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February 13th. A strange day. Chocolate prices are at an all time high and a select few people will be running from shop to shop looking for something to buy their significant other. Better late than never, right?

But for Alex tomorrow was just another day of the year. The day after on the other hand - the 15th- now that was something to be celebrated. Discounted chocolates? Practically free teddy bears? What more could you want? It wasn't that Alex loathed Valentine's Day, he certainly enjoyed it more than he would if he was single, it's just that he had grown accustomed to spending it alone. He didn't really mind though – as he repetitively told Scott for the entire week leading up to his departure, trying to drown out the blondes apologies for leaving him again. "It's just another over commercialised day of the year, don't worry about it" he had comforted his Canada bound boyfriend. So, yes, tomorrow would just be an average Sunday, except he would miss Scott just a little bit more and they'd Face Time for slightly longer in the evening.

Alex heard the door bell ring and stood from his blanket cocoon on the couch to open the door, picking up some letters that had been placed on the table, riffling through the post as he opened the door to let in a house mate, "alright?" he asked casually, turning away to go back to his perch, but when he didn't receive a reply he looked up from the envelopes in his hands and at the person on his doorstep.

Alex could hardly see past the huge bouquet of flowers with legs. A head popped around the edge of the roses.

"Al--"he squinted examining the card tucked in the edge, "Alex?"

Alex stood shocked, it wasn't that they didn't do nice gestures; Scott loved showering Alex in affection, but even by Scott's standards this was pretty intense. The deep red roses were interspersed between a mixture of large petalled baby pink flowers, which Alex could only liken to a lily, and small but perfect white daisies.

"umm" Alex was snapped out of his trance and looked at the worried eighteen, maybe nineteen year old on his doorstep.

"Yes? Sorry yes that's me."

A look of relief washed over his features, "these must be for you then". He thrust them out.

"Do I have to pay you or like...?"

"No. Although, you could, if you wanted to, to you know... check it's gone through?"

"Nice try." he thrust a few dollar bills into the, he assumed, students hand though, before walking away, post under one arm, carefully carrying the flowers through to the kitchen. Once Alex had put them in a vase and sent a grateful snap to Scott he sifted through the mail, pausing when he saw his name hand written on the front of an envelope. He paced the room, levering the envelope open and laughing as he read the front of the card. The sender was suddenly very apparent.

This card does not contain any nudity, sex or naughty language.

He set it beside the flowers standing it up and admiring the scene. Until he heard a quiet tap. Alex looked around the room to see if it was Wyatt that had padded into the kitchen - or a human for that matter, but the noise had stopped as soon as it had started. Alex looked over at the card on the work surface.

"Please don't be a singing card; please don't be a singing card." He opened it, sighing in relief at the silence when he picked it up, leaving behind a little envelope that had fallen out, the contents rattling around. Alex looked at the envelope and then down at the card in his hands, realising he hadn't bothered to read the inside.

These things I will provide in person it read. Alex chuckled, rolling his eyes and reading the familiar scrawl underneath. Happy Valentine's Day, love from ???

"I wonder who it could be from" Alex muttered sarcastically – Scott did the same anonymous signature every year, finding it hilarious.

P.S – I know it's the 13th I'm not that dumb. It'll all make sense xx

P.P.S – unless it already makes sense in which case you opened them in the wrong order.

Alex narrowed his eyes, rereading the card before hesitantly picking up the smaller envelope. There were only a few things Alex could imagine being in it, and none of them seemed very Scott. Finally curiosity got the better of him and he slipped a finger underneath the flap, pausing in shock when he could see the top of the contents.

He recognised it immediately; the purple circular logo, the blue and red large font and smaller squarer print, the perforations two thirds of the way along. This was a boarding pass. Alex audibly squealed, pulling it out of the envelope and scanning the information; early hours of tomorrow, LAX to YYZ, Los Angeles to Toronto, booked in his name, priority boarding. He looked back in the envelope, knowing full well there would be yet another slip of paper. Sure enough –

I got you 3 days of paid leave. We don't have to be a million miles away. I love you. Alex could feel tears brimming at how ridiculously thoughtful it all was, he couldn't help but feel guilty for thinking they would bypass the tradition. He read on,

Also, don't worry; I spent my frequent flier miles. You better pack.

Alex unlocked his phone taking a shaky photo of the plane ticket and adding it to his story, before phoning Scott.


"Oh my god, I don't believe you" he could hear Scott laughing on the other end of the line, "I feel bad! I didn't get you anything, I thought we weren't—but you went to all that effort and – wow—also sending things of high value in the post is dangerous – also how did you get me leave?"

"Meh, I have my ways. Did you get it?"

"Which part of it?"

"Everything! The flower man saying 'for you', the flowers are red and white – Canada, the card about being there in person – also Canada, and the plane ticket – Canada again"

"No way!" Alex turned to look at the flowers, replaying his brief conversation with the delivery boy, rereading the card, "how?"

Scott laughed, "how what?"

"Everything! It's so..." he struggled for the right word, "organised. You're never organised! Or sentimental."

He heard Scott giggle to himself. "Don't be so surprised! Occasionally I'm a good boyfriend."

"You're always a good boyfriend. It must be exhausting."

"I'm far from perfect, Allie. Now I believe you have a short holiday to prepare for?"

Alex made a strangled noise of excitement, before covering his mouth in shock. "I have so much to do! Now I have to think of an even better gift for you."

"No, no. Just your presence is enough for this year."

"Revolting." Alex joked, "And to think I had you down as unromantic." He hid his face in his hands, as if Scott could see his cheeks, flushed with excitement and surprise. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

"You will! That's pretty cool, huh?! I love you."

"I love you more."


They laughed in unison before Alex hung up and sprinted upstairs. Suddenly, he was looking forward to the 14th a lot more than usual.


A/N - I hope you have a lovely valentines day. And if you don't, I hope you eat copious amount of chocolate anyway. 

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