Lost soul

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I'm still trying to comprehend the situation yet I couldn't think of any reasonable answer to my problem. I wish someone could just come and tell me that this is all a joke, a terrible one. Or maybe a prank to welcome me back to school even though using someone dear to me as a prank would seem like an awful idea— I would've still believed it.

"Are you going to ignore me now?"

Ah~ The voice is so similar to him. How can this be a joke or prank? I don't know what to feel anymore. Ever since I saw him in that building, I've totally lost it.

"I'm so happy that someone finally noticed me. I've been alone for... as long as I can remember! Though I only existed months ago..."

"Are you dead?" I asked the blond boy. He's been following me since we left the old building.

"Well, I don't know. I must be right? Since no one but you could see me. Hey, you called me Naruto earlier. I'm guessing that 'Naruto' must've been my name."

"You don't remember who you are?" I asked again, this time a bit shocked that Naruto could remember his own name. Does dead people forget their own names after they died?

"No, I don't have any memories of myself when I still alive. That's why I just wandering around, watching people... who are you anyway?"

"I'm just someone you knew." I decided to say it like that because to be honest, I also don't know what am I to Naruto. Did he acknowledged me back then?

"Oh I thought that we must've been very close because you cried when you first saw me, but that's not it I guess." Naruto seemed sad when he said that. "Man, I wonder what was I like when I still alive?"

You're a wonderful kid, a ball of sunshine that lit up someone's life with your smiles. You attracted attentions wherever you go. You always stands up for what you believe in and never be swayed by others. That's how you were before.

I wish I could show him pictures but I realized that I burned it all a few days ago so there's no trace of him left with me. I might be lying one or two things about him but it better this way, perhaps I could bring him to his apartment later?

"Do I have a family?"

He continues asking me questions about his past life. I almost smiled at that because it looks like he still a chatterbox. "I'm not sure, but you're currently living with your aunt. She's the headmistress of the school." I said while looking at him fondly. "I could bring you to her if you wanted, perhaps you want to see your grave? I'm sorry I shouldn't say that to- shit."


"Come to think of it, I never visited your grave, heck I didn't even knew where it was!" I've been busy with mourning over your death that I forgot to ask your friend or your aunt.

"Then let's see her?"

Naruto's suggestion made me immediately rose from where I was seating. That's right! Why didn't I see her? She might have the answer. I was about to leave when I saw Neji looking so lost and scared at the same time.

"Sasuke why are you talking alone? Are you alright?" Neji came with concerned looks. It turns out he's been watching me from a distance and became quite worried when he keep seeing me talking to the the thin air.

"Neji, do you believe in ghosts? Not the scary ones but the lost ones... it's like they have nowhere to go to and ended up wandering around." I asked him out of sudden while walking side by side with the Hyuga.

"I never thought about that..."

When Neji seemed unsure to my question, I continued, "He existed but no one noticed him."

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