Question&Answers:Do Better cast

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*theme song plays as audience as the camera flashes from person to person finally landing on the host*

Mya:Hey everyone welcome to question & answers coming to you live from Atlanta. I am Mya Windo here with my very handsome co host Devin Write. We have some amazing guest today and I am just over excited.

Devin:I just might be a little more excited but you know I'm a man. I ain't about to be jumping and clapping all fast but I will say when my favorite woman crush comes out we will be taking a selfie and it will be my screensaver forever!

Mya:you are so crazy ok ok let's get things started. Our first coming out right now is the new couple. In the prequel Isabel was introduced as our main girl Camila older sister. Married with a kid and working her way to being a teacher. Unfortunately in the sequel things were not so sweet. Andrew cheated on her with some uh I'm to upset to even talk about that chick.

Devin:ight well I'll finish. Isabel stayed strong and wasn't one of those chicks to sit back crying with seven tubs of ice cream all around. Instead she kept being the boss chick she is keeping her son well taken care of and with a strike of luck she was given a good man.

Mya:a really good man a Willis man. Please don't hurt me coming out everyone welcome Isabel her son Julian and boyfriend Max!

*music plays as they all walk out from the back sliding doors. Waving and smiling they hug each host and sit in the chairs set for them*

Mya:soooo how's things with you all?

Max:I can speak for us both when I say things are great. Me and my baby are growing stronger ever since the divorce was finally finalized.

*everyone cheers as Isabel smiles clapping along*

Devin:is this true your free from....your sons father

Isabel:*small chuckle with a hair flip* it is true and I couldn't be happier. I'm free from him and can move on here with Max here he's great with Julian he treats me like a queen and I'm just happy I have him.

*audience claps as Max holds her close kissing her head*

Mya:what's been going on with you all career wise and anything else in life?

Isabel:well uh I've been hired as a substitute teacher at the local school in my neighborhood which is the same school Julian goes to so now I get to see him a lot more.

*she rufs his hair making him laugh pushing her hand away*

Mya:I bet that's pretty fun right Julian

Julian:sorta but now I can't talk to my girlfriends because my mom is standing like right next to me

*everyone laughs*

Devin:I feel you little man how life treating you tho we not just gonna focus on the adults here

Julian:uh I'm good I just joined my school basketball team

Isabel:oh yeah I forgot about that my baby is gonna be a little baller *she squeezed his head to her chest*

Julian:mom stop not in front of all these people

*everyone laughs*

Devin:well before we let you guys go a few questions from your fans

Mya:nothing to extra I'm sure. Well get the grown stuff out the way now so um Julian....close you ears

*he groans holding his hands over his ears*

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