Something More

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Leah POV
School went by pretty fast. I hurried to the car where I saw Jason already sitting in the car waiting on me. Once I was in I threw my backpack to the back and put on my seat belt.
"Ready to ride?" He asked.
"Sure is" I replied.
He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek then we drove off headed for the mall.
A couple minutes later we arrived at the galeria. I was beyond crunk to be getting this ticket cause nine times out a ten I would be copping them shoes some time soon and I cant wait to rock them bad boys!
When we walked into the galleria it was packed, which was understandable since Christmas was right around the corner. As we're walking through the mall I notice Jason on his phone texting somebody. I didn't pay it no mind cause I know for sure Jason is not the one to cheat. He has had plenty opportunities and has proven his self trustworthy in every one.
"Which store you want to go in first" I asked him trying to get his ass out of his phone.
"Umm it really don't matter . I'm just Trina find something that match these Christmas jays."
"Nigga you ain't got them yet you don't even know if you gone get em' cause they getting raffled off." I retorted.
"Shidddd how you know what I got!" He leaned in closer and whispered "I got the plug on speed dial!"
I burst out laughing and punched his ass in his chest! "Man get the fuck out a here dude!"
We laughed and talked about upcoming plans the rest of the time we spent at the mall then when we finished shopping we headed home. He ended up buying a Colombian blue polo shirt and he bought me this Colombian blue black and white dress to match along with new purses and jewelry. I was not expecting him to but I was glad he did.

As we drove down the back roads on our way home the atmosphere was getting kinda heated. As Keith sweat said temperatures were rising! I was feeling good and I could SEE that he was feeling good. So I guess I wanted to make him feel better. I slowly rubbed my hand up his thigh then I gripped him a little.
"Girl you better watch watch you doing with that anaconda" he grinned and said to me.
"Awe man , I thought I had enough buns for you though?" I said seductively.
"Hahaha. Oh alight imma give you what your asking for ma".  After that was said I quietly waited to see what he had in store. A few minutes later we pulled up to one of his bandos . I guess he gotta pick up something real quick before we headed back to the house. He killed the engine and got out the car then he started walking towards the front door. So I pulled out my phone and patiently waited for him to come back. But in a matter of seconds he stopped in his tracks , turned around, and looked at me and motioned for me to come in.
"What you need me for?" I asked. Shit it's cold as hell I ain't tryna get in that air.
"Im finna give you what you was asking for." He stated so calmly.
Oh fuck no this nigga got me fucked all the way up.
"WHAT THE FUCK YOU THINK THIS IS?! YOU THINK IM SOME KIND OF HOE? YOU GONE FUCK ME IN BANDO JASON REALLY? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS! I have class how fucking dare you! " I blew on his ass who the fuck he think I am. I can not fucking believe this shit.
"What are you talking about you rubbed up my thigh I thought this is what you wanted?" He said in a confused state.
"What?!! Nigga take me home you stupid as shit." At this point I was livid with his ass. The whole time I just kept thinking HOW DARE HE! 15 minutes later we arrived to my house and I got out and slammed the door.
"Look I'm sorry alright, I didn't know that would hurt you. You know that I would never hurt you intentionally baby you know that." He pleaded. And he's right I know that he wouldn't hurt me on purpose shit he just got through dropping damn near a stack on me which he didn't have to do so I guess I want be as mad at him. I will lighten up a little , but what he just did hurt me more than I think he knows. Without even acknowledging it anymore I quickly change the subject.

"You hungry?" I asked.
"Hell yeah watchu about to cook us?"
"Nigga us? Who the fuck said I was cooking US something! It's some Roman nooddles in the cabinet though! Help your self!"
"Dayuum it's like that ?!" He said.  "That's cool I can get another female to cook for me with no problems!" He slyly said.
"See man why the fuck you always gotta go there. Always bringing up other females when you know like i know you ain't got no hoes." I yelled back kinda getting annoyed. I hate when he say that shit and he act like the air still ain't bad from that shit he just pulled.
"You don't know what I got" he said pulling out his phone like he was checking a message.
"Man that's it I swear to God that's it. Who the fuck you been texting all day Jason? I said snatching his phone out of his hand catching him off guard.
"Man give me back my shit!" He yelled and chased after me as ran to the bathroom and locked the door.
When I was inside the bathroom I immediately turned my attention to his phone. I went to his messaging app and it was not recent messeges. I went to his kik and there was no recent messeges in there either. Just when I was about to give up he got a notification from a Bitch named Jazz.
"WHO THE FUCK IS JAZZ JASSOOONNN!" I screamed through the door.
"She's no fucking body she's just a Bitch I met a while back !" He explained.
For her to be no damn body they sure do have a lot of fucking messages. Why the fuck he being so friendly to this Bitch. Who is she?


Jason Burst through the door and grabbed his phone.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM . YOU FEELIN THIS HOE?!" I screamed. Hurt was obviously tacking a toll on me.
"No I'm not I told you she is a FUCKING NOBODY! "
"Well let me read the messeges than." I asked.
"NO" he yelled.
"Aight bet" I ran to my room and grabbed my phone cause this nigga obviously got me fucked up. He must've forgot I got the password to everything! Fuck he think this is?
I plopped on my bed and made it seem like I was texting someone but in reality I was reading his damn messges.
"Man what the fuck you think you doing?" He came in my room and asked.
"Nothing" I calmly said.
"Word?? Okay bet" he walked out of my room and I heard him walk downstairs so I continued to read his messeges.
8:55 Jazz:Wyd
9:09 Me: Shit just got through arguing with my girl.

Is he fucking serious?? Is he texting this hoe in my house. Fuck that IN MY PRESENCE???!!!
9:12 Jazz: what happened
9:13 Me: shit she think we talking so I guess she up there texting a nigga . So shit wassup ?
9:15 Jazz: I'm not tryna breakup a happy home.
9:16 Me: who said this shit was happy? I'm Trina see if you gone fwm or not. I know you feeling me so wassup?

At that point I couldn't take it any more. Tears began to stream down my face at an uncontrollable rate. This shit was it. I stormed out of my room and ran downstairs full speed and slapped his ass clean across his face.
"Man I ain't going no fucking where and I knew you was reading. That's what yo sneaking ass get. You was looking for something so I gave you something to look at! YOU HAPPY? FOUND WHAT THE FUCK YOU WAS LOOKING FOR?!"
"Man just go... leave" I said. I was just completely hurt , I was lost for words and my heart and head was aching. I had no more energy left to fight him.
"I'm not leaving" he repeated.
"I'm gonna call my brother" I said.
Just as I was about to pick up the phone Red walked through the door.
"Call me for what?" Red asked 
"I think it's time for Jason to leave" I stated trying to wipe away my tears.
"Yeah Jason it's Damn near 11… and y'all got school tomorrow. It time for you to bounce young blood." Red stated.
Jason stood there and stared at me as if he didn't hear a word Red had just said.
Red put his hand on Jason's shoulder "I'll walk you to the door." He said inching Jason closer to the door.
"Aye whatever the fuck you and my sister got going on, do not, I repeat DO NOT let this shit effect the business. Act with you head and not your emotions. And keep in mind that that's my little sister , I've kilt plenty nigga over her. Nigga WE have kilt niggas over her. Don't do nothing stupid. That's all I'm saying. " Red closed the door and turned to face me. When Jason finally got out of my house I sighed a sigh of relief . With slumped shoulders and a heavy heart I walked to my room. The day has been to fucking much for me.... I just can't no more. 

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