Pizza .III

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"You think a large would be enough," Minho looked back at the 3 boys who we're currently following him to the pizza place. 

"Sure," Thomas shrugged and continued his conversation with Alby. 

Newt walked quietly in the back, trying not to intrude.

"So what's your major?" Newt heard someone ask, when no one answered he looked up and saw everyone facing him.

"Oh," his cheeks flushed with embarrassment,"health and medicine. How bout you guys?"   

"Sport sciences," Minho proudly stated.

"Organizational Leadership," Alby said.

"Building and Architecture," Thomas said grinning brightly.

"Wow we're all so different," Newt sheepishly gave a little smile then dropped out of the conversation after everyone agreed.

"You know you're really quiet," a voice suddenly appeared next to Newt.

He was very surprised to see Thomas walking next to him. He rubbed his hands together and blew into them to try and warm them from the cool autumn air as he waited for Newt to answer.

"A little shy I guess," Newt shrugged.

"Nothing wrong with that, just making sure nothing was bugging ya," Thomas gave Newt's shoulder a slight push.

"Thank you," Newt swiped his tongue over his dry lips and stared down at his black high tops that matched Thomas's.

"You have good taste," Thomas motioned to Newt's shoes and laughed.

"Same to you," Newt laughed back. 

"What's you minor?" Thomas ran a hand through his hair making it messy but somehow looking insanely good.

"Um psychology."

"Really mine too!" Thomas grinned,"maybe we'll be in the same class."

Newt's face had visibly brightened,"yeah that'd be cool."

"Yo shanks we're here," Minho pointed to a small brick building in front of them.

"Good cause I'm starving," Thomas exclaimed and pushed past Minho and through the small metal framed door.

Newt frowned from the lack of the brunette's company but he followed the group into the pizza place without a word.


They sat at a little booth, Newt and Alby on one side with Minho and Thomas on the other. 

The large pizza was already half gone even though it was full only minutes ago.

"This is good pizza," Minho sighed contently as he took another bite.

Everyone nodded in agreement, mouths to full to talk.

"We gotta come here like every weekend," Thomas stated as he grabbed another slice off the tray.

"You know I'm glad you guys pushed me over," Alby laughed and raised his piece up as a form of a toast.

"To college," Minho said as he bumped slices with Alby.

"To college!" Thomas cheered.

"To college," Newt said softly but rose his slice too.

"We're gonna break you out of that shell," Minho pointed at Newt,"I promise you."

Newt's face flushed and he busied himself by stuffing his face.

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