Chapter 8

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The sun rose and the brunette woke up in an unfamiliar room. As he lifted his body up, he felt a strange kind of pain in his butt and lower back, as if he just had sex. Also, he realized that he was naked. A few minutes later, the black-haired teen, which happened to be sleeping naked next to him, woke up.

Hyukjae and Donghae took the next few minutes trying to figure out what they were doing in that obscure room that perpetually smelt of sex. And, when they looked at each other, they tried to figure out why they were naked and, most importantly, why Donghae's butt was aching.

The brunette pouted, "I think you, Lee Hyukjae, have taken my virginity!"

Hyukjae looked at the brunette's toned body. That man was sex on legs! How could he have been a virgin?

"What the fuck? You're a virgin?"

Donghae blushed, "Yes. I thought I'll do it with the right person, before you took my virginity!"

Hyukjae retaliated, "What proof do you have?"

"First of all, both of us are naked. Second, my butt is aching. And, third, you're not a virgin."

"Okay, I have an active sex life. But, that does not mean that I just have casual sex with anyone! I have a habit of taking off my clothes when I'm drunk sometimes. You see, I feel very hot. Probably, you felt hot, too. Probably, you fell over your butt."

The brunette pouted again, "It's immature of you, Lee Hyukjae. Why don't accept your mistake?"

Hyukjae was going to blow up anytime, "Because it's not my fucking mistake! I would never have sex with a random person! No matter how, drunk I am!"


Heechul smirked at his pen friend's letter.

Dear Hee, the Dictator,

You know, I met my long lost friend. We had great time together. Just like you, he lives with his cousin. He's pretty protective about him.

It was a shock, when I saw him after such long time in my best friend's party.

We're so similar! I wish I could meet you. Maybe, hear your voice? But, this anonymity thing is fun. Here, you can take my landline number.

Your friend,

Beijing Fried Rice Master

Heechul noted the number. As, walked towards the Pen Friends Club meeting, he met Hangeng along the way.

"Oh, Hangeng! Are you one of those victims of Kim Taeyeon's annihilation?"

"Seems like it."

The two old friends chatted along, when Hangeng was dragged away by Taeyeon.

"Hangeng, do you have any idea who you are pen friend is?"

The China man was confused, "Nuh-uh..."

"It's the one you were talking to before."

"What the fuck?"

The blonde man threw his bag on his bed. He took out his phone from the pocket and impatiently, dialed in the number of his pen friend.


"Hi! It's me, your pen friend."

"Oh, hi!"

"So, it's good to hear your voice."

"Yeah, I feel the same about you."

"Can I call you 'Peng you'? Doesn't that mean 'friend' in Chinese?"

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