
775 31 16

A/N - Oops. 

It always happened like this. Both men deliriously tired and cranky, but still cracking jokes. Until one hits a little close to home. "You won't do anything... stupid will you?" Alex had said it and couldn't take it back. In response he was met by stunned silence, only broken by

"Like what Kirk"

You can stop this now Alex. Be civil. "I know what you're like"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Alex knew full well this was a stupid time to be having this conversation but it had started now.
"It means people can get the wrong idea when you're drunk."

"What! What do you think I do when I'm on tour?!"

"I don't know-."

"-yes you do. None of that bullshit. I can't believe you"

"woah there, you're being unfair"

"Sorry? I'M being unfair? What have I done to lose your trust"

"Stop it. You sound like a child" Now you've done it. 

"I sound like a child? Listen to yourself! You're childish, picking fights for no reason!"

"OKAY. I'm sorry."

"NO YOU'RE NOT" Scott raised his voice effortlessly, booming out every word, Alex feeling the vibrations up his spine. 

"NO. YOU'RE RIGHT. I'M NOT. Because it always ends up like this!"

"Why do you always start this up if you know how it ends?!"

"Because need to TALK about it. Not shout, or fight. Why can't we at least pretend to be adults and have a civil conversation?"

"WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY?" Scott's voice lowered in pitch and volume. No longer shouting, Alex could hear the frustration in his voice, and it scared him. It was similar to getting the "not angry, just disappointed" talk from his parents all those years ago. But Scott was less condescending. "You want me to pinky promise I'm not going to get tipsy and fuck anything that walks? Is that what you think of me?" Scott's face fell, the anger replaced with sadness.

"No, no of course it's not" Alex went to embrace him, but Scott turned to the side, finding the wall opposite them very interesting. "Scott, of course I don't think that. It's just that 3 months is a long time-"

"I KNOW ALEX. I KNOW. BELIEVE ME" Scott turned back to face the boy in front of him, letting the words rush out. "You act as though you're the only one who has reason to be worried?! I hate leaving you, and everyone here, do you know how hard it is?" He paused taking a deep breath

Alex tried to remain composed. "Scott I just wanted to talk about it but-


"THEN WHY CANT WE HAVE THIS CONVERSATION WITHOUT YOU GETTING DEFENSIVE?!" Alex was shouting too now, not wanted to seem submissive, despite the tears prickling at the corners of his eyes.




It came out of nowhere and Alex knew this meant defeat, but victory wasn't worth the pain, and he couldn't be sure he'd be satisfied with the prize. "I fucking love you. And I'm going to miss you. And I worry about you, and our relationship. I'm sorry if I sound like an idiot. Or worse. I just want you to know how much I love you. I really fucking love you. And I'd hate to not have you to myself. I had to say something."

Scott stood in shock. His blood was boiling, but his heart was fluttering, and when he met Alex's eyes with his own, he didn't find the anger he expected, instead they were full of... love. And maybe regret. "I love you too. You'll Skype me?"

"Thursdays. And you'll check your texts at least weekly?"

"Sundays. Alex I didn't mean to sho-"

"It's ok. Me neither."

"And you know I'd never ever-"

"It's ok. Me neither." Alex just stood looking at Scott, unsure what to do. No problems had been solved; instead they stood, tearful and tired. Leave it Alex. He didn't, but he broke eye contact with Scott, speaking in an almost whisper, knowing he'd grow to regret his decision but he had to know the answer. "Scott. If you really wanted to, we could pause whilst you're-"

"Alex, I-" Alex shushed him before continuing

"Whilst you're away. I mean. I could never..." he trailed off, not wanting to say the words "but if... I don't know how it would work, but I understand if you wanted to, you know" he looked up at Scott, grateful for the next interjection,

"For someone who's very intelligent, you say some pretty stupid things, Alexander Kirk." Alex couldn't help the small smile forming on his lips, "I don't want to do anything to our relationship, except maybe shrink you down so I can put you in my pocket and take you with me everywhere,

"There are a few downsides with having me shrunk down" Alex joked, overwhelmingly relieved with his answer.

Scott let out a short laugh, shaking his head in shame at his boyfriend's sense of humour, Grown adult they said. "Alex, in the unlikely event I do feel tempted, and I've had a few too many alcoholic beverages, shall we say, I know you are only a phone call away, and I know how attached to it. And it works both ways Alex. I'm yours."

"How did I get so lucky? And hey, don't be having too many alcoholic beverages without me!" Alex joked, "Drunk, handsy Scott is my favourite"

"You've changed your tune" Scott jested, raising his eyebrows

"Too soon Scott"

"Please don't use that word"

"I'll call it even?"

Scott strode over pecking Alex's lips with his own, "Even."

Alex pressed their lips together again, for longer this time, letting his hands wonder, and rest on Scott's waist, "so... does that mean I won?"

"Uhm, no?" Scott teased, placing his hands on Alex's shoulders, looking in his deep eyes. "I think you cracked first actually?"

"Oh my god," Alex shook his head in disbelief before resting is forehead on Scott's, "you're such a child", he pressed gentle kisses on Scott's face, before starting his assault on down Scott's neck.

"mmhmm, that I am," he melted into Alex's touch. "But you love me."

Alex sighed, looking into Scott's eyes, "that I do. And you love me."

Scott blushed, how Alex could make him feel like this after years amazed him,

"I would be mad not to."

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