FictionTV commercial^hosts

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*Both host bright and smiling stand front and center side by side in front of the show logo facing camera 1*

Host1:hello and welcome to Questions and Answers live in Atlanta on FictionTV.

Host2:I am your beloved host Devin Write and this is my lovely co host Mya Windo. Today we have some of your favorites from the world of fanfictions. The story began beautiful ended tragic came back to make it all better and now it continues. With us will be the cast of Do Better.

*Mya claps and does a little wiggle dance*

Host1:you don't even know how excited I am about this I mean I've been in love with all of the characters since the beginning like Carlton *fans herself lifting leg* oh and let's not forget the newest member little Maurice who has to be the cutest little munchkin.

Host2:you can't forget all those beautiful sexy woman to Camila mmhm Rebecca mmmm oh and my favorite...Isabel now that is a woman crush.

Host1:of course. we're taking all of your questions and will be not only catching up with our favorite people but getting those answers.

Host2:go ahead flood that inbox and don't forget Friday night join in for this very exciting episode. set the DVR's and all that cause you don't want to miss this.

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