A Hidden Past is revealed

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What had I just done?! I'd taken on Rose Hathaway as my student. The what wasn't really worrying me, the why, however, was.
She'd begged and pleaded with her eyes, she'd come straight to me for help. And I was powerless under that gaze, I had to help her. I had to keep her here, I couldn't lose her when I'd only just found her.
I had to protect her, look after her, keep her safe. I needed to be there for her, she was special, oh, so special, dangerous and full of energy and potential but it wasn't just that or the bond that made her special.
There was something different about her, something that pulled me to her. I could communicate with her on a different level, and I'd only known her for a matter of hours.
I saw how mature she could be, how much she truly understood her duty- even if she had to take reckless measures. I still wasn't sure why they'd run but I could gather it had been something major, something happened two years ago that neither girl was willing to talk about.

When I saw Rose Hathaway I saw a young woman willing to do anything to protect her Moroi, I saw a young woman who understood the personal side of guarding- to a level most guardians twice her age didn't- and I saw a considerable amount of my behaviour, attitude and dedication in her.

In our first session, after school, I'd told her more than I'd told anyone in a while. She'd picked up on my mood and had succeeded in trying to cheer me up. I was certain I hadn't let her see or hear my emotions and yet she'd, inexplicably, picked up on them. She'd read me. And, by god, did that scare me. She scared me.

There was only one thing I could do. Ring Mama.
"Dimka! It's been too long." She answered energetically.
"Hey Mama. I've rung because I need your help."
"Uh oh. That's never a good introduction. What's going on baby?"
"Do you know of Rose Hathaway?"
"Yes. You've been searching for her and the Princess haven't you?"
"And found them. And saved her ass from expulsion... She's my student."
"Mama. I had to. I had to protect her. I couldn't let her be sent away when I'd just found her. She scares me Mama, she can see through my mask. She can get me to talk. She- she came straight to me for help. She pleaded with me, just in her eyes, and I was powerless under her gaze. I look at her and I don't see what others see. I see my passion, dedication and understanding. I see both her potential and her true character. It's scaring me Mama. She's my student but..."
"She shouldn't be. She shouldn't be just your student, Dimka. She's not meant to be. You connect with her for a reason, you're protective of her for a reason, you took her on for a reason. She's not supposed to play that role in your life. I don't just know of her Dimka. I know her. You know her, your Babushka knows her, Sonya and Karo know her. Even Vika. She's a secret child Dimka. One you've been involved with protecting from the moment she was born."
"What?" I asked, completely stunned. "I what?" Surely I'd heard wrong.
"Does 'my Roza', 'my Dimka' and 'Roza and Dimka', 'The Romitri' ring a bell?"
I gasped. It did. It did sound familiar. "Yes. I can't place it, but yes. It does ring a bell."
"You named her, you know."
"I what?"
"You named her. Her Russian name, you named her. Her parents changed it when Janine took her to America, but you gave her her Russian name. Roza. She's your Roza."
I couldn't believe my ears. I named the Rose Hathaway. She was Russian by birth? She was a secret child?
"Whose secret child is she? What was her Russian name?"
"Roza Mazur. She's zmey's secret daughter."
"Oh boy. No wonder. No wonder, she has his looks and personality. His dangerous attitude and roundabout logic."
"And has you wrapped around her pinkie. She's yours, Dimka. Her first word was Dimka. Her first steps led her into your arms. Neither of you were happy without the other around. As soon as you were home from school she was in your arms, and practically never left them. Get her back. Her past has been kept a secret from her. You're going to have to work for her, but don't give up. Don't give up, don't turn your back, and most importantly- don't push her away. It's the last thing she needs. She needs you, and you need her. And don't let Tasha Ozera near her. She remembers, she remembers you choosing Rose over her time-and-again. When you choose Rose this time she stays by your side."
"No surprise there- she's to be my guarding partner when she graduates. And I will make sure she graduates." I ended with absolute resolution. The woman would graduate, to be better than me and Lissa's near guard- if it killed me.
"No. Dimka, not just in that sense. When you choose her this time, when she chooses you, it's forever. You two will be tied to each other for forever."
She couldn't mean I'd... "You can't mean...? You can't mean I'd marry her? I'm the one who swore to never fall in love. Me, married?"
"Yes, and you're forgetting a crucial word in that personal mantra you came up with. 'Again'. It was meant to be I'll never fall in love again. Losing her when Janine moved her tore you to pieces. You were eleven when she was ripped away and it tore you to pieces. That mantra has a double meaning when you add 'again'."
"'Again' as in 'I'll never fall in love with anyone else'. And as in 'I'll never put my heart through the pain of losing her again'. And here I was thinking it was all about focusing on duty."
"As a distraction. You became all about duty after she was ripped from you. You changed when she was born, and again when she was removed."
"She's mine? She's always been mine?"
"Yes. She is. She has. You need to fight for her. Yeva's already sent some things you need to see. She sent them about a week ago. You should have them by tomorrow at the latest."
I had to chuckle. "Snail mail. Russia to America style. Typical Babushka."
Mama laughed lightly. "Snail mail, Russia to America courier style. It's a sizeable delivery." I could just see her smile.
"I miss you Mama. All of you."
"I bet you do. I bet you do, but you're not allowed home without her."
"Mama. Really? Seriously?"
"Yes. She is your home, you're hers. You'll understand soon enough."
I sighed. "I love you Mama, but sometimes you can be as elusive as Babushka."
"Ahh. That's a parent's prerogative. And something you'll understand in time. It will happen. Your Babushka has seen that too. The impossible family... the impossible family is yours."
"No." I breathed in utter disbelief. "I get her? And a family? Our family?"
"Yes. You get the impossible."

A hidden past. (A Vampire Academy fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now