The ski trip showdown

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Our daughter loved her ski lesson to no end. I loved the images she sent me of her fun time while her parents were having fun taking each other's innocence.

That night we had a family dinner in our room, with my Dimka cooking. Valya was out like-a-light not too long after and Dimitri and I snuggled on the couch watching kids programs since it was early in the human morning.
"Thanks for suggesting the ski lessons, Daddy," I sighed and leaned more into the contact with my other half. "I know she chattered non-stop over how good it was, but you didn't see what I did. She truly did love and enjoy it.
"All good Mommy," my soulmate kissed my temple after running a hand through my hair and pulling me closer. "I love you. Both of you," he pulled me onto his lap and brought us into a heated kiss.
"I love you, my Dimka. Truly I do. More than you realise." That made our control snap again.

Every meal was switched between one with our group and family time. Valya loved every ski lesson and improved exponentially. Adrian Ivashkov made an appearance and was constantly asking after Liss.
"Little dhampir? What is with the toddler mini-me?" he asked as I brought Valya in from her ski lesson one night. My little girl was exhausted and asleep on my hip.
"Adrian, the two of us have names. And she's my daughter."
"So that's why you and Lissa ran?"
"No. She's way too young. She's not even conceived yet. She's my future daughter."
"What?" the Moroi looked totally confused.
"Her name is Valya and she is my daughter from the future."
"Oh! No. Way. Not the one survivor from the Badica attack?"
"Yes. She is."
"What's her name? Her full name."
I sighed before answering "Valya Belikova."
"As in? Your mentor's daughter? Hang on! What?! That's an impossible combination."
"She's my soulmate's daughter as well as mine. And yes, the combination is possible. I'm not normal, remember?"
"Yeah. Shadow-kissed abnormal."
"Hey! It simply means I'm lucky to be alive."

Another attack occurred two states away five days into the trip and the Moroi went into panic mode while the guardians went into investigation mode. It was three days later when information of a makeshift Strigoi "headquarters" in Spokane came through. And in that "headquarters" was a list of the Royal families, ranked in size order. As was a note about Valya and my other children-to-be. That sent me into panic mode. My family was being targeted and I had no clue what to do, or how to protect them.

As it was, Mase decided to go MIA with Eddie and Mia. We couldn't go after them until the day before we were due to leave. I made sure Dimitri stayed at the lodge with Valya. He was the best choice when it came to physically protecting her if trouble came. And he'd get the chance to watch her flaunt it on the slopes as the ski classes were being given the chance to "show off" before leaving. I be given a replay from my girl's perspective irrespective of me being there or retrieving the three missing teens.

Of my group of fifteen 'retrieval' guardians, I was the one left to battle the Ancient and his "sidekick". The other fourteen were spilt into two groups; one group waited outside to cope with the hostages, the other entered the house to sweep it and retrieve said hostages.
Those two damn Strigoi were bloody hard to fight. The "sidekick" was female, newly turned, and an ex-human. That being said, she was still a pain in the butt to try and find an advantage or edge to use against her. I eventually spotted two swords above the mantle piece and used one of them to pierce her heart and stun her.
The other I used to stun the Ancient. I used all my strength to send the blunt thing into his heart from the back. Once he'd fallen, I flipped him and promptly sent the stake through his heart. After quickly removing both objects from the male monster's heart, I was left with the stirring female to contend with. Oh, this was going to be fun. Not.
She was pissed, and out for my blood. She didn't get it, thank god. She'd even used the same dirty plays as Natalie; talking, insulting, slamming and threatening. I refused to let it do anything other than force me to focus on removing the threat which was her Strigoi existence. She even sank so low as to bring my child and family into it. It backfired on her because that was when I eventually got my shot at the heart and had her staked within milliseconds.
One last sweep through on my part resulted in another battle with another Ancient. This one didn't pull any punches. It was battle focused. She wanted me dead, enough said. She played dirty? Certainly. But it was only in the moves she used. She wasn't going to prolong the fight with senseless chatter which wouldn't distract me. I worked to earn my opening to her heart and took it before she realised what was happening. Done. One last sweep through both levels of the house had me giving it the 'all clear'.

I had had a team of fourteen others, yet none of them had reentered the house to give me back up. What the hell? Why had I been left to deal with it alone?
I soon found out. Three were restraining Mase, who wanted to come after me. Another two were restraining Mia because she was also trying to get back to the house-to help me by using her water magic. A different pair were looking after a 'used-as-a-blood-source' Eddie. Three were dealing with the three human assistants. Three of the remaining four were restraining Dimitri while Celeste, the only other female on the team, was entertaining and distracting Valya. Oh, he was in for it for bringing our daughter into the danger zone.
"Guys, release the fuming father and let me deal with him. You three keep an eye on Val." I stared my daughter's daddy down.Once he stopped struggling the guardians released him. Pulling him out of sight, and earshot, I switched roles and became the fuming one. "What were you thinking?!" I hissed in a whisper. "You practically handed her over to those who want her dead. You nearly enabled them to kill off our family before it's even been conceived."
"You're one to talk. You also put yourself at risk. Had-"
"Don't finish that sentence. If you hadn't turned up with her I would have had back-up if things turned bad. You took four team members I could have used as back up. Take a look inside and see the damage I had to do. Alone. Trust me, it was not easy. I was wondering where my back up was. Now I know." I sighed and gave up. I hated the idea of fighting with him like this. We didn't need to argue verbally when there was a bigger issue at hand. Was this the end of it? Had we protected our daughter and future family?

The answer? For now. Those three were considered as ringleaders. But our girl hadn't disappeared back into the future. It indicated there was another challenge or two headed our way before the future threat was removed, before it had a chance to become an issue and it became safe for us to return our baby back to our future selves. God, our life had become interesting.

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