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Scott watched the clock ticking at the front of the class, slightly above his teachers head, and hoped he could pass it off as paying attention. It wasn't that Scott didn't want to be in class, he just... would rather be elsewhere? Places to go, people to see. He watched the hands, counting down the seconds until he was free of this prison cell of a class room.

"Just the summary questions then, on page 79"

Scott snapped or if his ticking-clock induced trance and looked at the board, suddenly wishing he had taken notes or at least paid attention. He sighed and reached into his bag, reluctantly accepting his cruel fate and setting his pencil case and text book on his desk, reaching back in for a notepad. When he couldn't feel it he pulled his bag into his lap, searching for some paper, and cursing under his breath when he realised he had forgotten it.

For such a conscientious student he could be very forgetful. Scott sighed and looked around the room, not familiar with any of the faces close to him, but a low chatter had spread throughout the class. He reached over and tapped the arm of the guy next to him, who's head rested against the desk, face turned away.

"Hey dude, sorry. Do you have paper I could borrow?" The boy sprung up; blinking quickly and shaking his head slightly, looking over at Scott. Suddenly Scott realised who it was. He had hardly noticed the figure enter and sit down after the bell - too busy counting down the minutes - but now he had woken the, he now realised, sleeping boy he couldn't help but giggle. "Alex you were out of it!"

"Huh? Oh right. Sorry." He scanned the board and squinted at the barely legible handwriting, "what's going on? What do you want?"

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you." Scott barely knew the boy, just another name and face he shared a class with, "do you have a piece of paper I could use?"

"Oh sure" he ripped two pages from his notepad and passed them over, "thanks for waking me though, probably best I don't sleep through this class. What are we doing?"

Scott scruched his face a little, trying to remember what they were studying, "I don't actually know," they laughed in unison, "I wasn't paying attention." Scott started making notes off the board, "Guess I'll copy down for now and hope I can do the questions at home" Alex yawned into his hand, not being particularly discrete he had been napping, "Out partying last night?" he asked with a roll of his eyes, hoping he didn't sound too bitter.

Alex scoffed, "As if. Up till 3 trying to finish my damn media studies project. For a 'soft subject' it sure does require a lot of work."

Scott was all too familiar with the coffee fuelled last minute panic, but before he could agree or at least apologise for his preconceived ideas, the pair were shushed.

"Psst" Alex nudged him few minutes later, and Scott was grateful they were in one of the few rooms with two person desks. He looked over at Alex who was scowling at the board, "what does it say after 'movement'?"

Scott looked up, and then at his notes. "I've written origami, but in hindsight 'tectonic plate movement origami' doesn't quite sound right." He whispered, frowning at the board, regretting sitting at the back.

He could hear Alex chuckling next to him, but so could everyone else when he exclaimed "ORIGINALLY", the entire class turning to look at him, "sorry, I uhh, couldn't" he sighed, "couldn't work out what it said but, I got it now so..."

No one paid his rambling any attention except Scott who let out a single, loud, laugh, before clamping his hand over his mouth earning a piercing look form their teacher.


Scott caught sight of Alex in the hallway the next day, calling after him. Once the blonde caught up to the older boy, he swung his backpack round and tried to hand two pieces of paper to him.

Alex laughed, "You don't have to pay me back! It's paper, Scott". Still, he held it out, eyebrows raised, challenging him, "what am I going to do with two loose sheets? I'll lose them!"

"I'm not being in debt to you." Scott stated stubbornly, although he couldn't help but smile, not breaking eye contact with Alex. They stood in a silent standoff, letting other corridor goers navigate around them. Scott bit his lip.

"Fine! I'm only trying to be nice. See you around"

Alex smiled in victory, echoing Scotts goodbye and turning. Scott however took a long stride forwards toward Alex's now back, folding the paper and shoving it in side pocket of Alex's bag. He speed-walked away laughing to himself, peeping back as he turned the corner to see a clueless Alex.

It took 4 hours of Scott worrying he had been too forward before his text tone rang out through his bedroom. After initially repeatedly checking his phone he was suddenly apprehensive to read the message.

(No Caller ID) - I couldn't even use the piece of paper because it had your scrawny af handwriting on it ;)

Scott laughed and added the number to his phone.

Scott - lmao sorry. Do I still owe you then? I pretty sure coffee will settle it?

Scott put down his phone smiling to himself, pleased with how it had come together. He reclined in his chair; propping his feet up on the desk in front of him and interlocking his fingers behind his head, rocking his chair slightly, preparing for an equally long pause before his reply. Scott suddenly worried he should have waited longer before replying, but all caution flew out the window as his phone vibrated consecutively three times. He nearly toppled out of his chair in haste to read it.

Allleeexxxxxx - ....buuuut.... (Ha)
Allleeexxxxxx - coffee does sound good. Organise times tomorrow?

Scott - sure. See you tomorrow buddy.

Allleeexxxxxx - ouch that bro-zone.

Scott sat shocked re-reading the message before he tried to formulate a response, now standing and pacing the length of his room.

Scott - wait....???
Scott - that was a completely unintentional 'brozone'. I am 100% no bromo.

Allleeexxxxxx - phew. this almost got VERY awkward. bromo...

Scott- Full romo. Or homo. I mean whichever.

Allleeexxxxxx - Score! See you tomorrow scatty.
Allleeexxxxxx - *scotty. Gdi.

Scott wasn't sure how or why he was still standing.

A/N - Breaking news - I am trash. Also I wrote a proper A/N a couple of days ago (it's at the start) and I could do with some feedback ☺️.
Thanks for reading x

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