She's fierce but fears

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"Mommy!" cried Valya when she noticed her mother holding back a pained scream.
"Rose? Roza? Honey, please! What's wrong?" I couldn't hide my own worry and anguish. She'd suffered a horrid migraine on the flight to Court, but now that we'd landed temporarily at Martinsville Regional... words couldn't describe.
"Mommy!" sobbed a scared Valya.
"Go. Away," she bit out. "Just. Go. Away! Make them go away!" Her fingernails were digging into the skin of her hands so hard she was drawing blood. Without any warning she blacked out.

My millions of questions weren't answered until later that Moroi night when Rose woke in the infirmary. Hours later.
"Roza, please," I begged, "what's going on?"
"You wouldn't believe me," she whispered and shook her head in an adamant refusal.
"I believe we can somehow have kids, I believe our eldest daughter has travelled through time to be placed in our care. I think I can believe whatever this is." My eyes met hers pleadingly.
Rose pressed her eyes shut then opened them a few far-too-long moments later. "Ghosts. Lissa's family, guardians from the raid, others I didn't recognise..." she stopped suddenly, gulping for air and shaking, "and... and Valya. She's older, but I'm certain it's her. And-" a legitimate Sob escaped her, "and, oh god! Dimitri, she was barely my current age! Her throat was ripped and the fear in her eyes! She died absolutely terrified! I failed her. As a mother. Somewhere in the future, I failed our eldest daughter!"
"Shh..." I cooed and wrapped her in my arms. "Shh..." I didn't want her over-thinking it. "Things can always change, time- with her at least- can be rewritten."
"Not this! Death is a fixed point in time."

Rose was released with what felt like a million and one conditions. Her field experience was only running for three days now and she had nights off. Sundays she had to go to see a counsellor. The other three weekdays she spent training with me and bonding with our daughter. She was still shaken the next Sunday when she came to find me in the Academy's chapel. Valya was spending the pre-curfew hours with Lissa and co..

"But what if she's right, Dimka? What if there is something wrong with the wards? Now and whatever's happening in the future where Valya dies? It makes some sense."
"I know, Roza, I know." I pulled her onto my lap and into my chest and ran a hand through her hair while leaving my lips lingering on the top of her head. "But if the wards are fully down you should always feel like you did on the plane at Martinsville."

The next Sunday Yuri, Celeste and I sprung a test on her and her cluster of classmates. After a long battle with her- I had an elbowed eye to prove it- she had me pinned and 'staked'. Our bodies were so close and we were breathing in a way that a sparring match hadn't made us for a long time. The last time we'd been breathing like this, looking at each other like this with such passion and love and pride and awe was back in our assigned room in the lodge. She was beautiful and I was proud of what she'd achieved. She was heavenly dressed in only her own skin while we did... things, but seeing and feeling her fight as she just had... it came close to being as remarkable. She did. She always would.

Then she was lifted from me. The real world came crashing down around us. Valya tried to jump into Rose's arms but Rose refused. She then tried to jump into mine. I told her Rose and I would hug her later once we were cleaned up.

A hidden past. (A Vampire Academy fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now