His usual mornings

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The loud ringing that came from the alarm made him awake. While grunting incoherently about something, he sat straight from his previous sleeping position and stretched out his limbs, not forgetting to groaned when the alarm still ringing.

Agh, this annoying alarm- one day I'll destroy you!

He reached out for the alarm that was on the table near his bed and shut it down, gaining back his peaceful morning.

He stared at the wall near his study corner and smiled- his usual routine when he woke up, until he widen out his eyes and jumped out from his bed, making sure that he wouldn't stumble on anything and headed to his bathroom while cursing.

"Shit, I'm late for school!"

While he's still inside the bathroom, he scream (a manly scream) when he carelessly fell down because he stepped on the soap that was on the marble floor.

He looked at his reflection in the mirror and groaned out loud, yet again when he noticed blood seeping out from a cut on his forehead. Maybe it was from the fall he had earlier.

"And where's the damn first aid kit?"

He cursed again, when he did not found the first aid kit or anything that could him to stop the blood.

Seriously, what a good way in starting the day. Yay~

In the end, he compressed the cut with his towel and when it no longer bleeding, he covered the cut with his bang, styling his hair in different from the usual style, so that no one would notice the cut and starts a fuss about it.

He wears his school uniform and gathered all of his books, putting it into his school bag.

Before heading out, he stopped in front of his study corner and smiled, once again.

How absurb. I used to hate getting up early in the morning and go to school but now, I still can't believe it myself.

His finger danced onto a photograph that was pinned at the wall in front his study corner. He unpinned the photograph from the wall, bringing it closer to his lips and he kissed it.

"Because of you."


Author note: Hello, this is my first time ever posting something here. I'm nervous lol. So yeah, this is my first story on this site (I spend most of my time at aff or the other site) I'm still new to this, so please guide me well. Ciao~

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