Chapter Five

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Hello readers!
I think, in my opinion, this chapter is where it begins it get a little better. Thank you for bearing with some of my poor writing until here.

Hailey's POV.

"Look, I'm just going to go out for awhile. I'll be back" I say, tugging at my green coat to get it to sit in place. The coat is slightly too big, it slides down my arms all the time. It annoys me. Greatly. Adrianna knits her eyebrows together in thought, "Why?" She says, playing with the hem of her dress. I shrug, I don't really know to be honest. "Just bored I guess..." I trail off, Adrianna and Madilyn's eyes widen. "Not that I don't like it here or anything!" I blurt out, covering up mistake. Of course. For years I wished I was in Middle Earth and now...It doesn't seem real.

Adrianna nods, letting  go of the hem, "Well, maybe it's not a good idea." she says, lifting herself off the bed. Madilyn, however, looks up at me with wide eyes, "What are you going to do?" she asks, eagerly. Hmm. I hadn't thought of that. "Maybe go into the woods? Or investigate how we actually got here..." I say, trailing of to ponder. It couldn't of just been a 'magic door' or the storm. No way. And why would we just end up in the middle of Hobbiton?

Adrianna raises an eyebrow, "You wanna go home?" she says softly. I laugh and shake my head, "No way" I pause, or I don't think i do. I mean, there's nothing really at home. Madilyn's family apparently hates her, Adrianna gets bullied, My dad died in a car crash and Kathy constantly gets reminded o- "Good. Neither do I" Adrianna nods, smiling slightly. I nod back, "But don't you think it's a little weird that we opened a door, went through it and ended up in Hobbiton?" I say, tilting my head. She chews on her lip, "I suppose you're right. Look, you should go. But Kathy thinks Bilbo encountered Gandalf this morning. And the whole market thing earlier? I think The Company is going to be here later so I'm going to stay here, in case Kathy faints. Tell me if you find anything" She grins, explaining. Oh my god. I hadn't even thought of that... Kathy pieces things together really fast... In fact where is she?

"Where is Kathy anyway?" Madilyn asks, as if she read my mind. Adrianna shrugs, "I think she's helping Bilbo out with dinner" I nod, very likely. She's very fond of him, he's got to be her favourite character, and I think he likes her too. "Ah. So, Madilyn, wanna come?"

20 minutes later Madilyn and I are crouching next to where we suddenly appeared a day ago, and have been looking around for 10 minutes. Madilyn sighs and looks closely at  the green grass. "Nothing" She sighs in defeat, but keeps on looking, investigating the bush next to her. The spot is on a slight hill, right next to a lake. I shrug and I stick my hand in. I flinch at the sudden cold that runs through my arm. I don't expect to get anything out of looking in the lake but it's worth a look, I guess. I hear the bush rustle, making me look towards Madilyn and the bush. She's stepped away from it.

"I have no idea what to look for..." Madilyn says, I laugh. "Me either. I was hoping something really strange would happen and it will be obvious how we got here." I say, lifting my arm out and shaking it. It just got colder. Madilyn seems to freeze in shock or fear, "Well... it doesn't make it obvious...but it's certainly strange..." She says, pointing back at the lake, I had turned away from. I immediately look back towards it and gulp. "What...on earth?" I mumble. The, moments ago clear blue, water has become green. A dark green. I furrow my brow, confused and put my hand back in, ignoring the now freezing water. I swirl the water around for awhile, then it turns pink. "Oh. Wow, Okay" I say pulling my hand out again, shaking the water off again. As it drops to the floor it goes blue again. "I'm cool with Hobbits, Elves, Giant Eagles, whatever, but not colour changing water" Madilyn shutters. I immediately start walking off, Madilyn follows. I've got to tell Adrianna and Kath. I look back at Madilyn as I walk, "It's got to have something to do with that la-" I cut myself off as I slam into something. I rub my head, "You couldn't of possibly warned me about that?" I hiss, at Madilyn. She grins sheepishly, I hear a chuckle. Certainly not Madilyn. It's too deep and the fact alone that her mouth isn't moving. I look up, Oh my god. It's Him. "Thorin Oakenshield?"

Kathy's POV

-20 Minutes Ago-

"Where are they going?" I say to Adrianna, who approaches me after Hailey and Madilyn walk out the door. "Hailey wanted to see if she could figure out what the heck was going on and how we got here. Madilyn offered to go too" She shrugs. I nod, "Well Bilbo just finished up dinner... I guess they'll miss out" I say with a shrug. I mean if The Company doesn't come they'll get to eat it later. Oh...Imagine if they don't come. I mean so many things in Middle Earth would change. Bilbo wouldn't get the ring, Neither would Frodo... and when Sauron captures Gollum he'll get the ring. And Middle Earth would fall. I gulp at the thought of that. Adrianna frowns, "You okay?" She asks, waving her hands in front of my face. I nod, "Sorry...Just pondering"

Bilbo comes in, in his patchwork dressing gown. I smile softly. He looks out the window, "Did the other girls leave?" He asks, moving away from the window. Adrianna nods, "Yeah, but they'll be back. Just put their dinner in the frid-" She cuts herself off rethinking what she was going to say, I stifle a small laugh. "Just keep it out for them later" I cut in, while Adrianna goes red. Bilbo nods, "Well, I'm serving it up right now" He says, leading us into the kitchen. "Thank you for helping Kathy, it was much easier. Especially with a bigger quantity to cook" He says, I smile. "I was glad to help" I say bowing my head. I'm surprised that cooking with Bilbo went well. I'm terrible at it. And terrified of cooking after what I did. I mean it was an accident. But I just hate that it happened. I sit down at the dinning room table next to Adrianna, Bilbo brings our dinner over, then his. I look at our dinner, fish with a couple of vegetables. I'm not overly fond of fish but i'll eat it. He sits down to eat. I get anxious. What if things change because we're here? What if the dwarves don't come. He starts to squirt lemon on his fish...

Then the bell (well, doorbell) rings.

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