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Alex could feel himself being pulled from his deep slumber but decided if he kept his eyes squeezed shut he could trick his brain into ignoring the shuffling in his room which was obviously Scott trying to be quiet. That was until a


And a muttered "Ah fuck".

Alex's eyes flew open and he tried to focus them as he sat up, rubbing the bridge of his nose and running a hand through his wild hair. Once his vision had cleared a little Alex smiled at a very apologetic looking Scott; grimacing in his soggy haired, bare chested glory, the white towel wrapped around his waist the only thing protecting his modesty. He stood in front of the door to their bathroom looking embarrassed, "sorry I didn't mean to wake you. Opened the window and it did that thing where the wind slams the door shut." He gestured to the closed door behind him but Alex wasnt really listening.

"It's fine, I'm only mad you showered without me" he smirked, turning and swinging his legs off the edge of the bed to stand.

"Alex," Scott warned, "I know what you're doing and as much as I'd love to join in this game I have important stuff to do today I'm already behind..." But Scott lost his train of thought as Alex stood and stretched, his back to Scott, muscles stretching and flexing before relaxing as he bought his arms back to his sides. Alex turned and sauntered over to Scott
"It's a meeting, right?" He asked, sounding bored, "and it's literally in our house, right?"

Alex walked not into Scotts waiting arms but around to his back, wrapping his arms around Scotts waist from behind and resting his chin on Scotts muscled shoulder. It would be so easy to untuck Scotts towel, he thought, but refrained and simply breathed in the fragrant boy in front of him; a familiar coconut scent hung to his skin, but underneath it was something distinctly Scott-ish. Not to be confused with Scottish. He sighed contently and felt Scott turn in his arms, but before he could say anything Alex captured his lips with his own. Their kiss was intense and searching, both boys knowing exactly how to drive one another crazy, it was simply a battle as to who could do it first.

Scott broke away, panting slightly and spoke quietly "I can't. I don't have time."

"Cant what?" Alex mocked, pulling away slightly and pursing his lips to stop himself from laughing. "What's it even for? The meeting, as in?"

"Just uh..." Scott gasped slightly as he felt Alex's hand slip underneath his towel and caress his skin, he cleared his throat, "important stuff, about the app and um next weeks vide-Alex" Scott's breath caught as he felt Alex's lips on the side of his neck "I swear to god"

Alex chuckled and gently nibbled on the skin before pressing a light kiss got the spot and moving downwards. Scott leaned backwards slightly, exposing more of his skin to Alex, biting his lip to prevent comments spilling out, certain they wouldn't be discouragement. But when his eyes grazed the clock on the wall he froze in panic.

"Alex." Scott pushed Alex's shoulders away.

Alex smiled.  "Okay, my bad. Have fun in your meeting" and he sauntered over to their walk in closet, swaying his hips a lot more that was strictly necessary considering he was clad only in his boxers. Once he had disappeared into the little room, Scott groaned.

"Wait. I didn't actually mean it."

Alex's head popped round the edge of the door frame "talk about mixed messages. But it's too late now" he turned away and chuckled to himself, biting back laughter as he heard Scotts approaching footsteps.

Alex didn't even register Scotts presence in the room before he was pressed against the wall, his lips captured in Scotts. He laughed in to the kiss and was still chuckling as they pulled apart, pushing away from the wall. He turned the pair of them so that Scotts back was against the cool wall, faces just inches from each other. The pair froze, just momentarily, breathing in one another, staring at each other and breathing the same air. Scott bit his lip slightly as Alex's intense gaze scrutinised his face, searching for something, before bringing his face even closer to Scotts, but still refusing to press their lips together.

Scott could feel Alex's breath running across the surface of his skin and mingling with his own and almost melted as Alex pressed their bodies flush together. Scott let out a startled groan, Alex seemingly pleased at how the blondes eyes had darkened with lust. "I mean, I suppose we have time if we hurry" Scott let out shakily, no longer sure if he was touching the floor or if it was just the wall and a smirking Alex supporting him.

"Oh," Alex pouted dramatically, "but I don't feel like hurrying"

"Yeah, well, I don't feel like being late but hey, sacrifices must be made" and with that he took control, pressing their lips together and tugging Alex out into their bedroom, hitting the light switch with slightly more force than was necessary.


Scott entered the makeshift meeting room, running a hand through his hair and pulling a hat down over it, hoping no one would comment on his obviously disheveled appearance. "Sorry I'm late, I was doing stuff"

And Scott could have sworn that from his bedroom he could hear Alex laugh and call out to him, "I'm stuff".

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