Chapter 4

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A/N- I’m actually really excited to write this :) This is like the chapter where everything changes! Thank you so much for reading & thanks you to those who have voted/commented! Means the world to me! If you’re reading this please vote/comment! I love it when you do :) anyways, enjoy xo!


After Danny & I finished cleaning up the place we sat in one of the booths both eating the last two pieces of cake from the kitchen. “I’m sorry.” He suddenly said. Suddenly catching me off guard, I almost spit out the cake I was currently chewing on. “For what?” I questioned. “For coming on to you so strongly at the beach and also tonight.” He looked at me with question to see if I was going to say something, but I was waiting to see what else he had to say for himself. “I know I have a bit of a reputation around here but I didn’t come on to you because of what you think. You’re different and I like you. I like you a lot.” What he said kind of made me question. We hadn’t really spent a lot of time together since we met. “You like me? You barley know me?” I said half questioning him. “I can tell you’re not like the girls who would throw themselves at any guy like most of the girls around here, you have respect and I’ve spent enough time with you to like you.” I felt butterflies fill my stomach and my head started to spin. Danny seemed nothing like what Katy said, but if he was, what scared me most was that deep down I felt the same towards him.

“Oh my god!” I cried as I checked my phone. It was 7:39 am. “It’s 7:39!” I jumped up to grab my jacket and head out the door when Danny quickly jumped up behind me. “I’ll see you later!” I said running out the door. “Wait!” I heard him call. “You forgot something.” I turned around. “What?” “This.” He pressed his lips to mine. I kissed him back. When he pulled away I was kind of disappointed. “See you later.” He whispered in my ear. I smiled to myself then headed out the door towards the house.

I couldn’t help but continue to think about last night. I had literally stayed up all night spilling everything to Danny and him spilling everything to me. I told him about my parent’s death and how that’s how I was really here. I told him every story with my parent’s and even cried. When I did he grabbed me in his arms. I felt safe in his arms, like nothing could hurt me, like the pain I was feeling seconds before. He explained to me how when he was younger his dad left him and his mom. He said that ever since then he’d just taken his anger out on girls because he always believed it was his mom’s fault for his dad leaving. Hence him sleeping with every waitress at The Crab. He also explained why Lindsey hated me so much. “She’s jealous of you. Your pretty, smart, nice. She can clearly see I look at you differently than other girls.” He had said. He said Lindsey and him used to have a thing but she never really got over him.

I walked up to the house and sighed. I knew I was about to be in for an earful and she would probably never let me work late again. “Oh thank god!” I heard as I stepped into the front door. “I was so worried about you! Where were you? Were you with Katy?” I knew my aunt way too well. Why couldn’t she be one of those parental figures that just didn’t care and let me do what I wanted? “I was at work. I stayed late to help Danny clean up and then we just ended up talking.” I could see my aunt relax. She pulled me into a tight hug. “Next time call or even text!” She cried. “As long as you’re ok.” For the first time I didn’t have to lie when I said I was ok, more than ok even. “I’m great auntie.” “Good.” She replied. “Why are you up so early anyways?” I asked. She was never up this early ever. “I got home late last night and when I saw you weren’t home I stayed up until you did.” I felt really bad. I should have told her I was out at The Crab but it didn’t really occur to me to do so. “I promise I will call or text next time.” I said. “Good. Now what do you want for breakfast? Bacon and hash browns?” I nodded in agreement. That was always my favourite for breakfast.

After eating I got a text from Katy. “Come down to the beach at 1. I have a surprise for you.” Great, I thought to myself. What was Katy up to now?

“Katy I am not surfing!” I cried. I was never really a girl who loved water. I learned to swim when I was 12 because my parents made me. “Come on! Everyone does it! I just want to teach you how.” She pleaded. “I just ate I’ll get a cramp and I could die.” She stared at me with this blank deer in headlights look. “Kendall that’s a myth.” I sighed. “Fine.” I said in agreement. “But this is the one and only time.”

For a while I was actually doing pretty well. She taught me the basics and then I started riding some waves. Starting small but I actually was beginning to ride some pretty big ones. I looked across the horizon to see if any good waves were coming in. When I finally spotted one I headed out towards it. When I was on top of it, from across the water I saw Danny on the beach watching us. “Hey beautiful!” He called. “You’re doing great!” “Hey beautiful?” I heard Katy question. Just as I was about to say something back I fell off my board and fell head first in the water. As soon as I reached the top of the water I was pulled under by a current. Then another one and another one and soon everything around me slowing turned black.

“Kendall?” I heard a distant voice ask. “Kendall are you okay?” That voice a little closer. It was for sure Katy. When everything finally focused in around me I looked up to see a wet Katy and Danny standing over top of me. “What happened?!” I cried quickly sitting up. “Hey.” Danny pushed me back down on my back. “Don’t sit up too quickly.” I instantly protested. “I’m fine Danny but what happened?”  Again sitting up and again him pushing me back down. “Kendall, I’m a lifeguard. Listen to me ok?” This time I didn’t protest and just laid where I was. “What happened?” I asked once again. “You were pulled under a current. Good thing Danny was here. He saved you.” I looked from Danny to Katy. “I knew you were good for something.” I joked. Katy and Danny both burst into laughter. “I think you’ll be ok. Here.” He stood up and extended his hand for me to grab. When I stood on my feet I got a little bit of whiplash. “Woah there.” Danny said. I hadn’t realized I fell into his arms. “Take it easy ok?” I nodded. “I have to go. I’ll see you later.” We kissed and he ran off to wherever he needed to be. I couldn’t help but smile. When I turned around Katy was glaring at me. “What was that all about?” I had completely forgotten about telling Katy that Danny and I were kind of a little more than friends. “I am so sorry; I completely forgot to tell you! How about we grab some lunch and I’ll fill you in on the details!” I cried. I couldn’t wait to tell her. “I’ll pass. How could you do that to me?” I was so token back I thought I was going to faint. “What do you mean?” I asked. “I warned you about him!” She snapped. “And you knew I hooked up with him and liked him once before! How could you?” She yelled. “I didn’t mean to hurt you I didn’t know I—“ “Save it!” She cut me off. “Screw you Kendall.” She stormed off onto the boardwalk and went only god knows where. What had just happened?

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