Chapter 4

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Hyukjae tore through the crowd in the hallways along with Sungmin. When, he was suddenly stopped by Siwon.

"Hyukjae, can you do me a favor?" He tried to make puppy eyes but failed.

"Yeah, I guess."

Sungmin rolled his eyes.

"Can you help me get closer to Donghae?"

Sungmin frowned, "We've got better things to do in life."


"Hyukjae, are we talking to someone?"


The masculine man fished out some money from his purse.

"Here, I'm ready to pay you."

The bunny got infuriated.

"Choi Siwon! Are you trying to buy us?!"

The students turned around to see what was happening.

Hyukjae shook his head sorrowfully at the scene the bunny and the masculine man were making.

"I don't care if you're one of the popular and rich kids. But, we have some self-respect!"

At that moment, no one could drag the bunny down. He slapped the money right across Siwon's face. Well, popular kids can't just buy their way in all the time.

As Sungmin and Hyukjae walked across the hallways with their heads held up high, the students (especially, the guys) gave them a big round of applause (which Hyukjae found weird, but Sungmin appreciated). Choi Siwon was publicly humiliated. That was something nobody would dare to do at Nadam. But, when one has to fight for their self-respect, one has to break those barriers created by other people. And, then again, repressed feelings can be dangerous when vomited out (Something Sungmin just did).

A tall man made his way into the college canteen with a piece of paper in his hands.

"Hangeng Gege, did you get a letter from your secret admirer?" his friend asked.

"No, you see, I received a reply from my pen friend." Hangeng replied.

"Are you part of the infamous Pen Friends Club?"

"Zhoumi, how is it infamous?"

"I've heard that Kim Taeyeon annihilates all those who oppose her opinion."

"Yeah, right. What is this? The Third World War?"

"Dear Mr. Beijing Fried Rice Master,

Of course, I like Disney Frozen. You seem to be really talented, eh? How long have you been living here? Have you spent your childhood here? Have you been bullied?

My ex-best friend was Chinese, too. He was bullied a lot by the boys in our neighborhood. It was so sad. But, as time passed, he built up his self-esteem. I really miss him. I wonder where he is now.

The last time I met him was during high school graduation ceremony. I heard that he moved back to China. I don't know though.

A very personal question- Have you ever had a friend like that?

Signing off,

Hee, the Dictator"

Hangeng smiled to himself.

Seven years ago....

"Happy birthday, Heechul!" the teenager squeezed the said man in a warm hug.

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