And That Was When My Whole World Fell Apart .XXIII

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"Thomas?" Minho asked skeptically as he saw the boy basically sprinting out of his car.

"I'm not late," he panted as he reached Minho.

"Oh my g...." Minho's jaw dropped.


"You two did it! You're like glowing!" Minho practically shouted.

"Say that a little louder why don't you," Thomas flushed.

"Hey what are you guys talking about?" Newt asked as he approached the two boys, due to his limp he couldn't sprint like Thomas could.

"The fact that you and Thomas has s..." Minho started but Thomas punched him arm hard causing him to yelp and punch back.

Newt turned bright red, "you told him?"

"He didn't tell me Newt, you two are both glowing like you just won the lottery, it's sickening," Minho cringed but then laughed and ruffled Newt's hair.

"I hate you," Newt mumbled and buried his face in Thomas' shoulder.

"My event is first, I'm gonna go get set, Newt, I'll come sit with ya when Thomas is running."

"Okay." Newt gave him a small smile and then headed to the bleachers with Thomas.


"Minhos pretty fast," Newt pointed out as the gun went off and the buff boy took off from the starting line.

"Yeah he is, but I'm faster," Thomas smirked and pulled Newt into his side.

Newt just leaned his head on Thomas' shoulder and hummed in reply.

Thomas gently kissed his hair and tightened his grip.

They watched the rest of the race in silence but cheered when Minho flew across the finish line, earning himself first place in his event.

"Alright I got to go get down to the track, I'll come back after okay? I love you," Thomas stood up then bent down and gave Newt a short kiss.

"I love you too Tommy, win for me okay?"

"I plan on it," Thomas grinned then kissed Newt again. The kiss was slower this time, their lips moving together softly but it was definitely enough to make Newt's insides flip. He pulled away and hopped down the bleachers, giving Newt a small wave before going onto the track.

Newt watched Thomas warm up, smiling slightly at the sight. He really had fallen hard for the boy, maybe to hard but he was sure that he's never loved someone as much as he loved Thomas. It was cheesy but when Thomas was around, which was almost all the time, he felt so much happier.

"You're so love sick," Minho laughed which made Newt jump out of his trance.

Newt flushed as Minho sat next to him.

"It's okay shank it's cute, it's cute how happy you two are."

"Good job on first place!" Newt suddenly grinned, trying to change the subject before he started blushing to hard.

"Thanks! You know I wasn't sure I was going to win that one."

"Minho you look like a cover model of a health inspiration magazine, I'm pretty sure you're the fittest person in this whole place."

"I see why Thomas likes you," Minho laughed and patted Newt on the shoulder, then froze, "Is that Thomas' sweatshirt?"

"Yeah," Newt couldn't stop himself from smiling.

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