Unneeded Protection .XI

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The entire next week Thomas was glued to Newt's side. He never left him unless he had to. Now normally that would make Newt extremely happy and it did for the first day, but after that it just got plain annoying.

"So where are you going now?" Thomas asked as they stuffed their books from their Psych class into their book bags as they got ready to leave.

"I was thinking about just watching a movie in my dorm, maybe study a little," Newt shrugged.

"Cool, I'm down for that."

Newt shook his head, "Tommy I just need a little time by myself."

Thomas frowned, looking very hurt, "are you mad at me?"

"No, I just need some time by myself okay. We spent ALL week together," Newt gave him a week smile.

"Can I at least walk with you back to the dorm?" Thomas stuck out his bottom lip.

"Sure," Newt laughed as they left the class room.

"So are you positive you want to be alone? I could be completely silent, you wouldn't even know I was there," Thomas asked as they walked on the sidewalk heading to the dorm building.

"Yes Tommy, I'm positive," Newt paused for a moment, "Why have you been following me around since the weekend. It's not because of what happened that night is it?"

Thomas stayed silent and looked at the ground.


"Yes! Okay! I just wanted to make sure that you weren't alone if it ever happened again!"

"It's not going to happen again!"

"You don't know that Newt." Thomas took a step closer but Newt quickly stepped back.

"Yes, I do."

"I'm sorry I was just worried okay?" Thomas put his hands out in surrender.

"I don't want you to worry about me," Newt shook his head.

"I can't help it! You were a mess that night! I don't want you to go through that again by yourself!"

"I've done it before!"

"So? It's easier to get through thing when you're not alone."

"I can take care of myself."

"I know you can, I just want to protect you!" Thomas looked at Newt innocently, sadness coating his eyes, "You're my friend and I care about you, okay?" Thomas added softly.

Friend, the word hit Newt like a knife in the heart. It's all they'd ever be and in the spur of the moment it pissed him off.

"Well you're not my mom and you're not my boyfriend so stop acting like it!" Newt snapped.

Thomas stopped walking instantly. Newt's fists were balled at his sides and he was breathing heavy.

"Fine, I'll leave," Thomas shook his head, "sorry for trying to help!"

Newt's expression softened, "Tommy look..."

"Screw you Newt! And don't call me that!" Thomas shouted then turned and started walking away.

"You know what, fine! I don't need you anyways!" Newt yelled back then started speed walking to the dorms. Tears pricked his eyes and quickly spilled over onto his cheeks. He walked as fast as his limp allowed him to. He focused on his shoes as he went so no one could see his mess of a face.

To his luck he ran into someone straight on.

"I'm sorry," Newt mumbled as he wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

"Newt? Are you alright?" Gally asked.

"Does it look like I'm bloody alright!" Newt growled as he looked up at the taller boy.

"Come on," Gally ignored his comment and lightly took hold of his upper arm, "we're going back to the room and talking."

Newt didn't even have the strength left to fight it so he just went along.


"What's wrong?" Gally asked for the 4th time.

Newt was sitting on his bed just staring at the door, as if he was expecting someone to walk through it.

"Newt, talk to me," Gally said as he gently shook Newt's arm.

"I don't want to," he mumbled.

"Then it's not going to get better."

"You can't fix it okay!" Newt yelled, "I screwed up, it's on me!"

"What did you screw up?"

"He probably hates me!" Newt buried his face in his hands, "he hates me."

"It's about Thomas isn't it?"

Newt nodded, his face still in his hands.

"I doubt he hates you," Gally crossed the room and sat on his bed.

"No he does, I know he does," Newt looked up at his roommate, "he tried to help me and I pushed him away."

Gally shrugged, "Not everyone needs help, you don't always have to accept it."

"I yelled at him, I said things I didn't mean."

"You guys had one fight, friends fight."

Friends, there was that damn word again.

Newt groaned loudly and flopped backwards onto his bed.

"If it's tearing you up so much then just text him!"


"Why not?"

"Because maybe I need some space from his big brown eyes and fluffy hair and bloody hell his perfect ass lips..." Newt froze, "did I just say that out loud?"

Gally was grinning like an idiot, "I knew you liked him!"

"We're just friends," Newt whispered.

"You like him though."

"It doesn't matter okay! We're friends and that's all we're gonna be okay!" Newt snapped then rolled over and faced the wall, "just friends."

"I bet you Thomas feels the same way you do," Newt heard the bed springs squeak as Gally got up, "you'll never know for sure if you don't ask. Now I'm going to the coffee shop, I'll bring you something back."

Newt remembered Thomas and his 'not date' at the coffee shop. He groaned loudly and pulled his blanket over his head.

He couldn't make himself close his eyes, he was actually afraid to sleep.

He pulled out his phone and opened Thomas' conversation.

I lied, I do need you Tommy


I'm sorry, I didn't mean any of that


I don't want to fight with you...


Tommy, please talk to me. I need you

Just as Newt was deleting the message his finger accidently hit the send key. He took in a sharp breath of air as he saw half his message send.

Tommy, please talk to me

He sighed in relief that the last part didn't send but cursed that the first half did.

He turned off his phone and went to put it back in his pocket but to his surprise it lit up with a message.

Tommy: with Teresa, later

Newt threw his phone at the wall.

I actually love writing this story okok, I'm prob gonna keep updating at this pace idec.... Well comment if you liked it! Vote! Thc for reading!

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