
411 21 16

"What's your weekly obsession Scotty?"

Scott took in a quiet but deep breath and answered in the most casual manner possible.

"Being engaged".  He could feel the burn of his cheeks, especially at the resounding "awww" that came from Mitch who Scott had already briefed on his announcement plan. "No but really, I'm so happy. Like, nothing's changed but it's still pretty cool". Mitch beamed over at the older boy, ecstatic to see his best friend so joyous and satisfied with life in general.

Scott watched the clip over and over on his laptop at his desk, his boyfriend - now fiancé - sat at his own computer next to him. Scott watched Alex's fingers typing diligently, and couldn't help but watch the ring on his fourth finger as it flew across the keys, pausing occasionally as he drummed his fingers in thought before continuing with the erratic rhythm.

Alex seem to notice Scotts lull in productivity and looked over at him, worry creasing his forehead slightly "What's up?"

Scott smiled at him, "Nothing. You're sure you're okay with this?" he asked, having already checked and double check both before and after filming.

Alex's eyes flickered down to the matching ring on Scotts hand, grinning a little before replying.  "Of course" he answered softly, "besides you mentioned it so casually."

"I know. But plenty of people will notice." Scott turned his attention back to his laptop: the video paused on a particular frame in which Scott had a small smile playing at his lips as he fiddled with the metal band on his finger. He tapped his print screen button and saved it, not knowing when he'd use the image but happy such a picture existed. He watched the video one last time, ensuring it was smooth and everything that needed censoring was suitably bleeped, but when it got to that line he almost had to pause it, feeling his heart beat out of his chest.

"Nothing's changed" he heard his past self say, and to an extent it was true, especially seeing as only a few people knew. But there was a kind of excitement to every action, a new motive; they still looked at new apartments, but now that was where they will live, once married; they both wore engagement rings on their fourth fingers, but they were just casual place holders, until they got real wedding rings; Scott still woke up next to the love of his life, but now he had a more impressive title, they weren't boyfriends anymore, they were fiancées.

And it terrified Scott. He had confessed this to Alex a few days earlier, who had heaved a sigh of relief, saying he felt the same and the pair had laughed off their anxiety, agreeing to take baby steps.

But this felt like the opposite of a baby step, whatever that may be - perhaps a middle aged dad late for parents evening but refusing to actually run. Because, admittedly, Scott hadn't exclusively stated who he was engaged to, or even their gender, but he knew that everyone knew. At the moment that was okay. But as soon as he hit publish, would it be okay? How would people respond? The last thing he wanted was people hating on Alex yet again.

Scott watched the video export and upload, staring at the "publish" button.

"I'm going to do it." He said, not looking away from his screen but hearing Alex turn to look at him.


"I'm going to press it." But he didn't.

Alex paused "Scott?" Scott immediately looked over at him, suddenly worried, a look Alex immediately recognised "No, no; I can see you worrying I was just checking in. You want me to do it?"

"No it's okay." He leaned over and gently pressed his lips to Alex's, "but thanks." He clicked the button his mouse had been resting over for the last 5 minutes and sighed, knowing there would be a few minutes of silence whilst unsuspecting viewers watched the Q and A. He quickly tweeted the link before sinking into his chair and waiting anxiously.

"I'm proud of you." Scott had almost forgotten Alex was still watching his every move, although Scott had long since gotten used to Alex's gaze 24/7.

"It kind of feels like coming out again. Even though everything's only implied so I guess not. But I'm proud of us." Scotts smiled, despite suspecting his blood type was currently pure adrenaline. He refreshed Twitter, watching the freak out begin, but before he could worry about the aftermath his laptop lid was slammed shut but Alex. "Hey!"

"You're doing that thing where you psychoanalyse everything. Stop it."

Scott bit his lip, knowing full well Alex was right before sighing in defeat, "you know me too well."

"Well, yeah. We are getting married". A smile stretched across Alex's face and Scott was sure the same mixture of joy and anxiety could be seen on his own face. 

A/N - Canvas part 2 is coming soon (literally lmao) but this was just a little drabble that's been tormenting me recently (to the extent that I dreamt the Superfruit episode actually happened). Xx

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