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A/N - Merry Christmas! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while; I'm on holiday skiing and snowboarding so when I saw the scolex ski snaps, well, the stars had aligned and this had to be written. It's kinda based on the snaps but there is a lot of creative interference and its set somewhere in Scandinavia for...reasons. Enjoy x


Alex was shocked at the wall of cold of air that hit him as he waded through the plastic curtain and into to the outdoor pool. He shivered as he noticed the luke-warm water turn to cold from being exposed to the sub zero temperatures, and grimaced at the two hot tubs that were a short distance away; accessed only by leaving the pool and walking along the edge. Alex hoisted himself out of the water and tiptoed along the snow cleared poolside, making a beeline for the closest hot tub with steam rising off it. He sunk into the scalding water, letting the jets massage his back as he scooted around to the other side and looked at his boyfriend.

Whereas Alex had gone for a silent and quick approach, Scott let out a string of curse words as he emerged, and whilst Alex was yet to see the real thing, looked how one would imagine a giraffe did whilst swimming; he took long strides and propelled himself by pulling the water to either side of him, rocking his body back and forth as he made slow progress towards the steps. Alex couldn't help but laugh at the sight, muffling his giggles at Scotts misfortune when he stubbed his toe on the bottom step. Once Scott was out of he water he skittered across the path, much to Alex's concern, calling out "be careful it's slippery, you clumsy thing." Scott skipped the steps into the hot tub and bent down, placing his hands on the edge of the tub, swinging his legs around the edge and dropping in with a splash. Once he surfaced, Scott let out a low moan as he eyes rolled up, sinking further into the warmth and away from their snowy, albeit beautiful, surroundings. "Did you just have an orgasm from getting in here" Alex joked, prodding him in the side and pecking him lightly on the cheek.

Their so called relaxation time had been far from it, having action packed days of snowboarding and winter excursions, and evenings spent exploring and partying. They had finally made use of the spa facilities of their cabin complex and Scott unwound for the first time in what felt like forever. Here, sat next to Alex, he could appreciate the truly amazing scenery; the spa building was surrounded by thick snow, and the sign outside the attached hotel boasted a -12C sign. It was pitch black despite being only 5pm because of how northern they were, but the lights from the hotel and the road extinguished a forest of heavy beached trees to their left, glistening in the low light with freshly fallen snow. The moon was full and hidden behind thin clouds, shining through just enough to give everything a silvery quality.

Alex let out a low "uhhhhh", jolting Scott back to reality,  giggling at how the powerful jets changed the pitch and volume of his voice. Scott copied him until they saw the family of four vacate the other hot tub, hot footing (or rather cold footing) it along, screeching as they left the warmth of the bubbling water and entered the normal pool. Both Alex and Scott groaned in unison at the thought of getting out, "I bet that fells like hell" Alex commented as they slid reluctantly into the cooler water and swam indoors.

"It's either that or trekking through the snow back to our cabin". Scott turned slightly to look for their room and was startled when a new set of jets hit his back.

Scott turned back to see Alex smirking, "I found the controls" he stated simply, before letting out an ungodly moan as he slipped deeper into the water, "I don't need you anymore" he said, still smirking, "I've found a new masseuse"

Scott let out a short burst of laughter, sliding over to his boyfriend and finding his thigh underneath the the bubbling water. "Is that really all I'm good for?" Scott replied with a fake upset pout.

"I mean you're alright at singing I guess." Alex quipped. "And you're kinda nice sometimes"

Scott laughed again, slipping his hand underneath Alex's  loose fitting shorts and continuing his gentle massage on his inner thigh, "you are so kind" Scott said sarcastically.

"You do realise I'm 100 percent joking" Alex checked, tilting his head to look at Scott

"Of course" Scott gently pecked at Alex's lips, "you tell me the exact opposite literally every time we are together" he planted another kiss on Alex's slightly parted lips, sliding his hand over Alex's shorts to his waist and moving to straddle his hips, all whilst peppering Alex's face and neck with a gentle assault of kisses. 

"Woah that escalated" Alex joked, not that he was complaining. A routine announcement from inside reminded Alex of where they were however, "Scott, we're in public" he whispered against Scotts lips, resting their foreheads together.

"When did you become such a goody two shoes?! No wait," Scott sat back on his heels a little, placing his hands on Alex's chiselled chest and trying to prohibit his thought process from derailing at the sight of the drops of steamy water rolling down his neck and pooling slightly in his clavicles, "I bet you were the ass who had colour coded revision notes, and made flash cards and all that."

Alex smiled, "yeah, but I can guarantee you were the ass that never revised and still aced exams". Scott chewed his lip and broke eye contact: guilty. "I knew it." They laughed together before settling down and looking at each other and around, the fairy lights draped along the fence providing just enough light to show the ski slopes just a short walk away to the right.  "How are you feeling? I saw you took a tumble earlier?" Alex asked.

"I'm bruised and battered, but learning"

"Kinky." Alex quipped.

"Wha- Alexander Kirk!" Scott rolled his eyes, "Not everything is an innuendo"

"You are literally straddling me right now" Alex said, raising his eyebrows.

"Alright, you got me there" Scott was whispering now, leaning in to Alex and pressing their lips together repeatedly, neither of them deepening their kiss in fear of being unable to pull apart. "Merry Christmas" Scott murmured between kisses.

"And to you. We are still in public though."

"What are the lifeguards going to do though? Physically pull us apart?"

"Maybe they'll be hot, and join in!" Alex joked spiking Scotts wet and pliable hair up, laughing at his shocked expression. "I'm kidding. Kind of."

Scott just rolled his eyes. "I'm cold now, let's go back to the cabin"

"And do what? It's warm here and it's Christmas Eve and I love you wow". The words tumbled out of Alex's mouth faster than he could stop them, smiling at Scotts rosey cheeks, deciding it was his words that caused them rather than the chilly air.

"I love you too. And I don't think I should say what we will do out of fear of planted microphones." Alex let out a short laugh; adding this to the ever expanding list of Scotts Irrational Fears.

"But Scott! We must be asleep before midnight or Santa will not bring our presents!"

"Who knows. Maybe he'll join in?" Scott echoed Alex's previous claim.

"Ewww Scott!"

"What" Scott joked, fully aware of quite how un-arousing his statement was, "I thought you were into that?!"

"There is a big difference between life guards and Santa. Speaking of which," Alex nodded his head over to the glass panes of the spa windows, through which he could see a middle aged woman clad in an unflattering yellow and red uniform tapping at her wrist, motioning for closing time. "Maybe not so much of a difference after all" Alex chuckled as Scott clambered off his lap embarrassed, his face scarlet red despite the temperature of the air. "Not so rebellious now, huh? I hate to say I told you so but-"

"Literally shut up. Let's go you loser"

And with that they scampered back to the relative warmth of the indoors, before heading to their cabin where a night of hot chocolate, bad films, and tangled bed sheets awaited them.

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