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It started off as soft and gentle, full of love, but soon grew. It became hungry, still full of love but passion and need joined the mix. My hands found their way into his hair, released the ponytail and tugged. His hands gently caressed my face before sliding down my back to my hips as he pulled me closer and his tongue asked for entrance I gladly gave. My hands started exploring every inch of his torso, my nails digging into the small of his back. Every touch seared my soul, burned my body and made me yearn for him. I loved him with all my being, he loved me, and every touch told as much. How had I gotten so lucky? How was this man my other half? It didn't matter, only that he was mattered.

The only semblance of control we'd held around each other for the past six weeks was shattered in that moment. We eventually pulled back to breathe and pulled out of each other's contact. Both of us cringed at how cold and vulnerable we felt without the others touch.

"I love you, my Roza."

"I love you too, my Dimka."

"Now, go eat. I know you've got to be hungry."

My stomach decided to growl just then and we both laughed.

Dinner had just started, so I would get time with my friends. Not that I wanted them when I had Dimitri.

"Trying to get rid of me comrade?" I teased.

"Me? Never!"

"What-ever!" I grabbed my bag and left, calling "see ya, my Dimka!" over my shoulder before pushing my way out the door. God, I loved that man, my man.

"Rosie? What's with the sappy smile?" Mase called as I reached the cafeteria doors.

"Nothing. I didn't even realise I could be sappy! And I'm going to pretend you didn't call me Rosie." I was someone nobody expected me to be. I was Roza, I was Roza Mazur and I was Dimitri's.

"So? Spill! What's put that goofy grin on your face?"

"Oh. Just had a good, extended, training session." With my soul mate. I'd learned to stake, and just how thin my control was around Dimitri. And his around me.

"Extended hours with the antisocial god?" Eddie asked as he joined us in the line.

"Yeah. So? He's my mentor," god that felt wrong calling him that, "so that makes him my antisocial god. He moved me onto staking and I refused to leave until I was quickly, effectively, and efficiently getting through to the heart." Apparently I got deeper into his heart too.

"What?! He let you extend the hours? You kept him back?! And he stayed?!"

"Yeah, he did. Got a compliment out of him too." And so much more.

"You mean you impressed him?" Mase asked, completely gobsmacked.

"So? He took me on because he saw potential in me." Yeah right! He'd been acting on a protective instinct, he also saw potential but it was his protectiveness that was the driving force.


"Don't repeat 'but the man's a god' Mase. He's just like us, he's a person. He has flaws just like us." His barely-there control, me, his abusive father- just to name a few.

"You can't mean he actually talks?"

"Thinks, and feels? Yes. He does." And didn't I know it.

"Un-believable. Reckless Rose gets The Belikov to talk."

I shook my head, they didn't know the half of it. And I wasn't about to enlighten them either. I'd been back six weeks, and whipping their asses for two, I wasn't blowing our cover this early. I wasn't blowing it sky-high until a month after graduation- forty-six weeks away.

A hidden past. (A Vampire Academy fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now