Chapter 4

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Being back to school is a drag, but it also means that we only have a month left of school and then the summer. It's a double edged sword for me, because I'm looking forward to the summer, but Dorien will be leaving for college in August and I do not look forward to being away from him for long periods of time. School goes on as usual until one day, this girl comes up to me and pulls me to the side. Her name is Sunny and I know of her, but we had never really talked. "I know that we don't know each other, but I have something to tell you." She says to me. I give her a questioning glance and tell her to go ahead. "I heard Raine talking the other day and she said that she was going to get you back if it is the last thing she does. I just wanted to warn you so you could watch your back." I ask her did Raine say why she disliked me so much other than the whole video incident. She says no that she just say that she will get me back. I thank her and let her know that I will definitely watch my back.

The next week during gym class, we are playing soccer. I'm running and kicking the ball down to the other goal when I get tripped by someone. I get up while trying to dust myself off, when all of a sudden this girl grabs my elbows and pulls my arms back behind me. While I'm struggling with her, I feel a pair of cleats dig into my foot. I yelp and turn my head back forward. Raine looks at me and says, "It's payback time, bitch," and with as much force as she can, she kicks her right foot cleats and all into my shin. I feel something crack as I hit the ground with a scream. She walks away like nothing happened. I start to grab my shin, but that hurts more, so I grab my leg above my knee and the tears start falling. The gym teacher and a few girls come running over to see what happened. When they see the cleat marks in my leg and the funny angle that my leg is hanging, my gym teacher kneels down beside me. When he touches my leg, I scream from the pain. He sends one of the girls to the office to call the ambulance. While we're waiting for the ambulance to arrive, the office also calls my mom to meet us at the hospital.

The ambulance and police arrive quickly. They examine my leg and lay me on the stretcher after putting a temporary splint on my leg. As they were wheeling me out, I hear my name being called. I look up and see Dorien trying to get by the police to get to me. They won't let him by. I start sobbing louder and ask the paramedic to let him by so he can ride to the hospital with me. The paramedic looks at me starting to get hysterical and sends someone to have them let Dorien through so he can ride with me. He holds my hand all the way to the hospital and inside until they take me in an area that's restricted. He goes to the waiting room to talk to my mom.


While sitting in class, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. Making sure my teacher isn't looking, I pull it out of my pocket and look at it. There's a text from Zosia's mom:

I just got a call from the school. What happened to Zosia?

I didn't know that anything had happened. About that time I hear sirens coming closer and grab my things and run out of the classroom while my teacher is yelling at me to get back in my seat. I run out of the building to the field where they are holding gym class and see them putting her on a stretcher. They put something on her leg. I try to run to her but the police hold me back. I start trying to push through. I yell, "Zose! What's going on?" She turns and sees me trying to get through the police to her. She starts pulling on the paramedics arm and pointing at me. He says something about getting her to the hospital. After trying to talk them to come and get me, she starts sobbing hysterically before they could put her in the ambulance, so one of the paramedics ends up coming over and has the police let me in through I can go with her.

I text her mom: I am with her in the ambulance. It looks like she has a broken leg.

She texts back: On the way to the hospital. Meet you there.

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