Movie Nights and Harsh Realizations .VI

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The week of classes flew by but by Friday Newt was exhausted. When he finally got back to his dorm he collapsed onto the bed and shut his eyes. He buried his face into his pillow and sighed in content. His aching muscles finally relaxed into the warmth of the thick comforter that his mother insisted he buy. Today he thanked her.

He just started drifting off to sleep when his phone rang loudly. Newt groaned and fished it out of his pocket. 

"Hello?"he mumbled, his eyes still shut.

"Hey Newt! you free tonight?" Minho asked.

"Uh yeah, why?"

"Really Newt? It's our first weekend of college! I'm getting everyone together!"

"Minho I really don't like parties..." Newt mumbled.

"Oh little Newt...I didn't mean a party. The 4 of us, well 5 if your roommate wants to come, are gonna rent a movie."

"Okay! I'll be there. When?"

"2 hours? I'll get a pizza."

"Okay, see you then," Newt hit the end button and let his head fall back onto the pillow. He had 2 hours to sleep.


Bang Bang Bang 

Newt groaned and slowly opened his eyes.

Bang Bang Bang

Newt slowly got up and made his way to the door. He opened it and rubbed his eyes. 

"Hey kitten," Thomas grinned.

Newt rolled his eyes and shook his head, trying to wake himself up.

"Hey Tommy, what are you doing here?"

"You were late, for the movie, so I came to get you."

"Aw bloody hell, I fell asleep," Newt's voice was still groggy from sleep.

"It's fine let's just go. Hey where's your roommate?"

"Classes, he takes most of them at night."

Thomas shrugged then grabbed Newt's wrist and started to drag him.

"Come on Newt, I really wanna see this movie."

"Okay okay I'm coming!" Newt was barely even able to pull the door shut before being tugged down the hall by an overly excited Thomas.

When they got to Thomas and Minho's room the first thing that Newt smelled was pizza.

There were 2 huge open boxes of it. Minho was sprawled across one of the beds and Alby was on the floor.

"Nice of you to finally join us Newt," Minho teased and he shifted on the bed.

Newt just rolled his eyes and stood there awkwardly as Thomas sat down on the other bed.

It was silent for a few moments before Thomas laughed softly and said, "you can sit down you know."

Newt frowned but took a seat on the very edge of Thomas' bed, he was basically using his feet to balance him.

"What movie are we getting?"

"I don't know, Alby brought it."

"It's this movie called The Maze Runner, it's so good, trust me guys," Alby beamed as he put the disk in the dvd player. {I'm not even sorry for picking this as the movie...}

Suddenly Newt felt himself being yanked back toward the wall.

"Hey!" Newt growled as he pulled at the hands n his waist.

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