Back To Normality .XXII

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"What?!" Thomas choked out as his head snapped from the road to Newt.

"I don't know, have you like...ever thought about it," Newt asked shyly.

"Well, I mean, yeah. Why?" Thomas' gaze shifted back to the road but he was still clearly listening.

"I don't know, I mean we're both in college..." Newt trailed off.

"Newt," Thomas took a deep breath, "I don't think it's something we should push or plan. I...I uh...well I'm a virgin so I mean it's not something I want to rush. But I'm not saying I don't want it, cause trust me I really really like really do but just not now," Thomas explained with a slight strain in his voice.

"Alright," Newt frowned, feeling slightly rejected.

"Hey, don't take it like that," Thomas took Newt's hand in his, "it's just not something I'm ready for right now, okay? It has nothing to do with you. When it happens it'll happen," Thomas shot him a small smile.

"You know what Tommy, you're right," Newt sighed, "I'm sorry for asking I just...well now this is just bloody awkward."

"No it's not," Thomas gently kissed Newt's hand, "I love you but I respect you to much for us to do that this early in our relationship. I'm in love with you Newt, not just your body, which is quite attractive if I may add."

Newt grinned, "you know you make me fall more in love with you every day."

"That's so cliché," Thomas laughed but squeezed Newt's hand, "we can't turn into one of those couples."

"Good that Tommy, good that."


"Hey you know Tommy, I never gave you your Christmas present," Newt said shyly as he reached under his bed for a nicely wrapped box, "I got it awhile ago but I guess I was kinda scared to give it to you."

"I got you something too," Thomas said as he unzipped his suitcase, I brought it, just never gave it to you.

They were in Newt's dorm with plans to take a nap after their long car ride back to the campus.

"Here open yours first," Newt mumbled as he pushed the box into Thomas' lap.

Thomas eagerly tore open the paper and grinned when he saw what was inside. He pulled it out and ran his fingers over the cool glass. It was a picture of the two of them, Newt was holding the camera and smiling while Thomas' arms were wrapped around his waist and he was kissing his cheek. The wooden picture frame has their names written on it in sharpie marker, Newt clearly wrote it.

"Do you like it?" Newt finally said.

"Like it? I love it!" Thomas exclaimed and tackled Newt in a hug.

"Get off me you idiot," Newt laughed as he tried to wiggle out of Thomas' grasp.

"Now you have to open mine!" Thomas jumped off the bed and grabbed the box from his open suitcase.

Newt shook his head at Thomas' enthusiasm but started tearing at the paper anyways, inside was a sweatshirt and an envelope.

"I got the sweatshirt awhile ago and I wore it a few times because I know you like my hoodies. And that envelope, save it and read it on our 6 month anniversary okay," Thomas' face wavered for a second, "do you like it?"

"Of course I do!" Newt got up and pinned the envelope on his cork board, "how am I supposed to wait that long to open it?"

"You have to, it'll be worth it," Thomas came up behind Newt and wrapped his arms around him, "trust me."

"I do," Newt pecked his cheek then detangled himself and stretched, "nap now?"

"Hell yeah, I'm so tired," Thomas nodded as he jumped onto the bed.

"You're such a child," Newt laughed but he slid in next to Thomas anyways.

Thomas' arm snaked around his waist and he pulled him into his chest, "night," he mumbled.

"Night Tommy," Newt shook his head but relaxed and closed his eyes.

The last thing he felt was Thomas' lips on the back of his neck before he drifted off to sleep.


"Yeah Newt you should come!" Minho begged as Thomas nodded.

"I'd have to sit there by myself," Newt crossed his arms.

"I could sit with you until I have to run, come on it's only a few hours long, please! For me! We've been dating for 5 months now and you haven't been to one yet!" Thomas pouted and Newt sighed.

"Aw come on, we wear really tight shirts when we run, like skin tight. I know you wouldn't mind that view of him at all!" Minho snickered and pinched Newt's arm.

"Ow!" he swatted at Minho's hand then let out a long breath, "fine I'll come to the track meet."

"The tight shirt argument worked!" Minho cheered and high fived Thomas.

"You're taking me to get food now though," Newt pointed at Thomas and raised his eyebrows.

"No needy," Thomas teased but hooked his arm through Newt's and started pulling him twords the car, "see you at the meet Minho!"

"Don't be late shuckface!" he called after the two boys.

"I'm never late!" Thomas yelled over his shoulder as he reached his car.

"Where are we going?" Newt asked

"Surprise," Thomas grinned and he started the car, "you'll love it."


"You're actually good at heating up Ramen noodles Tommy," Newt laughed as he blew on his bowl.

"I'm good at a lot of things," Thomas winked and threw a shirt at Newt's head.

"Idiot you almost spilled my noodles," Newt frowned.

"You poor baby," Thomas teased which made Newt roll his eyes.

Newt went back to eating but Thomas just stayed there, staring at him.

"Can I help you?" Newt raised his eyebrows.

Thomas bit his lip and looked down.

"Tommy you okay?" Newt asked, sounding confused.

"Shuck this," Thomas shook his head and took Newt's half empty bowl out of his hand.

"Hey!" Newt protested as Thomas dropped it in the small trash can by Minho's bed.

Almost as soon as the bowl left his hand Thomas was kissing Newt. He kissed him passionately as his lips moved quickly against Newt's.

"Tommy," Newt breathed out as Thomas got to work on his neck.

"Yeah?" Thomas said against Newt's skin.

"What are you doing?"

"Kissing you," Thomas chuckled but didn't remove his lips, "do you want me to stop?"

Newt paused for a moment, he knew exactly where this was going to lead.

"No," he finally said, "I don't want you to stop."

And needless to say they were almost late to the meet.

Guys there is only going to be 2 more chapters left :( I'm so sad this is coming to an end. I'll have a big speech at the end. Ily guys


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