Morning Worries

866 31 7

"I'm worried"

Those two words woke Alex from his slumber, and he tried to shake off his sleepiness and fully process what his boyfriend was saying.

"Why's that?" Alex replied, untangling their limbs and rolling over to face Scott, trying to read his facial expression. 

"About pentatonix". Alex, perhaps selfishly breathed a sigh of relief, It can't be too serious then.

"What could you possibly be worrying you about pentatonix? It's all going well isn't it?" Alex suddenly worried that it wasn't "is there something wrong? I'm not sure how much help I can be but-"

He was cut off by Scott's chuckle. "No you silly. It's just that everything is going so well..." Alex could read Scott's facial expressions like a book and could tell he was regretting starting this conversation. He hugged the other man closer, wrapping his arms around his waist, letting Scott bury his his into his neck, giggling softly went he felt small light kisses pressed there.

"No, come on, tell me."  He requested, pulling back slightly to look Scott in the eyes.

"You'll think it's stupid."

"Probably, yes. But I'll still hear you out"

Scott sighed. "I feel like one day we'll be so successful, the only thing left for us to do will be fail." Alex wanted to laugh, he really did, but decided against it realising that Scott's facial expression was deadly serious.

"What do you mean fail?"

"Make mistakes. Slip up. Say something wrong. Stray from our roots. I don't know. Something will go wrong and everything will collapse. It happens to everyone."

"I don't think that's ever happened to Beyoncé." Alex suggested, earning a small smile from Scott.

"But it has to Taylor. You know... the Twitter drama..."

"Hey. Everyone makes mistakes." Alex quipped, raising his eyebrows, suddenly grateful that Scott was too sleepy to notice him accidentally backing up Scott's argument.
They lay in silence for a while, Alex running his fingers through Scott's hair, and Scott lightly massaging Alex's arms that embraced him.

"You're really worried aren't you?" He felt Scott nod against his chest. "Look. In the unlikely event that you do trip up or 'fail'" trying his best to portray that he thought it was extremely unlikely, "you really think all your fans are going to leave? Sure they might disagree, and your popularity might stoop, but they'll stick with you. Honestly you could tweet that you like eating babies, and people would support you. Which is maybe terrifying but the sentiment is the same" Scott giggled but Alex could see the tears forming in his eyes.
"Don't you dare cry because I'll cry and we'll be a mess and it's not even 9am." He let Scott regain his composure before continuing.
"You have friends and family too Scott. You are the nicest person I've known. Ever. And I don't know a single person who would disagree. That in itself suggests you'll never let anyone down, but if you do, they'll be there for you. You're kind of lucky to be in a band. They'll always be by your side.
But most importantly" Alex smirked "you've always got me. Little old me, ready to catch you if and when you fall. Sure my arms aren't quite wide enough for all of PTX, but I'd do everything possible to pick you up and dust you off. I'll drop everything and run to your side, when you need me; whether your down the road or in London, Texas or... Japan, I'll be there as soon as you call. In fact if you could call in Japan that would be cool." He always struggled sounding genuine in these kind of talks, but he meant every word. Especially Japan. "You realise that don't you?"

"Thank you Alex" Scott replied, letting the tear that had been forming throughout Alex's speech roll down his cheek and onto Alex's bare chest.

"That's not an answer"

"Yes. I do know. It's just sometime I forget. Thank you for reminding me. I'm sorry. I never doubt you, I just sometimes doubt my self."

"Welcome to the world the rest of us live in, honey"

"Honey?!" Scott criticised, leaning away and looking in Alex's eyes, eyebrows raised.

"Scott your literally crying, you're in no state to critique my word choice." Alex replied sliding down the bed so his eyes were level with Scott's, and gently pressing their lips together.

"I love you"

"I love you more"

"Not possible."

"Sorry I didn't realise it was a competition" Alex quipped.

"Everything's a competition if you try hard enough" Scott replied, pecking Alex's cheek.

"Don't I know it". He turned his head and met Scott's lips with his own, deepening the kiss, before gently murmuring "and I think I won" eliciting a gentle chuckle from Scott, who didn't bother to argue.

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