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So this morning  Maurice was screaming his lungs out. We tried to ignore it at first because he was dry and well feed when we check the first time ten minutes ago. It wasn't until we heard Mona that one of us had to go see what was wrong with the little nigga.

"Maurice shut up!!" Mona yelled before we heard her door slam.

"Chris go get your son." Camila mumbled pushing me towards the edge of the bed.

"Our son girl you gon stop doing that." I slap her ass one good time getting up stretching.

"Fuck you Washington." She threw a pillow at me.

"When I get back." I walk over to Maurice room opening the door as the screams got louder. "Yo what the fuck man I was sleep." I pick him and his red face up bouncing heading down to the kitchen.

I got a bottle out the fridge going to put it in the microwave as he went on making my ears ring. "Come on man what's up talk to your dad. Stop all this screaming real niggas  don't scream." I walk in circles waiting for the bottle while bouncing him.

Hearing foot steps I see Mona with her pillow and a blanket. She walked pass me towards the basement door. "Hey where you going?"

"Movie room you can't hear anything in there." She glared at Maurice.

"Good idea you and your little brother can watch a movie together." I go to grab his bottle. I test it on my hand before putting the nipple in his mouth. "Come to the living room."

Laying her on the couch I put him in his play pin with the bottle held up. I put on the toy story movie. Cam came down rubbing her eyes stretching.


"Yeah I'll help you. The shower is tonight right?" She put everything on the counter.

"Yeah at six so please baby don't be late. This is for both of us and Maurice so you need to be there." She said turning on the oven and popping the can of croissants. "Are you excited for your big grand opening?"

"Of course Tinashe said she's gonna try to make a drop in and uh Janiya is suppose to be coming to." I start cracking eggs adding seasonings.

"Oh that's nice." I saw her roll her eyes.

"You still don't like janiya for some random reason huh?" I smirked turning on the stove to start on the turkey bacon. "She has never been a threat for you what's the beef?"

"Oh I don't know she beautiful looks just like me and is your best friend as you like to say."

"I still don't see it she looks nothing like you. Yes she's pretty but you baby beautiful and sexy as hell." I wrap my arms around her waist kissing her neck.

Pushing me back she gave me a hard stare. "You think she's pretty?"


"Uh then why don't you just go bed with the bitch." She slams the tray in the oven.

"Seriously Camila its to early for that jealousy shit come over here." She looked me up and down flipping the bacon I had on the stove. "Girl I said come here."

"Who the fuck you think you are my daddy!? No nigga!" She laughed loud and annoying.

Chuckling I walk up turning off the stove. She pushed me back heading up stairs. Peaking at the kids seeing them asleep I race up behind her. Stopping the door before she could slam it I smirk at her heading in the closet. Walking up leaning on the door frame I watch her looking through her clothes.

"Camila." I called laughing low. "Cam what the hell did you wake up mad at me?"

"Leave me alone Christopher."

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