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A/N - I wrote this listening to Adele because, you know, I wasn't emotional enough already.

"Scott... Scott, wake up"

Alex shook the other man's shoulders, smiling at his sleepy expression. "Scott god dammit wake up"

Scott could feel himself being pulled forcefully from his slumber but tried to lay as still as possible.

"Scott! I know you're awake!"

Scott smiled before sleepily slurring out a "how'd y'know"

"Please I know you better than you know yourself" Alex smiled down at him from where he said on the edge of the bed as Scott opened his eyes. "You should check your phone"

"Hmm?" Scott grumbled, creasing his brow.

"Your phone. Check it."

Scott turned on to his back, "why?" He asked, but he patted blindly at his bedside table, sitting up and putting on his glasses for his sleepy eyes and reaching for his phone.

"Just do it"

Scott's 'calm down Shia' joke was caught in his throat as his eyes flicked around his lock screen. Scott didn't have many people on Twitter notification, and seldom bothered to acknowledge his texts, so when his screen was clouded with notifications about a Grammy nomination Scott was mildly overwhelmed.

Alex watched his boyfriends face contort from confused to shocked to ecstatic in a matter of seconds, "Scott breathe" he joked, stroking his arm but he couldn't help the proud smile that took over his face as Scott manically scrolled through his phone, firing off texts, emails and tweets. Alex laughed as Scott covered his mouth with his hand, finally looking over at Alex, eyes wide.

"Holy shit"

Alex laughed, "Yeah. Holy shit"

Scott sat, still half covered in his duvet, trying to comprehend all that had happened in the past 5 minutes. "Can you believe this is real?"

Alex smiled and gave him a slight nod, "yes. I can. You deserve this."

Scott cupped Alex's cheek with his hand and pressed their lips together, overwhelmed with every emotion. The kiss was tired, messy and passionate. And happy. So, so happy. Scott could feel the pure joy running through his veins as he pulled away from Alex and rested their foreheads together, "fuck." They both giggled slightly. "Thanks for waking me up, I guess"

"Sentences I never thought I'd hear you say"

"Literally, shut up" Scot playfully slapped Alex's arm, then noticed his attire, "are you leaving for work already?" He pouted.

"Technically I already left", he explained; "I was halfway to work and I got stuck in traffic so then I checked twitter and everyone was yelling at you to wake up, because, well, you were asleep, so I uhh... came back" he scrunched his face up slightly realising he was definitely going to be late.

Scott was simultaneously flattered and childishly upset, "you left without saying good bye?"

"And you were nominated for a Grammy! I should leave early more often." But Scott didn't appear to see the funny side and Alex realised just how much he always had and always would miss the beautiful boy. "You looked so peaceful, Scott" he shuffled slightly on their bed so that he could sit cross legged and face his partner, "I didn't want to wake you up, god knows the last time you had a decent night's sleep" he paused then happy to see Scott l smiling lovingly back at him, "and I left you a sappy note if it makes you feel better". He pressed a quick kiss to Scott's lips before standing, "but now I really need to go."

"Of course don't let me keep you." Alex watched recognition dawn on Scott's face as he quietly asked, "How late will you get back tonight?"

Alex ran his lip between his teeth, "after you leave." He sighed.

Scott nodded, slowly, just looking at Alex, drinking in his presence, "how many days?"

"Ten I think. That's what I'm going with."

He nodded again. "That's not many"

Alex shook his head slightly, "just a drop in the ocean." He suddenly realised what he'd insinuated and tired to take back his words, "no wait, I didn't mean that in a bad way, just that we're used to longer and--" Alex felt a familiar pair of lips on his, silencing his ramble.

"I love you a lot"

"I love you too" he started leaving before turning in their doorway, "see you later."


"I'll leave early and work overtime tomorrow."  Alex explained nodding to himself as his plan came together in his head.

"No Alex you don't need to do--"

Alex just shushed him, turning on his heels, "I'm leaving. I'll see you later and I love you".

He was part way down the corridor by the time he'd finished his sentence, so Scott muttered to himself in his large empty room, "I love you too". He dragged himself out of his bed remembering how full his day was going to be, and felt a smile spread over his face as he noticed the note stuck on his mirror in their bathroom.  Scott read the note, the excuse now unnecessary, but when he put it down he saw the familiar scrawl also on the back, the message written before Alex even knew about the nomination somehow making Scott even more emotional.

P.S.  I love you, you freak.

I'm proud of you.

Don't forget.

A xx

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