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A/N - I love domestic scolex. A lot. So that's what this is. Enjoy x. (Also I just changed the name because I'm bad at this oops)

Scott woke up slowly and peacefully, in his bed, in his house, under his warm duvet, and he turned over to look at his boyfriend.

Or not.

Scott was suddenly overcome with sadness, the empty spot in their bed next to him reminding him of weeks of touring without his significant other beside him. Countless nights of tearful phone calls at ridiculous o'clock, impulse flight ticket purchases, and silent Skype calls fuelled by the insatiable need to see each other.

But before his upset could register on his face he heard the running of a tap in their bathroom and saw a head peep round the edge of the door.

"Good morning sleepy head, sorry I didn't mean to wake you"

Scott smiled at the clean shaved but floppy haired man talking to him, trying to wake himself up enough to form a coherent reply, "s'okay, where are you going?"

"To work. Like the majority of the population does on Tuesday morning, Scott" Alex teased, before disappearing back into the bathroom. Scott rolled his eyes and dragged himself out of bed, standing next to the other man in the mirror, who was scowling at his reflection.

"I hate hair. You reckon anyone would mind if I just cut it all off?" Alex turned to face the sleepy blonde in front of him, who was sporting a particularly impressive bed head himself.

"Yeah actually, I think they would" Scott laughed, "just wear a hat?"
"Scott, I can't wear a formal shirt with a snap back" he said, rolling his eyes at Scott's quizzical expression, "this is why you have a stylist."

Scott gasped, plastering on a look of hurt, "why are you wearing a shirt anyway?" Scott asked, not that he was complaining. The fitted white button up Alex was sporting had all the buttons done up as if he was going to wear a tie, and Scott couldn't bear to take his eyes off his muscled frame. He widened his eyes in genuine worry then, "have I forgotten anything important?"

"No, you idiot" Alex undid the top three buttons of his shirt then, widening the collar and turning to Scott, "it's just that you appear to have turned into part vampire whilst away?" Alex asked, eyebrows raised, pointing to the deep purple hickey on his lower neck from last night which showed no sign of lightening any time soon.

Scott felt his face flush as he tried to keep in his laughter, turning away to hide his smug expression; it really was impressive in both size and colour.

He reached for his tooth brush, desperate to avoid eye contact with Alex, but they shared a heated glance whilst Scott was peeping at Alex's reflection and memories of last night's reunion rushed back to him.

Scott took to brushing his teeth as Alex continued trying to tame his wild hair, and they moved around each other smoothly; as Scott reached across, Alex ducked and their two bodies became one as they tackled the process of getting ready for the day ahead of them.

"You know, we have two sinks for a reason?" Alex suggested, lightly bumping Scott's hip with his own. His response was nothing but strangled garbling noises coming from Scott who tried to tackle speaking with a toothbrush in his mouth, "I could make so many inappropriate choking jokes. But I'll refrain seeing as you laughing right now is going to result in toothpaste all over my mirror" Alex laughed with the twinkle of mischievousness that Scott had come to grow, love, and miss in his eyes.

A comfortable silence settled over the pair and they both paused after a few minutes, looking at first their own, and then their counterpart's reflections, smiling slightly. Alex wrapped his arm around Scott's waist, "you are very nice to look at" he stated matter-of-factly.

Scott felt himself blush, it wasn't often they complimented each other, so their occasional niceties always seemed particularly flattering.

"As are you. And you are also extremely kind" he turned his head then, quickly pressing his lips to Alex's cheek, "but I need to shave so if you'd kindly--"Scott elbowed Alex a little harder than he'd intended, giggling as he stumbled away, quickly turning on the tap.

"Scott! Are you kidding?"

"But mines messy" he whined, gesturing over to his own vanity, littered with half used creams, empty testers and old toothbrushes.

"And whose fault is that?" Alex joked, turning off the tap hoping that Scott got the message. Instead Scott stood, pouting and still, and Alex couldn't help himself. He gently pressed his own lips to Scott's, just briefly, before pulling away and resting their foreheads together. It was so familiar, so natural, it didn't matter they had been apart for so long, they fell into their own strange pattern immediately, and it was as if they had never left each other's side. Alex held Scott's face, one hand either side, and smiled at him, not wanting to break the silence but desperate to communicate his love for the equally tall blonde opposite him, "I missed you"

"I missed you more" Scott caught his lip between his teeth, shyly breaking the intense eye contact he had been holding with the beautiful hazel eyed man just mere inches away.

"How about you go scruffy?" Alex suggested, running his fingers along the stubble that littered Scott's chin to get his attention.

Scott chuckled, "oh, but whatever would I do in those five minutes I put aside?" he teased.

Alex laughed then, pulling away and dropping his hands to Scott's shoulders, shivering involuntarily when he felt Scott's hands on his waist, trailing around to the small of his back. "Oh I don't know, make breakfast?"

Scott laughed, "I would rather not start a fire this morning. Any other suggestions?"

"I can think of a few things" Alex's voice dropped considerably, his comment coming out as a husky whisper.

"You are trouble, and, by the way" Scott leaned in to Alex, so his lips were right next to Alex's ear, then ran his fingertips gently up Alex's back, grinning to himself, "I don't care who sees," he whispered in what they had stupidly coined sex voice, bringing his hands to rest on the front of Alex's chest, toying with his collar, "your shirt looks better undone."

And with that he turned and exited their bathroom, grinning to himself at his own cheekiness, leaving a shocked but chuckling Alex rolling his eyes, inspecting his reflection once more before joining his boyfriend in their bedroom, muttering quietly to himself "He's right. Unfortunately"

"I heard that. I always am." Scott giggled at the frustrated growl that escaped Alex, "now come over here and let's waste time and pretend it's not 8 AM on a Tuesday. Please."

And who was Alex to decline?

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