Twist The Knife .X

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Newt didn't care about Teresa, he didn't even like Thomas anymore! He didn't care about their fight. He was perfectly fine...except that was a complete lie.

Newt stopped talking, Gally could barely get a sentence out of him. He refused to answer Minho and Alby's messages. He only ate when he was extremely hungry. And, of course, he skipped physiology. He just couldn't bear to see Thomas' face.

 "Newt get your ass up," Gally stood over Newt's bed shaking him roughly.

"I'm sleeping," Newt mumbled and tried to roll over but a big hand stopped him. Suddenly he was being lifted out of his bed and thrown onto Gally's shoulder, he was carrying him like a fireman.

Newt squirmed and hit Gally's back, "put me down!"

Gally ignored him and walked him to the bathroom. He put him in front of the shower and crossed his arms, "go in there."

"No," Newt tried to walk around Gally but was stopped by his arm.

"Newt if you don't get in the damn shower by yourself I will force you to and that's just gonna be weird for both of us."

Newt glared at him but slowly obeyed.

"I'll get you clothes, if you're not still in there when I get back I will actually kill you."

Newt scoffed but gave in and turned on the water till it was warm. He ran a hand through his hair, it didn't feel to clean. He sighed and stuck his head under the water, he closed his eyes and tried to turn off his thoughts of Thomas as he scrubbed himself clean.

After he was done he dried himself off and got dressed in the clothes Gally had balled up on the floor. He put on dark washed jeans, his university hoodie and a socks.

Dressed, he went back to the dorm. Gally was sitting on the bed.

"Hey, you look good," Gally grinned which caused Newt to roll his eyes.

"You're going to Psyc today."

"No, I'm not," Newt crossed his arms.

"You're letting Thomas ruin your life! I'm not just gonna sit here and watch you waste away because you fought with a stupid guy!"

"He isn't stupid," Newt snapped then bit his lip, as if trying to pretend that he didn't say that.

"You need to talk to him at least," Gally sighed and patted the spot next to him, "come here kid."

Newt obeyed, his gaze staying locked on the ground.

Gally slung his arm around Newt's shoulder and pulled him slightly into his side, "you two will make up."

Newt rested his head on Gally's shoulder as he sadly stared at the ground.

"I miss Tommy," Newt whispered.

"That's why you're going to Psyc today," he paused and looked at the clock, "we better start walking."

Newt groaned but grabbed his backpack and slipped on his sneakers. Gally smiled and patted Newt's back as they walked out the dorm door.

"Thanks Gal," Newt whispered as the door clicked shut behind them.


Every single time the door opened to the classroom Newt jumped.

He was sitting in his normal seat, assigned next to Thomas but he got there first. He hadn't been to class in 4 days.

Newt bounced his knee nervously and chewed on his lip. He started zoning out as he kept his eyes locked the front board.

He was snapped out of his gaze by a voice behind him.

Textbooks, Tests and Oh, College - [Newtmas AU]Where stories live. Discover now