Fresh Starts and Big Dreams .I

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Its just college... how bad can it be?  Newt repeated to himself. He waved good-bye to his mom as he watched her drive away with tears sparkling in her eyes. He was officially on his own.

He took a second look at the campus of Southern New York Glade University. It honestly was beautiful, trees were colored bright oranges and reds which made the gray color of the buildings look warm and welcoming. The stone paths were paved in twists instead of the generic straight patterns of city sidewalks.

Newt took a deep breath and stared at his slightly worn converse sneakers as he walked slowly, trying to disguise his limp. He kept a tight grip on his suitcase as if he was afraid it would be taken from him. After he was satisfied with his steps he looked up as he walked, now trying to find his dorm room.

A buff Asian kid walked past Newt walking at a brisk pace, "Hey um excuse me!" Newt called shyly to him.

The kid turned around, looking a little confused.

"Whatever you think I did I promise I didn't," he put his hands out in surrender.

Newt smiled,"No, I just wanted to know if you knew where I could find my dorm, I'm lost."

"Yeah sure, names Minho by the way," he looked at Newt's paper and nodded.

"I'm in this dorm house too, I'm actually on my way now, follow me," he grinned and took off walking fast again. Newt tried to keep up but wasn't very fast. He suddenly remembered he forgot to tell Minho his name.

"Oh, I'm Newt," he piped up which made Minho turn around and realize how far behind the small boy was.

"Hey you could have told me to slow down," Minho laughed as he waited for Newt to catch up.

Minho noticed Newt's limp and grabbed his suitcase,"I'm carrying this for you."

Newt opened his mouth to protest but Minho clamped a hand over his mouth.

"There is no room for arguing, I'm carrying it. Don't worry I can handle it, can't you see I work out," Minho flexed his free arm then grinned and walked the rest of the way making small talk with his new friend.

When they got to the dorm, Minho helped Newt find his room number then waited for him to unlock it. Newt's roommate was inside laying on the bed, doing something on his phone.

"Oh, hi I'm Newt," Newt said shyly. The kid has short cut light brown hair that was styled into a messy point, he also had some very unique eyebrows but Newt thought it made him look kinda cool.

"I'm Gally," he gave the two boys a half smile then turned back to his phone.

"I'm gonna throw this on the bed, that alright?" Minho asked. Newt nodded then moved out of the way so Minho could put it down.

"Hey thanks, really. If you ever need a favor, I owe you," Newt stuck out his hand for Minho to shake.

"Don't worry about it, just don't be a stranger," he shook his hand then patted Newt's shoulder and left,"see you around!"

Newt shoved the suitcase under his bed, deciding to deal with it later.

"So what's your major?" Gally suddenly asked.

"Me?" Newt looked a little shocked.

"No my other roommate," Gally laughed and shook his head.

"Oh, health and medicine," Newt flushed, "you?"

"Psychology," he nodded and sat up on the bed.

"Wanna get something to eat, I got another friend, Alby, he's in the next room over, we we're gonna go. He wouldn't mind if you tagged along," Gally got up and stretched.

"Sure, thank you," Newt's face lit up as he grabbed his wallet and followed Gally out the door.

So far so good...


Thomas placed his new sneakers in his closet and smiled at how neatly he unpacked his room, not like it was going to stay like that for long but it was nice while it lasted.

Thomas's grabbed his beanie off his bed and decided to explore a bit, his roommate had already unpacked before Thomas had gotten there but was no where in sight. He exited the room with nothing but his wallet and key and started walking the halls of the dorm.

He passed a few people who he waved to and smiled at.

Eventually he found himself at one of the small coffee shops with a growling stomach. The little cafe was small but cute, decorated in brown walls and white tables with matching chairs. He approached the register after glancing over the menu.

"Hello, what can I get you," a pretty girl with long dark hair smiled at him.

"I'll take a medium black coffee and a muffin, please," he smiled back. Everyone here seemed so nice so far.

"And your name?" she asked pulling out a coffee cup and a marker.

"Thomas." she scribbled it down as he spoke.

"Well I'm Teresa if you need anything," she handed him a bagged muffin and started filling up the cup.

He counted out the correct amount of money and paid the girl. She handed him the warm cup and put the money in the register.

"Have a nice day, and welcome to The Glade greenie," she laughed.

Thomas was a little confused but just sat down and started eating. He inhaled the muffin which was surprisingly amazing. Before he took a sip of his coffee he saw the girl had written "Tom :)" on the cup. He just smiled and got up to throw out his bag. Taking the coffee with him he continued wandering around campus.

He saw the library, the gym, the track, some of his classes and a pizza shop that a lot of kids seemed to be hanging out at.

Eventually he was back at his dorm room. To his surprise when he opened the door his roommate was there too.

He was sharing a room with a very buff Asian kid.

"Oh hi, I'm Thomas," Thomas stuck out his hand for the kid to shake.

"I'm Minho, sorry I was late I was helping this kid find his dorm. I planned on meeting you sooner!" he smiled and took Thomas's hand.

"So what's you major?" Thomas asked, taking off his beanie and unbuttoning his plaid shirt to reveal a plain t-shirt.

"Sport sciences, I'm big on athletics, especially track," the kid pulled off his shirt showing a chiseled 6 pack.

"Hey i do track too!" Thomas explained excitedly.

"Must be why we're roomed together," Minho pulled a sweatshirt over his head and smoothed out the front.

"Yeah it's cool though."

"True that, you seem alright," Minho lightly pushed Thomas's shoulder.

"Not to bad yourself there," Thomas pushed him back.

"Oh you wanna play?" Minho smirked then full on dive tackled Thomas onto the bed.

Thomas, taken by surprise, quickly recovered and used momentum to  flip them over and pin down Minho.

"I can't be taken down that easily," Thomas looked proud for a second until Minho lifted himself up and sent Thomas flying onto the floor.

Minho broke out into a fit of laughter,"We're gonna get along just fine Thomas my friend."

Maybe college isn't so bad after all...

Okay this is a new fan fiction I'm writing and I have a lot of plans for it, I think you guys will like it a lot! Thanks for reading loves xx Remember to vote and comment if you liked it!


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