. "What happened, Hae?"

"70 per cent of teenagers in India commit suicide because of exam stress."

"Tell me something new." Kyuhyun rolled his eyes.

"I know right! It's like grades determine our lives!" Sungmin said hysterically.

There was news circulating around that one of the best students of Dong Nae Foreign Language High School, another famous foreign language high school in Gangnam, had committed suicide. The principal was sued, because apparently she didn't just commit suicide because of exam stress but also because she had a lot of pressure from the principal. Whether it is Performing Arts, Foreign Language Studies, or normal academics, students were always under pressure.


The next day at school was as shitty as always, but something different was waiting to happen.

The homeroom teacher said in his monotonous voice, "Everybody, welcome our new student, Kim Hyunah."

Hyukjae woke up from his sleep. Kim Hyunah?

Hyunah walked in with a smirk that annoyed Donghae to a great extent. Her lips were as red as a monkey's butt, and she had put on some meat at the right place (butt not included). The guys were drooling. The girls and the brunette were annoyed.

Hyunah picked up seat behind Hyukjae. "Hey, Hyukkie!"

Hyukjae glanced at the brunette's annoyed expression. "Don't call me 'Hyukkie'! Donghae gets annoyed."


"Heechul, we should break up."

The blonde's already beady eyes widened into saucers when he heard this in a date, which he thought to be going smoothly.

"This situation we are in is superficial. We aren't forever. We are time-bomb."

The blonde straightened up. "Wait. Why are you quoting Tove Lo?"

"You belong with Hangeng. We hooked up in an unfair situation, a situation, which was unfair for the both of you."

Eunsang left, and Heechul was left looking at her go.

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