Lay Down Your Arms .XIII

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Tommy: Hey....
Tommy: Newt
Tommy: come on Newt answer me!
Tommy: please
Tommy: ...I don't wanna fight again

Newt sighed as he read each one of Thomas' messages. He wanted to make up with him so badly but he didn't think his heart could take anymore of this Teresa situation.

He missed Thomas, he really missed being happy around him, laughing with him....cuddling with him even though that only happened once when he was having a mental breakdown. He missed his friend.

Newt did the only think he could think of. He made sure Thomas was out and went to Minho's.

Newts heart started pounding as soon as he opened the door. He was gonna tell him everything.

"We're friends right?" Newt asked softly.

"Yeah, of course, what's wrong Newt?" worry crossed Minho's face as he invited Newt inside.

"You know Thomas right?" Newt awkwardly shifted on his feet, his palms getting sweaty from nerves.

"The shank that shares this room with me? I might have heard of him," Minho smirked, clearly trying to lighten the mood.

"Well...uh... Imightsortalikehimbuthelikesteresaanditstearingmeapart."

Minho blinked a few times, "okay one more time. Maybe a little slower?"

"I like him Minho. I like him so much but him liking Teresa is physically tearing me apart!"

"You like that shank?" Minho pointed at Thomas' bed with a confused expression on his face.

"I like him so much," Newt winced.

" I definitely didn't see that one coming," Minho nervously laughed.

That's when Newt panicked, "that probably sounds so creepy! Please don't tell him! I'll get over crush will go away I promise just please don't..."

"Newt!" Minho shouted, cutting off the smaller boy, "relax, it's okay. Just caught me off guard that's all."

Newt's hands were shaking.

"Why are you so nervous to tell me that? Newt it's not a big deal, I'm your friend," Minho frowned a little bit.

"I don't know," Newt sighed, "probably cause Thomas is straight."

Minho shook his head and laughed, "there's no way that kid is straight. Bi maybe but not straight."


"Newt I know when people check other people out and the way he watches me when I change my shirt...." Minho winced when he realized what he was saying, "what I mean is. He's defiantly playing for both teams."

"So what do you think I should do?"

"Tell him."

Newt quickly shook his head, "Minho I can't do that. I'll have like a mental breakdown or something."

"You have no reason to be afraid of Thomas. He cares about you a lot, anyone with eyes could see that."

"Yeah but what if he doesn't like me that way?"

"Then you shake it off and get your hot little ass back out in the dating pool."

Newt's face flushed red, "I'm not hot Minho."

Minho shook his head, "oh little oblivious Newt. You don't see it but you get checked out by so many girls. At the party I had about 15 girls ask if you were single."

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