Chapter 7

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A/N- First off I want to say thank you for your votes & comments :) I love reading your comments and seeing you guys vote so please don’t forget to! Second, there will be a sequel. I was deciding whether or not to do one but I’ve decided to do one! And third I don’t know when this chapter will be up because I’m out at my lake and the internet out here sucks! 27 votes until chapter 8 so vote vote vote! Enjoy xo

“Kendall Austin’s at the door!” My eyes fluttered open. Did she just say what I think she said? “What?” I yelled back. “Austin’s here!” She yelled back. I threw the blankets off of me, ran over to my dresser put on a little makeup, threw my hair in a bun and pulled on some lace shorts and a cute top that I bought from Brandy Melville when I went on vacation with my parents to New York a few years back. “Coming!” I yelled. I ran downstairs to see Austin standing by the door with a box in his hand. “Hey!” I said walking towards him. “What are you doing here?” I questioned. “I felt mad about your shoe last night so uhh—“He handed me the box. I gave me a questioning look then opened the box. Inside was a pair of the same heels that I was wearing last night. “Austin! You didn’t have to!” I cried pulling him into a hug. He smiled; clearly proud of himself which made me laugh. “How did you know what kind of shoes I was wearing?” I asked. “I guessed.” He smiled and I couldn’t help but smile back. “Do you want to come in?” I asked. “I can’t. I have work.” I was actually kind of disappointed. I really didn’t have any other plans for the day. “Oh.” I trailed off. “But I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go to the fair on the pier tonight? I would pick you up from work if you wanted.” A smile spread across my face. Although I just met Austin, he had made more than an effort to make me happy, which really did make me generally happy. Danny never put this much effort in even after knowing him for weeks and being with him for weeks too. Thinking about him killed me. I was so angry at him, I hated him. Here I had this wonderful boy who had only known me for 48 hours and had already given me so much and I was thinking about Danny, a self-absorbed jerk that screwed around with every girl like they were just a toy. “I’d love to.” I agreed. I actually liked Austin, but if Danny got jealous along the way then it makes it all the better.

I turned off the tv that was playing keeping up with the kardashians season 7. I had watched every single season all day. Productive. I thought to myself as I left the house for work. This was the first day since Danny and I broke things off that I was excited and happy to go to work. I couldn’t wait to see Danny’s face when he saw me happier than ever. Also when he sees Austin picking me up.

When I got inside Danny and Lindsey were making out in the back while everyone else was on the floor busting their asses off. I rolled my eyes. Even though I was fuming with jealousy I had to show him I didn’t care. Both of them. Neither of them were going to get to me. Soon enough it would be his turn to be fuming in jealousy.

“I’ll see you tonight baby.” Lindsey winked at Danny as he was leaving. His shift was done and he was leaving for the night. He grabbed her butt and she laughed. He pulled her into a hug and then left. She gave me a smirk then went to another table in her section and served a couple who just sat done. I couldn’t control myself anymore. I had no control over what was happening next as I walked over to her. My jealousy taking control. “Lindsey.” I said aggressively. The couple sitting down turned their attention towards me but Lindsey continued on with their order. “Lindsey” I said again, this time pushing her around to look at me. “What?” she spat. “Listen you slut. I don’t know who you think you are but you need to stay away from Danny. He doesn’t love you.” I yelled. I couldn’t believe I was doing this. I couldn’t just back away now , but it took everything inside of me to stand my ground. “Listen bitch.” She mimicked me. “I don’t know who you think you are coming into this place thinking you’re going threaten me. You think Danny loves you and not me? Then why is he with me?” She had a smirk on her face that I was completely ready to smack off of her face. I didn’t care if I lost my job anymore. I lunged forward and got my hand ready to swing at her face when someone from behind grabbed me. “Let me go!” I cried. The person dragged me out of the restaurant, grabbing my stuff on the way out. “Physco!” I heard Lindsey yell. “Let of me!” I cried again. When I calmed down the person let go. I spun around to see it was Austin. Clearly ready to pick me up for our date. “Austin, I am so sorry I –“ He cut me off. “Don’t worry about it. The slut deserved it.” We both giggled at his true remark. “So are you ready for that date?” He questioned with a smile on his face. “Absolutely.”

“She’s such a bitch! I can’t believe she would say that! That smirk she gave me too! The slut!” I couldn’t help but rant to Austin about Lindsey. He actually listened to me. Every single word. “You know you’re pretty strong for a girl.” He stated. I ignored it and continued on. “If you weren’t there I swear I would have—“ I stopped as Austin cupped my face in his hands and planted a sweet kiss on my lips. I didn’t want him to pull away and when he did I was disappointed. I pulled him in for another kiss. It was interrupted when he was knocked to the ground. “Austin!” I cried. On top of him was Danny punching him in the face repeatedly. “Danny stop!” I cried. I leaned over and tried pulling Danny off but he was way too strong, there was no way I would be able to pull him off. “Help!” I cried. In a matter of seconds a few guys came and pulled Danny off. I kneeled down beside Austin and tried wiping some of the blood off of his face with a few tissues I had in my purse. Standing over top of us was Danny and the guys who pulled him off, still holding him back. I grabbed Austin’s hand and helped lift him up. “I never want to see you again!” I yelled in Danny’s face. I hated him more than ever. I truly meant what I said. I never wanted to see Danny’s face ever again.

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