Welcome to the Glade .II

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"Welcome To The Glade!" was the first thing Newt saw when he walked into the huge main building. The banner was massive and painted in dark greens and bright yellows, which were the school's colors. A weird looking slug thing was their mascot but printed on the sweatshirts some kids were wearing it looked pretty cool.

"You coming?" Gally laughed, snapping Newt out of his staring. He sheepishly nodded and caught up to Gally who was a few feet ahead.

Once they walked through the propped open doors what they saw was unlike anything Newt's ever seen before. The whole place was decorated for the welcoming the freshman, or as they're called here, greenies. Banners like the one out front were hung all over the walls close to the ceiling and college kids were everywhere. Okay maybe not everywhere but there were a lot. The table stands were giving out pan-flits, maps and free pens, some were also selling the school's apparel.
Newt silently watched some guys push each other around. A group of girls were watching them and whispering like they were on some sort of secret mission.

"So this is college," Gally crossed his arms and shrugged,"kinda cool actually."

Newt just nodded, not really listening as his eyes jumped from person to person.

"You're quiet are you alright?" Gally moved so he was directly in front of Newt and way to close for comfort.

"Uh yeah, I'm fine. I'm gonna walk around," Newt mumbled then pushed past Gally.

Gally looked very confused which made Newt feel kinda bad but he just kept walking.

He wasn't trying to be anti-social this was just slightly over-whelming for him. He took a deep breath and slowly approached one of the tables.

"Hello welcome to the Glade greenie," a blonde girl smiled brightly.

"Thanks," Newt responded shyly.

"What can I get you?"

"One of those," Newt pointed to the sweatshirt.

"Of course. I'm Sonya, I'm a junior here. I'm being forced to work this stupid thing, again. But hey don't worry you'll like it here," she rolled her eyes as she dug through a pile of the folded sweatshirts.
"I'm Newt," he said gaining a little confidence.

"Newt? Interesting name but I kinda like it," she grinned as she finally found the right size and yanked it out.

"Here you are," she handed it to him.

He pulled a $20 out of his pocket and gave it to the girl. "Thank you," he managed to give her a genuine smile as he handed her the cash.

"I'll see you around," she waved to him and he nodded and left the table.

Well that wasn't to hard...

Newt headed back toward the main entrance to try and find Gally again but he was no where in sight. He sighed and decided to get some fresh air, this whole college thing was a lot to take it now that he was actually here.

He sat down on the edge of the grass in front of the building and checked out his new sweatshirt.

"THERE'S NO WAY YOU'RE BEATING ME SHANK!" Newt heard a kid shout.

"TRY NOT TO STARE TO HARD AT MY ASS!" another kid retorted back.

Suddenly two kids sprinted past Newt, running at full speed. He could barely make out their faces as the kid behind caught up to and tackled the kid in front. They almost rolled into Newt.

"Cheater," one of the kids panted.

"I tripped," the other kid shrugged and snickered.

Newt scanned their faces. One kid was slightly Asian looking and was in very good shape.
The other boy was....Newt's breath caught in his throat. He was hot, messy brown hair, his cheeks slightly red from running and his shirt was bunched up showing his toned stomach...oh my god. Newt felt his face flush and he looked away to pretend he wasn't staring.

"Get up fatty," the Asian boy slapped the hot boys back and got to his feet.

"Look who's talking," the hot kid laughed and did the same.

Bloody hell his laugh...

They paid Newt no attention as they entered the building he had just left.

Who were those kids?


"Get out of my way," Thomas laughed, pushing Minho as they wandered around the building.

"I'm not in your way," Minho pushed him back. Minho pushed him a little hard because he stumbled and smashed into a kid behind him which sent them both sprawling onto the floor.

"Oh shuck, I'm sorry," Minho helped the other boy up. He was dark skinned with a short cut buzz and medium build. Thomas grumbled as he got to his feet by himself.

"It's fine," he laughed and brushed off his shirt.

"Still, sorry," Minho rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Really it's no big deal..well I'm Alby," the kid smiled.

"Minho, and that disaster over there is Thomas," Minho snickered.

"Hey! I'm not a disaster!"

"This place kinda blows, wanna get pizza, our treat for pushing you over."

Alby shrugged,"I'm down for that."

"Good that."

The tree boys made their way out of the building. Suddenly Alby paused and waved to a kid on the grass.

"Newt!" he yelled. The blonde boy snapped his head around then smiled and waved back, he slowly got up and made his way over to Alby, everyone noticed his slight limp as he walked.

"Hey Alby, you we're in there?" Newt pointed to the building his thick British accent making the simple words sound interesting.

"Yeah but we ditched and we're getting pizza now," Alby chuckled,"wanna tag along?" he looked at the other two for protests but Minho nodded.

"Sure!" Newt's face lit up.

"Minho, Thomas, this is Newt," Alby introduced them,"Newt this is Minho and Thomas."

Newt's eyes lingered on Thomas for a moment before he tore his gaze away and gave them a half smile.

"Alright cool, let's go," Minho clasped his hands together excitedly, probably thinking about the food that lay ahead.

"I second that I'm starving," Thomas laughed, "Follow me!"

"I'll walk slower with ya," Alby whispered so only Newt could hear.

"Thank you," Newt smiled thankfully.

He wasn't only thanking him for walking with him....

Thanks guys for reading this! It means a lot. Vote and comment if you liked it! I try to respond to everyone's comments. I'll try and update at least once a week, maybe twice, hoco is soon at my school so I'm gonna be busy then. Thanks again loves xx


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